
to Hannah's blog. Hannah, a happy healthy 7 year old was diagnosed on January 30, 2007 with medulloblastoma, a malignant brain tumor.

It's new

I know it's new, and lots of junk still here, but it's a new template I'm trying out. Still lots of work to do, we'll see!!

Monday, Dec. 17, 2007


Or, as Hannah puts it, she is done (you're not the one with cancer mom). Everyone loved the sweatshirt, and she was so happy to let everyone sign it, front and back. Here are Rob, and Antonelle, both signing.

Hannah also had fun passing out all of the potholders she had made. We should say thank you to Colby too for all of her help. The fun lasted up until the time it came to access her. I hope this is the last one for a very long time. Her counts were down quite a bit, but still adequate. We will return to clinic on Monday, Christmas Eve, to be sure she doesn't need a transfusion or the daily shots again, let's hope not. That would be another great Christmas gift.

Hannah was pretty angry that she had to stay accessed today. She hates to come home with the needle in, since it's very uncomfortable, and she doesn't sleep well with it in. She won't use her left hand and keeps her left arm in a bent position while she is accessed. Tomorrow we go back for a full brain and spine MRI, and she needs dye for contrast, so they will use her port for that since she is accessed. We should have those results on Wednesday. There should be no reason to expect that they would be anything but good again, but of course the PMS (pre MRI syndrome) is setting in again tonight. After the MRI we will go back over to clinic so they can deaccess her and she can have the use of her arm back.

The NY Islanders were visiting the hospital today for their annual holiday visit. At first Hannah did not want to see them, since it was time to leave, and she was crying that she was too tired. That was fine, but at the last minute she changed her mind. We met #89 Mike Comrie, #13 Bill Guerin (team captain) and #8 Bruno Gervais. There were two other players there also whom we didn't get to talk to, and a herd of reporters and cameramen. Bruno was especially nice, and spent a bit of time talking to Hannah. He gave her a game (Operation, which she LOVES) and a really nice Islander blanket also. This was perfect timing, and really cheered her up.

I would like to announce that now that chemo is over a big weight has been lifted, we are so happy, life is "normal" again. It's very strange, maybe it just hasn't sunk in yet since we are still in the midst of all of this. I think once her counts start to stabilize, and the appointments start to get further and further apart, maybe it will feel differently. In truth, this is never over. This is another hurdle that Hannah has conquered. It's a big one and it feels good.

xoxo Kim


  1. Anonymous said...

    Well done to Hannah, her sister, Dad and Mom! - great to know this part is over and you are now able to look forward to the next steps of getting better.

    Have a merry merry christmas and good luck figuring out the really secret santa you all have.

    If only 3 can read, think out of the box - maybe the 4th family member is a non-human? Not an inside hint but just a thought I had

    Rest up so that you are ready for the big surprise and the upcoming visit from Santa!

    Well done all - we are all thrilled for each of you.

    Merry Christmas

  2. momofthree said...

    Hi Hannah,

    We're all so happy for you that you're done with chemo. You've been such an inspiration to so many people this past year as you went through all this. I hope Santa brings you and Colby everything you asked for on Christmas.

    Love from Mrs. Purick, Jessica and her brothers, Kevin and Chris

  3. Anonymous said...

    Well congratulations Hannah, and to everyone who has helped you through this. And remember all the tests that are in your future are just ways to make sure all this VERY hard work you have gone thru to get you here keeps you well!!! And that is my Christmas wish for you, a lifetime of wellness, now and forever!! So when it is time for a little old test, just close your eyes and think, this is just to keep me well!!

    Merry Christmas to all the Prokops, family and friends!! And here is to a very beautiful 2008!!!
    With love, Anne Salice

  4. Anonymous said...

    Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hannah we are helping you celebrate in Texas and wishing you the very best. You have conquered the hardest part. All our love to you, Colby, mommy and daddy.

    Love Aunt Paige

  5. Anonymous said...

    Way to go Hannah--

    Sydney is very excited to see you and I am hoping that you all will have a great Christmas. I am sorry that I will not be there but I will be thinking about you guys every day. We love you lots and you are still in our prayers that every test from now on will be a little bit easier.

    Lots of Love,


  6. Anonymous said...

    Hallelujah! You are all to be commended for a job well done! Hannah Banana...I cannot tell you enough how proud everyone is of you...your strength, your perseverance (ask mom what that means) and your plain determination. Not to mention how cute you are! (-:
    You all,mom, dad, Colby,you Hannah and yes even Riley and Tod are truly the most amazing people. God Bless you all and here's to the most amazing and wonderful Christmas ever!
    Love you ALL
    Mrs. V.

  7. Anonymous said...

    Dear Hannah Love,
    Hip Hip Horray!!! I was so excited to know you came through you last chemo yesterday and then able to attend girl scouts. Not much stops you. I will continue to pray for your healing and that much sunshine and happiness fills your household in the days to come. Remember though to continue getting your rest and eat as best you can.
    Hannah, you truly have been an inspiration to so many others. Always giving of yourself with fund raiser and making things and of course those coookies. Now give Mom a break on the cookie making.
    To the whole family, this too has been a tough journey for you all to deal with. Now I pray that you can move forward day by day with a light shining through that tunnel and you continue to conquer all.
    May you enjoy your time with family this Christmas and believe in faith and healing to see you through. You will always be on my heart and in my prayers.
    I can not wait to hear of the secret santa who ever you are what an awesome fun gift for the Prokop family.
    Kim, thank you so much for sharing this blog everyday through this terrible journey. I know how difficult this must have been for you but I felt so much closer to all of you and to be part of Hannah treatment time. You will be such a help to many others. May God continue to bless you and your family. You are a true example of a wonderful Mother.
    I Love You all Much,
    Love & Blessings,
    Mrs. Baker (Lynnis)

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