
to Hannah's blog. Hannah, a happy healthy 7 year old was diagnosed on January 30, 2007 with medulloblastoma, a malignant brain tumor.

It's new

I know it's new, and lots of junk still here, but it's a new template I'm trying out. Still lots of work to do, we'll see!!

Tuesday, Sept 4, 2007

Hannah started round 6 today at the clinic. All went well, and she experienced no symptoms. They also gave her another drug, an antibiotic to reduce the risk of infection from pneumonia. She hasn't had it yet during treatment, and the details were a bit sketchy today, so I will speak more with her doctor next week about.

Tonight she broke out with a rash on her chest and stomach. I called in just to be sure, and we're just watching it for now, no other symptoms. It's most likely a reaction to the antibiotic.

Her white counts were quite a bit lower than last week, reds looked good. Not too low to get the chemo though, so one week down out of the four. We'll see how the counts look next week.

Hannah also received a package this week from her friend Jake in Chicago. It was a group of cards from his class last year of 3rd graders with well wishes for Hannah. We had quite a fun time reading through all of them. Some of our favorites were "your heart and soul are valiant and so are you", "I have a pet hamster that bites me", "I'm sorry about your brain" and "I am very sympathetic in your illness" and many other fun cards. She loved getting those, thanks to Jake and Sue!

xoxo Kim


  1. Written by Mommy with all her love said...

    If it is the once a month antibiotic Alec had it during radiation. He couldn't have his 3 days a week of Bactrim because it lowered his counts. Maybe the chemo she started also had this kind of effect. During Radiation Alec was on Tomador (temozolimide) I am sorry my spelling on some chemo meds are really off, even using good old fashioned phonics :0)

  2. Anonymous said...

    Hi there! I'm sorry about your rash....those aren't fun! Again, lots of ice cream and popsicles cure many things Hannah, so be sure to ask for those.

    Those cards sound great - you are valiant - that is such a great word for you!

    I hope your week goes well and thanks for sharing all of your stories and pictures. You've had so many adventures this summer - I love reading about them!

    Love you all lots and lots!

    Your Cousin Angela

  3. Anonymous said...

    Well Miss Hannah Banana 3rd Grader extrordinaire! Good luck in school tomorrow. I know that you will be fabulous....hey you already are!
    Mrs. V

  4. cildar said...

    Dear Hannah,
    We were thinking of you today on your first day of school. We are sure that all your friends were very happy to see you. It sounds like your vacation to Pennsylvania was a lot of fun and we hope you were able to bring home some of the Hershey bars. Our favorite is the dark chocolate Hershey bar. We were at the Mass General Hospital today and we thought of you at the proton center with the Yankees hat and shirt, but mostly we thought about your wonderful smile. It has been a busy summer here in MA. Now our daughter, her husband and their two children are visiting from London.
    Love, The man from Boston with all the Hats.

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