
to Hannah's blog. Hannah, a happy healthy 7 year old was diagnosed on January 30, 2007 with medulloblastoma, a malignant brain tumor.

It's new

I know it's new, and lots of junk still here, but it's a new template I'm trying out. Still lots of work to do, we'll see!!

Friday, May 18, 2007

All checked out well for Hannah today at her clinic appointment. Her blood levels were:
WBC (white blood cell count) 1.77 Low but acceptable Normal range is 5.0-14.5
ANC (Absolute Netrophil Count-measures her ability to fight infection) 1270 Normal range is 1500 plus, 500-1000 neutropenic, but not absolutely severe, will watch closely and can't be around crowds or other sick people
HgB (Hemoglobin-ability of blood to carry oxygen) 10.9 Normal Range is 10.5 and above, less than 8 is too low
Platelets (produced by the bone marrow, needed to repair body and form clots) 259
Normal range is 150-400, less than 20 too low

This outcome seems consistent with the drugs she was given last week. Her next round will be different, we will expect to see her levels drop dramatically and quickly, requiring shots to boost her ANC (which I will have to give her at home).

She is feeling good, just tires very easily now. She is back to her baseline before this first cycle as far as ability to walk, talk and move about. The doctor gave her a very good report today. She lost just under a pound since beginning the chemo. Her appetite is still very reduced. Today after clinic she ate half of a half of piece of pizza, but threw up everything outside after eating. She said she didn't feel sick, but was trying to get something out of her tooth. Her gag reflex is very high right now.

We are so happy that she will be able to make her first communion tomorrow with her class. We have her dress and her flowers, and I finally found her shoes, so we are ready to go. Now as long as her parents can hold it together in church tomorrow we'll be all set!



  1. Anonymous said...

    Dear Hannah,
    Have a wonderful time today! We will be thinking of you. Charley's communion is at 12:00 so maybe we will see you after yours/ before hers. If not, we hope you enjoy this very special day. We love you!
    Maisy, Charley,
    Mr and Mrs Claudio

  2. Anonymous said...

    Dear Hannah,
    Congratulations on making your first communion. I'm sure you look like a princess! I'm so happy you can be there with your class. Have a great day!
    Ms. Charters

  3. Anonymous said...

    Hannah I am so happy that you will be wearing your pretty princess dress! I won't say you WILL be beautiful because you already are! God Bless you as you make your communion tomorrow! I will be thinking of you all day! I can't wait to see you on Monday. Have a beautiful day, enjoy it all! Love
    Mrs V.
    (Karenann Volinski )

  4. Anonymous said...

    Happy First Communion Hannah. We are glad to hear that you will be able to receive with your class. Ty will receive at noon. We will all be keeping you and your family in our thoughts and prayers. Have a wonderful day.
    The Bugdins

  5. Anonymous said...

    Dear Hannah,
    Congratulations on your first communion. It will be a perfect day for you and your family we will be thinking of you. Julia made her first communion last week. Thinking of you.
    The Mele Family

  6. Anonymous said...

    Dear Hannah Love,
    I was so happy to know that you were able to make your communion this day. I am sure you put a ray of sunshine on this special day.
    I was truly blessed yet again to see you at the resturant. I really believe God brings us together at the most approriate times. I was so blessed to see your beautiful smile and seeing you with your wonderful family. I loved being across at my table listening to you talk with your family about the horses and all.
    I am so thankful your counts have come up and you are feeling somewhat better. I look forward to seeing your presence at school.
    You are an amazing girl and you certainly are an inspiration to all who know you.
    Hold steadfast my kindered spirit and may God continue to give you peace and strength through this journey.
    I love you much
    Love & Blessings to you and your family.
    Love Mrs. Baker (Lynnis)

  7. Anonymous said...

    Dear Hannah,
    Congratulations on receiving your first Holy Communion. We are so happy for you. We hope that you and your family enjoy your very special day. Love The Mackins

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