Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2007
Yesterday was a pretty long clinic day, so I didn't get a chance to make an entry. Hannah's counts were low as expected. Her hemoglobin was under 8, although not terribly bad at 7.61, but considering her history and where she is in her cycle, they wanted to transfuse her with blood. I was expecting this since Hannah has looked terrible in the last several days, with no color, very low energy and dark circles under her eyes. This meant a long day since they first have to "type and cross" the blood-meaning check Hannah's blood including the antibodies in her body, with donated blood that has the same blood type and antibodies. They mix the blood in the test tube first to be sure there is no reaction before giving it to Hannah. All this means it takes some time before the blood comes up for transfusion.
Her ANC (white count for infection) was only 73. Even though she was on the shots, her count was still very low. I can't imagine what it would have been without the Neupogen shots. It has gone as low as 8 during this chemo cycle previously, and she is still on the way down, so she is still on the shots. We just have to be very careful right now about germs. She is home from school again this week and not allowed in any crowded areas or high traffic areas. We will pretty much spend the week at home.
We return to clinic on Thursday, which will be day 11 of this cycle. That should be Hannah's low point in the cycle, and I would guess that she will have to have platelets, and possibly another blood transfusion also. I'm hoping for just platelets because they only take an hour to transfuse, compared the the blood which has to go in very slowly at a minimum of 3 hours.

In the midst of all this, Hannah fell and hurt her foot on Sunday at the horse show. Uncle Mike was visiting for a couple days, and Hannah came with him, Tod and Dave to see Colby in the show. She tripped right when she got there and hurt her foot. There are no noticeable signs of injury, but it has really bothered her since then. At first she couldn't put any weight on it at all. Now she is limping around, walking very gingerly. They looked at it yesterday and said it looks fine, but if it's not better by Thursday, she will have an x-ray. I think it's just sprained. These pictures are from the show, Hannah with Uncle Mike and Tod-he blends in with the blanket but he is in there, and with Colby-who got reserve champion at her show and Dave!
xoxo Kim
Her ANC (white count for infection) was only 73. Even though she was on the shots, her count was still very low. I can't imagine what it would have been without the Neupogen shots. It has gone as low as 8 during this chemo cycle previously, and she is still on the way down, so she is still on the shots. We just have to be very careful right now about germs. She is home from school again this week and not allowed in any crowded areas or high traffic areas. We will pretty much spend the week at home.
We return to clinic on Thursday, which will be day 11 of this cycle. That should be Hannah's low point in the cycle, and I would guess that she will have to have platelets, and possibly another blood transfusion also. I'm hoping for just platelets because they only take an hour to transfuse, compared the the blood which has to go in very slowly at a minimum of 3 hours.
xoxo Kim
I need to know what the B stands for on "Daves" hat. Praying for you guys everyday,
Love Tom and Sue
Hi guys! Just thought I would check in and say hello! Hannah, your commercial is great and I just love your song!
I hope you start feeling better and better and that you have lots of strength to eat all kinds of turkey and pumpkin pie next week!
Take care of Tod and that foot of yours! We're sending you big love from Illinois!
Randy, Angela, Logan, and Noah
Looks like everyone was having fun. Good job to Colby and it looks like Tod was having a good time too. We hope that all goes well in the next couple of weeks.
Love, Aunt Susie
Dear Hannah,
Aww I am so sorry you hurt your foot!!! Your right, Tod does blend in with the blinket. Hope you are feeling better.
Tori :]
HI Hannie: It was great to talk to you on the phone and find out about how Tod is doing. I hope that he knows how lucky he is to be a part of your family and I know Riley and Tod will become best budds!! I love the picture of Tod curled up in the blanket--we had to look and look to see him!!
How nice that Uncle Mike got to come for a visit and get to know Tod and see Colby at the horse show. Uncle Mike knows all about horse shows from Katie and Lyndsey I'll bet!
Grampa is cleaning up the garden and you should see the pumpkin vines---no wonder the pumpkins were so big. The vines are as big as dinosaur bones!!
Well, sweetiepie, we are saying our prayers that each day you will feel better and better and you will get good news on Thursday at clinic.
We'll wait for your phone call. Give Tod a squeeze for us!
Love you much.
Grampa and Gramma
Hi Hannah, Tod is absolutely adorable. He looks to be just your size. Hope your foot is better soon.
In case you are wondering - your Great Grandma Lila and my Grandma Olga are sisters. Your mom and Aunt Susie are my 2nd cousins.
Take Care
Dear Hannah Love,
I was so exciting to meet Tod in person on Saturday. Thank you for making a special effort to show him
to me. I love little dogs too. I know you will take wonderful care of him. He is adorable. I look into that sweater making- he will be chilly this winer. Although, that blanket blends in nicely with him.
Congratulations!! to you Colby on your fantastic placement in the horse show. You are awkesome.
What a surprise to have Uncle Mike visitng. Now I get to put a face to Uncle Mike. Hi Uncle Mike hope you had a great weekend!! Now Dave about that hat-- I guess you decided to make a discreet switch
Hannah, I am sorry your counts were not the best but pray you will get better quickly and not have to have another transfusion. Rest up sweet sunshine and have a better week.
I will be working at the library Saturday if you are feeling better and need to stop in for a book.
Remember, my love and prayers are with you always.
I Love You Much,
Love & Blessings
Mrs. Baker (Lynnis)