Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Hannah really is showing no signs of waning energy yet. We are still attending school half days. We tried this week to go a full day of school, but it was too much for her. Today she met her oncologist, and she had her baseline vitals and bloodwork done. He said she is very strong, and still present with balance issues on left side weakness, but that it will continue to improve with therapy and time. She is starting her chemotherapy next Wednesday, May 9th. We will be in the hospital for 5 days of Cisplatin, one of the best drugs to fight the cancer, but also one of the most damaging to her body. We will come home on Monday, May 14th, as long as everything goes well. Hannah also had a baseline audiogram today, which showed her hearing in the normal ranges is very good, she does have some drop off at the very high frequency. This has yet to be compared against her baseline in Boston, prior to the radiation. All is good at this point.
The doctors had originally told us that after Hannah started chemo, she would be unable to attend school at all for the next 9 months. They said she simply would not feel well, and the risk of infection would be too great. Today, however they said if she is up to it, and her blood levels are good, she can attend for short periods of time. This will be more for the social benefit than to actually get any real learning in, but we feel it's important for her to maintain contact with her friends and teachers at the school. She will have a tutor that will work with her at home to keep her up to speed with her class.
So, until next week we will enjoy these last couple days of treatment free life. None of us want this to start, but we know that we have to start to get closer to the finish line and our goal of a cancer free life for Hannah.
xoxo Kim
Hi everyone,
Wow that is alot of ribbons that you are wearing Hannah. It looks like it went very well for Colby. Also, how did the lemonade stand go? Did you make alot of money to buy cool stuff? I hope so!!! We tried to call last night but no one picked up the phone and the answering machine did not come on. We will call again in a few days. I just realized the other day that I never sent your easter cards and gifts. Syney and I got really sick that weekend and we didn't get out of bed for 3 days. We are both still fighting this nasty sickness and keep going back and forth with being better and then not again. I am still hoping that we will be able to visit but I don't want to take the chance of getting you sick. We will have to see how it is going in the next few weeks. If it doesn't seem like a good idea then we will see you later in the summer probably. We miss you alot and we talk about you all the time. All my friends are always asking how you are doing and alot of them are looking at your blog often.
Take care and keep up the good work,
Aunt Susie, Uncle Victor and Sydney
Hey Hannah,
I wish I could of been there to buy some Lemonade and watch Colby win some of those ribbons!Wish me luck I am going to go in a horse show Mothers day weekend with a horse named 5 star general or you could call him Wilson.I hope all goes well.
Lynsey P.
Hi there Hannah,
I wanted to send you a quick note to say how great it is that you are now ready to take the next step in getting all the way better. It will be a little scary I am sure as you head back in for more treatment this week but keep your thoughts on getting better and keeping that smile going.
We are all thinking of you and sending lots of good strong thoughts your way. I will make sure the FOALs all keep an eye on the blog and make sure you know that all over the world we all want you to keep on getting better. Trying hard is the best thing for you to be thinking about now, we all know you can do it so dont worry too much and we will all do the same.
Well Hannah I wanted to thank you for your lovely card and the address to this website. I have been blessed with being able to meet you and your mom and sister. You are all amazing people with the strength of millions. Good luck tomorrow. I will be thinking of you and keeping positive thoughts coming your way! If you want, I would LOVE to hear from you. Write to me at I will most certainly write back...we can be pen pals! You look absolutely beautiful in your dress.