Tuesday, August 26, 2008
All clear, NED again, wonderful news. Hannah's MRI went well, quick today since it was only the cranial MRI. She even did well with the contrast injection, it was very quick and only a couple of tears. Last night she said she wanted to "make a deal" with Dad about the IV. They made a deal that if she was still, she would get $10 of lottery cards. The girl is a lottery fiend. She loves scratch off lottery cards. She called Dad right away after the MRI to report that she won the deal, and he owed her. This sparked a lot of discussion on her part about whether she wanted five $2 cards, or ten $1 cards, or 2 $5 cards, etc. She finally decided on four $2 cards and two $1 cards (she wanted me to write it down so she could remember. She writes EVERYTHING down in great detail now!!) So, another 3 months to rejoice and relax. December will be the next MRI, cranial and spinal. Thank goodness for insurance, every MRI is $5,000, and that is for EACH part done. The cranial MRI is one part, the spinal is three, so a full cranial and spinal MRI is around $20,000. WOW!
I am awaiting some facts that will help us determine the next steps but for now it is time to focus on the press, with this news and the need for the major networks to do something HUGE this year for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. As many of you are aware, the major networks are teaming up and doing a “Stand up 2 Cancer” event September 5th . Let’s make sure that ABC, CBS and NBC are aware that September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Let your voices and incredible stories of bravery be heard! We need a cure PRONTO so let’s ride the wave of this exciting news regarding S911 and get the press the children deserve. MORE AWARENESS = MORE RESEARCH $$$$$. Thank you to CURESEARCH for all you do to secure funding and move us toward a cure!
Please write to your local/national newspapers and TV New stations/programs asking them to do something to recognize September as Childhood Cancer Awareness month. And in addition, discuss the “Stand up 2 Cancer” event in your letters to ABC, CBS and NBC.
Thank you for what you are doing to support the kids!
Links for a few media outlets you may contact. Please send to any you feel would benefit our cause! We need to spread the news to get the recognition that children’s cancer deserves in September!
Contact your local ABC Affiliate station
Contact your local Fox Affiliate station
Contact your local NBC Affiliate station
Contact your local CBS Affilitate station
CBS email Form
Thanks for being here with us, for all of your support and prayers (and cans too!!)
Also, something very important to announce for everyone. Did YOU know that
September is
Saturday, September 13th is National Childhood Cancer Awareness Day. Gold is the official color for Childhood Cancer. Here is a great way to show your support, these T-SHIRTS were designed by Heidi Randall, Jessica's mom. Jessica died from cancer last year in June, I'm sure many of you have seen her website, I have referenced it here several times. Heidi has been such a big part of Team Unite. If you are so inclined, take a look at the T-SHIRTS (they also have buttons and magnets) and WEAR ONE during the month of September to help get the word out there. P.S. Hannah's picture is one of the kids on the front.
So many great things are happening this month, this is from the Team Unite website:
I am awaiting some facts that will help us determine the next steps but for now it is time to focus on the press, with this news and the need for the major networks to do something HUGE this year for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. As many of you are aware, the major networks are teaming up and doing a “Stand up 2 Cancer” event September 5th . Let’s make sure that ABC, CBS and NBC are aware that September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Let your voices and incredible stories of bravery be heard! We need a cure PRONTO so let’s ride the wave of this exciting news regarding S911 and get the press the children deserve. MORE AWARENESS = MORE RESEARCH $$$$$. Thank you to CURESEARCH for all you do to secure funding and move us toward a cure!
Please write to your local/national newspapers and TV New stations/programs asking them to do something to recognize September as Childhood Cancer Awareness month. And in addition, discuss the “Stand up 2 Cancer” event in your letters to ABC, CBS and NBC.
Thank you for what you are doing to support the kids!
Links for a few media outlets you may contact. Please send to any you feel would benefit our cause! We need to spread the news to get the recognition that children’s cancer deserves in September!
Contact your local ABC Affiliate station
Contact your local Fox Affiliate station
Contact your local NBC Affiliate station
Contact your local CBS Affilitate station
CBS email Form
Thanks for being here with us, for all of your support and prayers (and cans too!!)