Friday, October 10, 2008
The girls are off school yesterday and today for Yom Kippur, and Monday as well for Columbus day. We all slept in yesterday ...yeh...and then started the day off with a trip to the pilates studio to see baby Chelsea. She is just so cute, and the girls both enjoyed playing with her, holding her and singing to her. That was fun!!
We headed over to gymnastics next, where I taught a class of 3 and 4year old...the girls helped by demonstrating some of the floor work for the kids. Afterwards, we went with Bonnie, Cassidy and Cody to the pumpkin patch. I'll post some of those pictures tomorrow after I download them from Colby's camera. The girls had fun with both of those cutie pies...Cassidy was calling them her sisters!
Then we headed out for Hannah's swim lessons. She just loves swimming. She is doing very well, next week she is testing for her bronze medal! She was pretty excited about that. Again, pictures soon from Colby's camera.
One last thing about us, since the Yankees are out of the playoffs, I shouldn't say out-they never made it in in the first place, Hannah has once again thrown her support towards her other team...the Boston Red Sox. Here she is in hear Red Sox gear today, giving them a big cheer!! Let's Go Sox (did I really say that?)

Now onto our friends. I don't post that many kids on here, although from time to time I do mention some of our friends. Well, I want to mention many of our friends here now. It seems that in the past few weeks, there have been an overwhelming number of kids that have either relapsed or died. It's very scary really. EVERYWHERE....EVERYONE. It's hard to believe, and hard to swallow. It's just hard. If you have a moment, I know these families would appreciate a visit and a kind word. Our support really helps them.
***I started this post last night, but after the list of kids became so long, I decided to do this in multiple posts. Here are some kids who desperately need our support right now.***
Our dear friend Coleman, it is not great news. Not only has the cancer in his brain and spine spread, but is now leptomeningeal a sugar coating on the spine. Go and visit Coleman, they would appreciate your prayers.
Beautiful Chloe is nearing the end of her fight with alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. **Update, even before I could get this posted, Chloe passed away last night at 11:57pm. Please offer her parents a word of support.
Jacob is battling glioblastoma multiforme, his lungs are now filled with fluid and he is and nearing the end of his life.
Kasey has been battling a glioblastoma multiforme since 2006, and his family received difficult news yesterday. His mom Amy often visits Hannah's site, and has become a friend.
Matthew has chronic myelogenous leukemia, and is in critical condition now after relapsing.
Sweet Diego was diagnosed at age 3 with localized Stage 3 Spindle Cell Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma in October of 2006. Sadly he relapsed on February 20, 2008 and his arm was removed to stop the spread of the cancer. It has now spread to his lungs.
A few posts ago I posted a letter from a was from this website. Sandy was diagnosed with breast cancer and 4 days later, her son was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor...Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG). Sandy just posted a list of children also in need of prayers and out of the 16 they posted, I only know 2. There are so many kids out there with cancer, it's unbelievable.
Please take a moment to visit these kids and drop them a kind word. It means so much to the parents, as it means to us when you all visit Hannah's site.
We headed over to gymnastics next, where I taught a class of 3 and 4year old...the girls helped by demonstrating some of the floor work for the kids. Afterwards, we went with Bonnie, Cassidy and Cody to the pumpkin patch. I'll post some of those pictures tomorrow after I download them from Colby's camera. The girls had fun with both of those cutie pies...Cassidy was calling them her sisters!
Then we headed out for Hannah's swim lessons. She just loves swimming. She is doing very well, next week she is testing for her bronze medal! She was pretty excited about that. Again, pictures soon from Colby's camera.
One last thing about us, since the Yankees are out of the playoffs, I shouldn't say out-they never made it in in the first place, Hannah has once again thrown her support towards her other team...the Boston Red Sox. Here she is in hear Red Sox gear today, giving them a big cheer!! Let's Go Sox (did I really say that?)
Now onto our friends. I don't post that many kids on here, although from time to time I do mention some of our friends. Well, I want to mention many of our friends here now. It seems that in the past few weeks, there have been an overwhelming number of kids that have either relapsed or died. It's very scary really. EVERYWHERE....EVERYONE. It's hard to believe, and hard to swallow. It's just hard. If you have a moment, I know these families would appreciate a visit and a kind word. Our support really helps them.
***I started this post last night, but after the list of kids became so long, I decided to do this in multiple posts. Here are some kids who desperately need our support right now.***
Our dear friend Coleman, it is not great news. Not only has the cancer in his brain and spine spread, but is now leptomeningeal a sugar coating on the spine. Go and visit Coleman, they would appreciate your prayers.
Beautiful Chloe is nearing the end of her fight with alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. **Update, even before I could get this posted, Chloe passed away last night at 11:57pm. Please offer her parents a word of support.
Jacob is battling glioblastoma multiforme, his lungs are now filled with fluid and he is and nearing the end of his life.
Kasey has been battling a glioblastoma multiforme since 2006, and his family received difficult news yesterday. His mom Amy often visits Hannah's site, and has become a friend.
Matthew has chronic myelogenous leukemia, and is in critical condition now after relapsing.
Sweet Diego was diagnosed at age 3 with localized Stage 3 Spindle Cell Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma in October of 2006. Sadly he relapsed on February 20, 2008 and his arm was removed to stop the spread of the cancer. It has now spread to his lungs.
A few posts ago I posted a letter from a was from this website. Sandy was diagnosed with breast cancer and 4 days later, her son was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor...Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG). Sandy just posted a list of children also in need of prayers and out of the 16 they posted, I only know 2. There are so many kids out there with cancer, it's unbelievable.
Please take a moment to visit these kids and drop them a kind word. It means so much to the parents, as it means to us when you all visit Hannah's site.
Hi Kim!
First of all, I'm so glad you got to meet the Larsons! (I know know of the others) It is so nice to connect with moms you have just talked to online. One day when we are in New York.......
I know what you mean about all the kids declining lately - I have been so sad about it this week. It seems to be happening so much right now, it's just heartbreaking.
I'm glad Hannah is doing so well. Kelly is having a hard time bouncing back from her last chemo, but is doing pretty well in general. I really appreciate how well she is doing when I read about these other kids. We are just enjoying each day.
Love from California,
Hey Hannah,
Wonderful to see you in your Red Sox last year's Champion shirt and your Red Sox hat. It is nice to see that you have passed your Citizenship test and that you now belong to Red Sox Nation. Keep rooting for the Sox, Hannah and remember all your friends in Boston, especially the "Man with all the Hats". Who would have thought, back then, that you, Hannah, wearing a Yankees shirt and hat every day at the Mass General Proton Center, would be rooting for the Red Sox. It must be that Sox hat. Keep wearing it, Hannah, you will bring them good luck.
Love to You,
The Griffins