Sunday, April 13, 2008
Just a quick update...Hannah had a good weekend. No horseback riding, but a little bowling instead! Hannah was not happy when we took the steri strip off of her incision. I just wanted to take it off to be sure it didn't get infected, and the area needed to be cleaned. She finally finished removing it, it was stuck a bit on one side, and started bleeding. That really made her unhappy and she was crying and screaming for the doctor! All in all, it looks good and I'm just going to watch and see that it closes up and heals nicely.
She is still having pain with some movement of her arm. We are not going to swimming tomorrow, especially with the bleeding tonight. She will be going to school all week. She is counting down the days now to Grandma and Grandpa's house for spring break next week. We are spending the week in Indiana with them, then to my sister Sue's house for Sydney's first communion the next weekend. Hannah has wanted to go to Indiana for a while now, we couldn't visit last summer, or last Christmas, so we are way overdue! Sounds like Grandma has lots of things planned for us.
A big thank you to everyone for all the donations (cans and money) for Hannah's Cans for Cancer. Hannah collected $21 total from the can recycling this weekend, the biggest amount ever! Hannah is looking forward to delivering the Wii to Schneider's hospital in a couple weeks and we have a few ideas of more ways to help....coming up soon!
And we couldn't leave out...GO YANKEES....for all of our Boston fans out there. Another year of fun coming up. Thank you to the Griffins for that information on the Boston College game, of course Dave was happy that BC won (his alma mater). It's Sunday night and Boston just scored again...6 to 1, ugh! With that I'll sign off.
Have a good week everyone, thanks for stopping by and checking in on us. I'll leave you with a couple pictures of one of the girls' favorite activities their dogs to jump.

xoxo Kim
She is still having pain with some movement of her arm. We are not going to swimming tomorrow, especially with the bleeding tonight. She will be going to school all week. She is counting down the days now to Grandma and Grandpa's house for spring break next week. We are spending the week in Indiana with them, then to my sister Sue's house for Sydney's first communion the next weekend. Hannah has wanted to go to Indiana for a while now, we couldn't visit last summer, or last Christmas, so we are way overdue! Sounds like Grandma has lots of things planned for us.
A big thank you to everyone for all the donations (cans and money) for Hannah's Cans for Cancer. Hannah collected $21 total from the can recycling this weekend, the biggest amount ever! Hannah is looking forward to delivering the Wii to Schneider's hospital in a couple weeks and we have a few ideas of more ways to help....coming up soon!
And we couldn't leave out...GO YANKEES....for all of our Boston fans out there. Another year of fun coming up. Thank you to the Griffins for that information on the Boston College game, of course Dave was happy that BC won (his alma mater). It's Sunday night and Boston just scored again...6 to 1, ugh! With that I'll sign off.
Have a good week everyone, thanks for stopping by and checking in on us. I'll leave you with a couple pictures of one of the girls' favorite activities their dogs to jump.
xoxo Kim
Hey there, Kim. I'm glad to hear that Hannah had a good weekend. Bowling sounds good!!! Man, I haven't bowled in AGES. One of Jessica's least favorite things about the ENTIRE cancer experience was the steri-strips and other insanely adhesive materials the hospitals used.
I hope school goes well this week, and I'm excited for you all for your visit to Grandma and Grandpa's!! :)
LOVE the jumping dogs!!! That's pretty awesome stuff there! :)
Have a great week, Team Hannah!!
m/o ^Jessica^; forever 17
TEAM UNITE! Help Conquer Childhood Cancer!
Hi girls and Dave! Just wanted to let you know that we continue to pray for all of you and love the wonderful update!
The dogs look great jumping....good work! ; )
Love you lots and lots!