
to Hannah's blog. Hannah, a happy healthy 7 year old was diagnosed on January 30, 2007 with medulloblastoma, a malignant brain tumor.

It's new

I know it's new, and lots of junk still here, but it's a new template I'm trying out. Still lots of work to do, we'll see!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Remember September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month...and this Saturday, September 13 is the first annual National Childhood Cancer Awareness Day! Show your support, wear a gold ribbon, wear a gold shirt, or even recycle some cans for Cans for Cancer to help kids with cancer and their families!!

Not a whole lot of news to report here. Dave and I met with Hannah's teacher today to discuss Hannah's 504 plan, and her emotional and cognitive issues. Mrs. Finger is wonderful. She is kind and calm and intelligent. I think she is a good fit for Hannah this year. We talked about homework and workload and other issues. We will just take it as it comes. The school has been very accommodating for Hannah, so I'm sure if something needs to be adjusted it will be. Today was the third day of school for the girls. Hannah became upset and ran out again today during a tough part of math, they are still working on it with her.

Make-A-Wish called yesterday with tickets for us to the Mets game tonight. Isn't that nice? I wasn't feeling well, so Dave took the girls. Hannah was very excited, but Colby wished it was the Yankees. The neurologist on Saturday would not agree to start IV antibiotics for my lyme disease. He wants a spinal tap to rule out anything else, even though I'm already positive for Lyme, and the MRI showed changes indicative of lyme (although it could be another type of infectious or inflammatory disease.) My primary care doctor started me on a new oral medicine, in hopes that it might work while I'm waiting for the spinal, which can't be scheduled until the end of the month. We'll see.

I'll end with a picture of Hannah at the Hampton Classic. That is a new hat she bought that day, it's a silk hat that was originally $99 (yes, it's the Hamptons) and was on sale for $49, the sales lady sold it to Hannah for $29. She loved it, and it does look cute on her. It's pretty difficult now to notice that Hannah had no hair at one point. If her hair is wet, you can tell because she has those two bald spots on the back of her head, but her other hair is long enough to cover it now. She still loves hats though, guess it became habit for her.

Here's a little boy who needs your prayers, he is very very sick right now. Please include him in your thoughts and prayers CHECK ON COLE. The pictures on his blog show all he is going through right now.



  1. Anonymous said...

    Lyme disease...oh my! I hope that you are feeling well and that your doctors are taking good care of you.

    I was diagnosed with Lupus in May 2007 and I know how frustrating it was to get to the diagnoses and then figure out treatment.

    So I'm sending my prayers to you today!

    Take care and love you all!


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