Wednesday, August 21, 2008
Hannah wants everyone to know that despite little Tod's antics, she loves him anyway. Here are the pictures to prove it.

Hannah had a good day today, tutoring (reluctantly) in the morning and play practice in the afternoon. I was able to leave her there today during her 2 hour practice and all was good. Tomorrow practice is all day, so we'll see how that goes. This is such a good experience for her, and I'm so glad she is doing it. I can't wait until Saturday.
Tonight we went clamming-for those of you not from the east coast-it's where you hike out to the bay and take the rake and rake through the water and sand to find clams. We went to an area that is not very populated, and had lots of luck. Here we are with our friend Emilie, we got about 15 clams in all. Dave and I came home and baked them-they are the best I have ever had! Well, with the exception of Ronnie and Paul's!! It's not really my thing-standing in the bay in sandals, not being able to see the bottom and wondering what is going to bite you while digging furiously with the clam rake. We did catch one VERY big spider crab. But, it's definitely worth the work. Here are some pictures of our adventure.

That's all for tonight, a few side notes. Hannah's next MRI is Tuesday of next week. I'm trying to keep it out of my mind right now. I got the word from my doctor today that I have Lyme disease, which explains why I have feeling lousy lately. I guess I was bitten by a deer tick sometime, didn't even know it. I'm on antibiotics, which I hope are doing the trick, since it can get pretty bad if it progresses. So, signing off with my GIANT headache...
Hannah had a good day today, tutoring (reluctantly) in the morning and play practice in the afternoon. I was able to leave her there today during her 2 hour practice and all was good. Tomorrow practice is all day, so we'll see how that goes. This is such a good experience for her, and I'm so glad she is doing it. I can't wait until Saturday.
Tonight we went clamming-for those of you not from the east coast-it's where you hike out to the bay and take the rake and rake through the water and sand to find clams. We went to an area that is not very populated, and had lots of luck. Here we are with our friend Emilie, we got about 15 clams in all. Dave and I came home and baked them-they are the best I have ever had! Well, with the exception of Ronnie and Paul's!! It's not really my thing-standing in the bay in sandals, not being able to see the bottom and wondering what is going to bite you while digging furiously with the clam rake. We did catch one VERY big spider crab. But, it's definitely worth the work. Here are some pictures of our adventure.
That's all for tonight, a few side notes. Hannah's next MRI is Tuesday of next week. I'm trying to keep it out of my mind right now. I got the word from my doctor today that I have Lyme disease, which explains why I have feeling lousy lately. I guess I was bitten by a deer tick sometime, didn't even know it. I'm on antibiotics, which I hope are doing the trick, since it can get pretty bad if it progresses. So, signing off with my GIANT headache...
Hi Kim and Team Hannah,
We'll be thinking of you next week and keeping you in our prayers for a clean MRI. I hope you feel better soon, Kim! Clamming - how fun. I love your photos. Enjoy the last days of summer! (Doesn't it go by too fast?)
Love, Kathy and Team Kelly
Dear Hannah,
By the time you get this, the play will be done but we just know you must have been wonderful. Just wish we could have been there. Maybe Mom can include a picture in a later post.
Of course you love your little dog, Tod. Who wouldn't, he is so cute. We loved looking at the pictures of you with Tod and also clamming with your family. When we go for a late afternoon walk on the beach at Cape Cod, we often see folks clamming at low tide, but have never done it. Maybe we'll get a clam rake and try our luck.
We'll be saying a prayer and thinking of you when you have the MRI this week.
Dearest Kim, please take it easy while you are not feeling well. It is just so fortunate that you were diagnosed early and went on am antibiotic.
It looks like the Yankees are finished this year, so Hannah, it is time to put your Red Sox hat on and root for the Red Sox to beat the Devil Rays.
Love, Judy and Dennis