Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Yes, we went from my last update of 69 luminarias to 91, WOW!!!! We got 10 new orders just today! And then as I was typing up this update, I got an order from Hannah's Girl Scout Troop for 9 more bags! That will bring tears to your eyes! Thanks so much again everyone. I know it's really going to be a special time for Hannah and our family to walk around the track on Relay day and see all the bags that the girls decorated, and all the bags with Hannah's name on them also. I better start practicing my stone face for that night, I have a feeling it's going to be very moving.
Boston...it was two things-Fun and Tiring! We went right to the aquarium when we arrived on Saturday, just like old times (well, sort of). It was fun, Hannah was very excited, and it was strange being there without Hannah in a wheelchair. I remembered how hard it was for her to see some of the things and how it was more difficult to get around. We had a good time, then went over to Legal Seafood for lunch. Again, different from last time, not having to worry so much about Hannah eating. We used to go there and she would eat 2 raviolis, this time she ate some salad, a roll and half of her chicken fingers.
Hannah was pretty tired after the travel and the aquarium and the swimming. After dinner and a movie in our room, she was beat and started to have a stuffy nose. She went to bed, but woke up at 12:00, 1:00 and 3:00 with a stuffy nose, crying. The night before her big "test", I was thinking oh no. It was reminiscent of the days in the hospital waking up hour after hour. But she rallied and was ready to go in the morning. The neruopsychology test is a very draining and long test for anyone, especially an 8 year old. She came out after 2 hours for a break and she was crying. She was tired, frustrated and just wanted to stop. She said she was having trouble with some of the test. But, we talked and took a break and she went back in. After a short break for lunch, she went in again. The test in total took about 5 hours for her to complete. The doctor did express her concern over Hannah's processing speed. It was evident that this was an issue for Hannah. This is one of the more common side effects of full brain radiation-slower processing time. It takes about 4 weeks to receive the full report, so we'll be waiting for that. But it is what it is and can't be changed, it' all ok. We can use the report to help Hannah with any special accommodations in school, so that will be good.
After the test we headed over to the proton center and saw all of our favorite people-Rachel, Ron, Jim, Paul. It was so great I totally forgot to take a picture :( We then headed to Spaulding, but most of our friends were out. We did get to see Lynette and Renee and a few others, but Hannah was really looking forward to seeing Mary and Audrey who both weren't there :( We did drop off the Wii though, and got a great email from Audrey...they loved it! It was very strange for me to go back to these places as a non-patient now. It really made me feel happy and sick to my stomach at the same time. Odd, I know.
There was some excitement at Massachusetts General Hospital. When we arrived we saw camera crews packing the place. Senator Ted Kennedy had been brought in by helicopter after having a seizure. It was announced today that he has a malignant brain tumor, a glioma-but they have not clarified whether it is GBM-glioblastoma multiforme, which is the most common in adults his age, but also the most serious. It's a stage 4 grade cancer, nearly alway fatal, and quickly too. As another cancer mom said to me tonight, well the good thing is it will bring more light to the brain tumor fight. That's how you look at it, if you're on this side.
I have more exciting news to post tomorrow about the Cans for Cancer school fundraiser AND the new pool that's now a real pool,
xoxo Kim
Hi Hannie: What great pictures from Boston. I can't believe how much more your hair has grown since you were here just 3 weeks ago!! WOW!! Your picture in the pool was really neat. Looks like you were having a blast. And I see you still have the red crayon from Sydney!! How great that you and Mommy got to go to the aquarium. One of your favorite places. Too bad that you didn't get to go to your "favorite Borders bookstore ever" while in Boston, but you were very busy while there and you do love to swim!!
I love the picture in front of the tulips--one of my favorite flowers. Pink tulips and a pink sweatshirt!!
It sounds like you are going to be very busy right up to the Relay making all of the luminarias look so special. But I know you will do a great job.
Have a wonderful vacation from school this week. You can catch up on your sleep with four days off from school.
Love you to pieces OXOXOXOXOXOXOX
Grampa and Gramma
When all of the survivors make their lap and you see how many people have been touched by cancer it is amazing. So many people have been inflicted with this disease, yet you will see how strong so many, many of our friends are. Congratu;ations Hannah
I'm so glad that the surgery went well. 91 luminiaries! WOW!! That almost 100!! You're getting there!! :)
Dear Hannah Sunshine,
Wow, as always you and your family are busy busy. Your picture in the pool during your stay in Boston is beautiful and your hair looks great. I am glad you were able to have some fun while in Boston for all your testing. Happy to hear you also love going to Borders bookstore, one of my favorites too.
How is the work going on your personal pool. Once it starts, I understand it is finished quickly. Great for you. You will become a fish before long. I can hear Tod wailing in the side lines to jump in and join all the fun. Enjoy every minute of this time.
I wish I had been home this weekend
to help you with the luminarias but of course, I am visiting with my wonderful grandson Jacob. He is becoming such a little boy now.On the run and learning new things everyday and getting into everything. I will need a rest when
I get back home because he wakes up
at 5:30am-- not really how early I want to start my day.
Thank you for all your time and dedication to making these bags so special for so many people. You are truly an amazing young girl and
you continue to touch so many
lives. I pray for your continued healing and all good things will be upon you and your family.
I also look forward to the hat day at our school and know it will be a great success.
Have a great weekend. Hope the weather is a nice as it is here in New Hampshire.
I Love You Much,
Love & Blessings,
Mrs. Baker (Lynnis)
When I first saw the picture of you in the swimming pool, I thought, "Their pool is all finished!!!!" Then I realized it was in Boston! Can't wait to see pictures of YOUR pool! Your trip sounded like loads of fun.
Your hair has grown SOOOO much, it is looking great!!
Your birthday is coming up fast! We are excited for that and excited to see how the Hats on for Cancer contest goes. Be sure to keep us posted!
Much love,
The Reyes Family