Sunday, July 27, 2008
Just a quick update tonight. Hannah had her blood drawn on Friday without event!! Yes, she was calm. I had prepared her with numbing cream on her arm, a lollipop and a bribe of $5 for a calm blood draw. She started to get a little upset, but Sally who drew her blood was excellent-very fast and efficient. Now we will wait for the results of the blood and urine are analyzed with respect to the DXA scan by her endocrinologist, hopefully this week.
My sis Sue and daughter Sydney arrived on Saturday. The girls are very happy to be together again, and it's nice after seeing them at Disney just a few weeks ago to see them again so soon. That usually doesn't happen. today we planned a trip to the ocean on the south side. It was delayed this morning by heavy rain, then Hannah threw up. I think she may have had a little bug, since last night she almost got sick also. I'm hoping that's what it is. By the time we decided to go to the beach, it was around noon. On the drive over, the weather report was calling for heavy thunderstorms! We spent an hour at the beach before the lifeguards shut it down, and impending storm about 3 miles away with hail. It was dark and scary, thundering when we left. Half way home it hailed, just as promised, lots of thunder and lightening.
We did have a good time for our "hour" on the beach. Here are a few pics:
♥♥♥ Kim ♥♥♥

My sis Sue and daughter Sydney arrived on Saturday. The girls are very happy to be together again, and it's nice after seeing them at Disney just a few weeks ago to see them again so soon. That usually doesn't happen. today we planned a trip to the ocean on the south side. It was delayed this morning by heavy rain, then Hannah threw up. I think she may have had a little bug, since last night she almost got sick also. I'm hoping that's what it is. By the time we decided to go to the beach, it was around noon. On the drive over, the weather report was calling for heavy thunderstorms! We spent an hour at the beach before the lifeguards shut it down, and impending storm about 3 miles away with hail. It was dark and scary, thundering when we left. Half way home it hailed, just as promised, lots of thunder and lightening.
We did have a good time for our "hour" on the beach. Here are a few pics:
♥♥♥ Kim ♥♥♥
Good morning, Team Hannah!!
Hannah, I'm so proud of you for having your blood drawn so bravely!!!! Hope all the results are great.
Your visit with family sounds wonderful, and I really love the pictures!!!!! Looks like you packed a lot of fun into that hour. :)
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
m/o ^Jessica^ (forever 17) and Jake (17)
TEAM UNITE! Help Conquer Childhood Cancer!
Dear Hannah Sunshine, Kim and family,
Well, it looks a s though you all have been busy as usual. Your trip to Florida looks as though it was a wonderful success. Having time with family is such great fun and a great time to have wonderful memories.Good for you to get a chance to swim in the ocean. I have not been there yet this season but have spent a lot of time at the bay.
I am happy to hear you are continuing to get through the blood test and improving each day. You are a determined young girl and will go strong always.
I miss seeing you at the library and Dad too. What are you reading lately? I have had the opportunity to be away for a long weekend and of course I am visiting Jacob. I will have to email Mom to send his recent picture. wait til you see the uniform he is wearing.
I have not written in a while just wanted to say hi and let you know you are always on my heart and in my prayers.
Talk soon.
Love & Blessings,
Mrs. Baker(Lynnis)