Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Today we began preparing for Hannah's "big" bake sale. Of course, Hannah wanted to make cut out cookies, which have to be rolled out, then cut with cookie cutters, then decorated! We made 4 batches today and it just confirmed for me how old I am quickly becoming. We have about 6 different things that we are making for the sale, so we started with the hardest. We hope to have everything ready by next weekend. I will keep everyone updated here. This was really the highlight of her day, asking multiple times when we could start, then asking when the dough was ready, then asking how much of it she could eat. The thought occured to me that eating raw cookie dough wasn't the best idea, but her white blood counts are good, so it shouldn't be a problem. Here are a few pictures of the cookie machine at work. 

We spent a little time swimming again today at the neighbor's, which the kids really enjoyed. Hannah seemed to be pretty tired today (lots of cookie yawning.) I can't imagine that her counts will be high enough on Thursday, but I can't predict things, and will continue to think positively and see what happens. She knows that we are going for chemo on Thursday, and tonight was very upset again. Even though it's still a couple of days away, she is already anticipating the poke of the needle. We spent quite a bit of time tonight at bedtime talking about it, crying and trying to work through it. She just doesn't understand it and doesn't want to continue with all this (saying she is being tortured and it's not fair.) I just keep talking and trying to help her, trying to keep a level and calm demeanor myself. I'm now looking into other options to help her and in the meantime we'll keep moving forward, trying to find things like the bake sale and the can drive to keep her mind focused on other things.
Keep us in your thoughts for Thursday!
xoxo Kim
We spent a little time swimming again today at the neighbor's, which the kids really enjoyed. Hannah seemed to be pretty tired today (lots of cookie yawning.) I can't imagine that her counts will be high enough on Thursday, but I can't predict things, and will continue to think positively and see what happens. She knows that we are going for chemo on Thursday, and tonight was very upset again. Even though it's still a couple of days away, she is already anticipating the poke of the needle. We spent quite a bit of time tonight at bedtime talking about it, crying and trying to work through it. She just doesn't understand it and doesn't want to continue with all this (saying she is being tortured and it's not fair.) I just keep talking and trying to help her, trying to keep a level and calm demeanor myself. I'm now looking into other options to help her and in the meantime we'll keep moving forward, trying to find things like the bake sale and the can drive to keep her mind focused on other things.
Keep us in your thoughts for Thursday!
xoxo Kim
Old?!!? Kim, you're not old!!
It looks like you guys are quite the cookie makers!! Hannah, I know your bake sale is going to be a huge success. Are you doing pre-orders? Cut out cookies are our favorite.
We are thinking of you and praying that those needle pokes won't be so bad. You are sooooooo brave!
Much love,
The Reyes Family
I am so jealous!! I heard you have been swimming in my parents pool! I have been busy going to summer school, urg! I am glad someone is able to enjoy the water this summer :) Your cookies sound so yummy, I can't wait to see you at the bake sale!
See you soon,
I wish that we could taste some of those cookies. I am sure that they taste great. Sydney is getting ready to go back to school already, do you believe it. We miss you alot and keep baking.
Love, Aunt Susie
Hello Hannah Sunshine, and Mom
Wow!! You are the busiest little girl I know. What fun you had tubing. I have never done that before. Looks so cool and refreshing. The summer weather certainly has been wonderful
for great things to do at the beach.
What a fabulous idea for the bake sale and the can collection. I won't be hear next weekend but I hope to purchase some cookies anyway. I am sure they are so yummy.
I know you are scheduled tomorrow for your treatment. I pray for your counts to be in good rage to move on. Then one less treatment to do.
How is your garden progressing? Love the sunflowers, they shine as bright as you do.
I Love You Much
Love & Blessings,
Mrs. Baker(Lynnis)
Dear Hannah,
We think it is a wonderful idea to have a bake sale and would love to be there to buy some of those sugar cookies, made with love by you and Mom. We wonder where the sale will be taking place. We bet that you'll run out of the goodies very soon after the bake sale starts. Hannah, we understand that those needle pokes hurt, but remember it is only for a few moments, then it is over. The man you met in Boston with all the different hats and I will be thinking of you. That man still wears the Yankees hat for you, Hannah, and that's not easy here in Red Sox Country.
With Love,
The Griffins
Sending you thoughts and prayers for today and also I read this right before my lunch break and got really hungry for cookies....mmmmm!!!!!
Hope everything is going well!!
Love you lots and lots!