
to Hannah's blog. Hannah, a happy healthy 7 year old was diagnosed on January 30, 2007 with medulloblastoma, a malignant brain tumor.

It's new

I know it's new, and lots of junk still here, but it's a new template I'm trying out. Still lots of work to do, we'll see!!

Friday, March 30

Here is a picture of Hannah in her room at her wall of art. The nurses call her room the artist room, now you can see why. You may not be able to see it, but Hannah has her Yankee shirt on, and this morning she was wearing not 1, but 2 Yankee hats. She gets a kick out of all the comments she gets from the Boston fans here. It's that time of year, everyone is gearing up for opening day and Red Sox baseball.

Treatment #17 today, it feels good to be on the downside of the mountain, but we are beginning to see the cumulative effects of the radiation. Hannah has developed burn spots, which are raw spots on her head where the skin is thin from the large doses of radiation. I liken it to getting a bad sunburn at the beach over and over, until your skin just starts to wear away in certain spots. Her head itches too, so then she rubs it, and that's not good for the whole situation. They gave us some new cream today, and assured us that this is normal. We were told when we started that most kids develop some type of skin reaction and then have to have a break from the treatment. We're hoping that doesn't happen since she can't really afford much of a break due to the kind of tumor Hannah had. Again, we just take one day at a time and hope and pray for the best. It's Friday, so we have a 2 day break from the radiation and 2 days to heal. She is doing so well with her boost treatments. I take her in, and within 20 minutes they are wheeling her back out, smiling! It's such a difference from before. I'm so proud of her.

Hannah is just beginning to realize that after radiation when we return home, she isn't done. She asked me if they were going to take her port out before we left Boston, so we talked a bit about the chemotherapy and that she will need to get some medicine through her port when we get home. I don't even know that much about the chemotherapy yet, so I can only tell her a little right now, and that's all she needs to know. Again, one day at a time, hope and pray for the best.



  1. Anonymous said...

    Just a few more days Hannah and then you're back home with Mom, Dad, Colby, Riley, and the rest of your friends. You are doing so well!!! I am however deeply distressed that your father is making you wear Yankee shirts everyday! No worries, Astros gear is on the way!
    Keep smiling and keep up the great job you are doing!!

    Love Uncle Mike

  2. Anonymous said...

    Hey Hannah!! I'm so glad to see that you are doing so well! I LOVE your art wall! Maybe you and Colby can help me decorate the walls of my new house when you get back home, they are completely empty and white(ew).

    <3 Erin

  3. Anonymous said...

    Hi Hannah!

    Just logged on to see how you were doing today. I'm so glad to see that Abby and Mrs. Graeb are coming to visit you. The chocolate chip cookies looked delicious...I started baking when I was your age. The wall in your room looked great with plenty of horses on it. I hope your head starts to feel better, I know how much it hurts to have sunburn on your head! Can't wait until you come home!
    Love Mrs. Krause

  4. Anonymous said...

    Hi Hannie: We arrived at your house last night. Riley was so excited to see us. We took him for a long walk today and he wants to chase every squirrel he sees!! Then we walked him down to the end of the dock and it was a good thing Grampa had him on a leash because he wanted to jump in and swim with the swans. The one swan came really close to us. I think he thought we were going to feed him!!
    Wait until Grampa gets there on Thursday---he will have on his Cubs hat--how about that?
    I love your art wall. I'm glad you get to keep up your art work. You always make such nice things for everyone.
    Can't wait to see you on Thursday. I will be baking your lemon cake on Wed. and don't tell Mommy, but I am bringing extra whipped cream frosting for her with some graham crackers. One of her favorites. Mommy need presents too, right??!!
    Keep up the good work sweetie. We are all so proud of you.
    Miss you lots.
    Grampa and Gramma

  5. Anonymous said...

    Dear Hannah and Kim
    I am so happy to hear that the Boston ites did not win you over and you're still on the Yankee side with your shirt. Love your art wall. Very Bright and cherry. I did not realize you love horses so much. Before you know youll be able to ride again.
    Glad to know you have time off from your radiation treatments. Have a good rest for the weekend. Eat some ice cream that always makes me feel better!!!
    Keep going forward no looking back one day and one step at a time.
    I finally found out what a webkinz is now I need to see one and really understand what this is about. Hope you are enjoying yours.
    Kim thank you for you note (not necessary though you know.) Just know you are always in my heart and in my prayers. May you continue on this journey with steadfast determination to win the fight. May God continue to grace you with peace and strength.
    Look forward to your return to pilates and I hope to someday master the back roll over for you to see.
    Talk soon.
    Love, hugs and kisses to you all
    Love & Blessings,
    Mrs. Baker ( lynnis)

  6. kristin said...

    hannah! : )
    im soo proud of you on being so strong and brave through everything; you are my hero. your wall looks amazing, you were born an artist! as you know, im not that good of a drawer, and i can always count on you to make me a beautiful picture. also, i want to thank you for my card that i recieved today, it made me smile after reading it and knowing how well you are doing. im soo excited to see you when you get home, just a few more days. Keep smiling and continue the awesome job that you are doing<33

    lots of love,
    Kristin : )

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