
to Hannah's blog. Hannah, a happy healthy 7 year old was diagnosed on January 30, 2007 with medulloblastoma, a malignant brain tumor.

It's new

I know it's new, and lots of junk still here, but it's a new template I'm trying out. Still lots of work to do, we'll see!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Cycle 1, Day 1 of Hannah's 9 cycles of chemotherapy started today. We are now at Schneider Children's Hospital and Hannah has received her first two chemo drugs. Amazingly enough, no immediate effect, in fact she asked for more chicken for dinner so she is feeling good right now. Like all other places, our check-in process was slow and a bit frustrating at times, but once we got up to the oncology ward all has gone smoothly. We had our own room when we first got here, but now we have a roommate and all beds are full. There are 18 total beds here, with a few of them isolation beds. So far the nurses are very nice, and everything else seems pretty run-of-the-mill. At least now the anticipation of the unknown is over for the time being and the mysterious "chemo" has begun.

According to the plan, Hannah will get 9 cycles of chemotherapy. There are really three different cycles- 1, 2 and 3, each of those are different in terms of the drugs, then they repeat a total of 3 times, for 9 cycles total. It is not actually 9 months long, because the cycles are either 21 or 29 days long, so if she stays on the plan, we will be done before Christmas. That sounds so much better than February! But, we have been told that almost no child can make it through the entire sequence without changes, either to drugs or dosage or timing, so it is a rough estimate of what is to come.

So for the next 5 days, we're here trying to keep busy. Hannah will have either hydration or chemo the entire time we are here, so she is attached to the IV pole. She has already learned how to ride the pole instead of walk down the hall, and we'll have fun with that until someone tells us it's not allowed. She can go anywhere on the floor with the pole, but can not go off the floor. It's a good thing we'll only be here for 5 days, because we are used to roaming about at will, down to the gift shop or outside for a walk. Five days is workable for us. I have already gotten the "I'm bored," so I'm going to be hopping while we're here trying to keep her busy and interested.

I hope to post some pictures later, but for now the camera is on my "I forgot" list. Until then, you can imagine her happy, smiling and eating popsicles.

Kim and Hannah


  1. Anonymous said...

    Hi Hannie & Mommy: Saw your pictures riding Mystery. You look great. He has probably been wondering where you were for so long!!
    Keep up the good work and try not to wear Mommy out trying to keep busy!!
    Love you and miss you.
    Gramma & Grampa

  2. Anonymous said...

    Hi Hannah! Seconds on chicken?!! Good for you! Keep that up! We are thinking of you.

    Love and prayers,
    Mylese, Bruce, Anna, Lyle and Blaine Reyes

  3. Anonymous said...

    Good luck Hannah!

    With very best wishes to you from Jen and the folks at the Rainforest Alliance

  4. Anonymous said...

    Hi Hannah,

    I'm glad to hear your first day of chemo went well!

    Thanks for keeping us posted!

    I really like the photos of you on a horse! My son told me recently he'd like to try riding. Think I'll take him this summer.

    All the best,
    The Rainforest Alliance

  5. Anonymous said...

    Hey there Hannah!! Save some popsicles for me too!!! Try to keep the IV pole-mobile under 50 mph!!

    Thinking of you always,

    Uncle Mike

  6. Anonymous said...

    I am glad that I got to talk to you yesterday and you sounded like things were going good. I hope you figured out the who's who game and beat mom. Keep up the good work and we hope to see you soon.

    Aunt Susie

  7. Anonymous said...

    Hi Hannah and Kim
    I am surely thinking of you and sending many prayers and good wishes your way. May your chemotheraoy goes as smoothly as it can, I don't need to tell you- one day at a time.
    I saw Dr. Egnor yesterday and he asked about you all and said to please send his best.
    Love and prayers,
    Anne Salice

  8. Anonymous said...

    Hannah, well done with Mystery, what a cute horse!

    Your friend Vera from the Rainforest Alliance

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