Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2008
Hannah was in school for the 3rd day in a row, and no problems! Our biggest issue at the moment is morning nausea. Even though she takes her prescription medicine for nausea before she even gets out of bed, she still does not want to eat in the morning. She says her stomach "hurts" and that it also "feels sick." This is not uncommon for a medulloblastoma brain tumor because that type of tumor is located in the posterior fossa. The posterior fossa is located in the skull, found near the brain stem and cerebellum, which is why it's such a delicate surgery and can sometimes cause life long complications-like balance issues, nausea, emotional issues, etc. You would think having a brain tumor is enough, you shouldn't have to live with all this other stuff too!
I have to say that today was the best day Hannah has had in a very long time. She woke up well and when I asked her if her stomach hurt, she said "not really." WOW! That's big news in our house. I have been giving her something new for nausea in the mornings, and maybe that is helping. It's a supplement from Germany, very easy to take. She had a good breakfast without me having to push her to eat, and no crying. She had 4 strawberries and 1 hard boiled egg. That is really good for her! Her eating is coming back also, there is less struggle to eat. I have not given her the shakes since she was sick with the stomach virus, and have been slowly incorporating her supplements back in also. I don't think she is too upset about not drinking those shakes. I'm going to try chocolate milk instead of the shakes and see how that goes.
I have also been trying to become more active in getting S911 Conquer Childhood Cancer Act. I found a website last night of yet another child that has died of cancer.
His name is Henry Tucker and was only 6 years old when he died of a rare and aggressive form of leukemia. His family has become very active in fundraising and campaigning against childhood cancer through their foundation-the Henry Tucker Foundation. In addition to the letter writing campaign for S911 which I have mentioned before on this website, they have also initiated a telephone calling campaign (I was making calls today to Senators they have targeted who are not yet sponsors for the bill, including John McCain). I want to put more here on Hannah's site, and will load everything soon for those of you who also want to take a moment out of your day to help the cause.
I'll leave you with this latest picture of Hannah and her HAIR! Check it out, she is so very proud of it now. One more thing I should mention that some people have asked me about-Tod is NOT up for adoption, I was joking (well, kind of).
xoxo Kim
I have to say that today was the best day Hannah has had in a very long time. She woke up well and when I asked her if her stomach hurt, she said "not really." WOW! That's big news in our house. I have been giving her something new for nausea in the mornings, and maybe that is helping. It's a supplement from Germany, very easy to take. She had a good breakfast without me having to push her to eat, and no crying. She had 4 strawberries and 1 hard boiled egg. That is really good for her! Her eating is coming back also, there is less struggle to eat. I have not given her the shakes since she was sick with the stomach virus, and have been slowly incorporating her supplements back in also. I don't think she is too upset about not drinking those shakes. I'm going to try chocolate milk instead of the shakes and see how that goes.
I have also been trying to become more active in getting S911 Conquer Childhood Cancer Act. I found a website last night of yet another child that has died of cancer.
I'll leave you with this latest picture of Hannah and her HAIR! Check it out, she is so very proud of it now. One more thing I should mention that some people have asked me about-Tod is NOT up for adoption, I was joking (well, kind of).
xoxo Kim
Here's to hair
And over a year
Planting time is soon
Hearts are hung
And baked
And chewed
And scribbled on
And sent
And hopefully not broken
We laugh at winter
Just today
Our tongues and stomach
May be sore tomorrow
We'll find a stale heart in
A week or two and throw it away
Today we laugh at winter
We won't ever laugh at
medulloblastoma brain tumor
But we will laugh today
Hearts will be eaten
Hopefully not broken
Hearts will be eaten
Hopefully filled with Hope
Hearts will be eaten
Here's to hair
And over a year
Planting time is soon
I love that Hannah and Kaitlyn's hair are both coming in---They look so cute!---Thanks for the info on the childhood cancer act---I did follow through on those links and wrote e-mails to both senate and congress--So much easier to follow through when you post the links for me--I thank you for that! Kaitlyn's extrmely wiped out from steroids this week so we are housebound.
Happy Valentine's Day--Glad your feeling better
Love Carolyn
Hi Kim and Hannah,
Here's to your hair, Hannah!
Yeah.......... your eyebrows look thicker too or is that my imagination?
I'm glad to hear you had a good eating day this week and hopefully each day will get better.
Kim, I hope to see the info on the Cancer Act on your blog so we can do our part to help it pass. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that seeing your family go through this past year makes us all realize how vulnerable our kids are too. Maybe we're all just one cell away from cancer and it's just a toss of a coin to see who gets it.
Keep warm and see you all soon.
Love Mrs. Purick and Jessica
Happy Valentine's Day- a day late to all the Prokops! I hope everyone has recouperated enough to enjoy some Valentine treats!! Hannah did you enjoy a celebration at school, Mrs. Wheaton always had the best parties! And what delicacies did you prepare at home, I heard you were baking!
I have a small suggestion for your chocolate milk- Ovaltine, throws in a couple extra vitamins and grams of protein- my one picky eater here enjoys it!!
Enjoy your vacation this week- RELAX!!
Love and prayers forever, Anne Salice
What is the name of the anti-nasuea supplement?