
to Hannah's blog. Hannah, a happy healthy 7 year old was diagnosed on January 30, 2007 with medulloblastoma, a malignant brain tumor.

It's new

I know it's new, and lots of junk still here, but it's a new template I'm trying out. Still lots of work to do, we'll see!!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Happy Birthday Hannah!

Yesterday was Hannah's 8th birthday, she had a good day taking in cupcakes to her classmates (which she and I made together). It was something she really was looking forward to so I'm happy she was able to do it, even though it was tiring to her. The first picture here is a pillow case which Mrs. Baker made for her and all of her classmates signed. It is so special. I'm reading more and more about how important friendships and school relationships are to kids with cancer that are in and out of school so much.It helps them feel part of everyday normal life, and keeps them from depression and anxiety. We're so grateful that she has such good friends. Thanks to Ty also who came in just for her party with a broken collar bone!

She didn't eat that well during the day, but had 2 ravioli, a half a roll and even a piece of cake, woohoo!! That's a lot for her!
She went to bed crying that her whole body ached. She awoke this morning early to go to her clinic appointment to check her blood levels. She seemed abnormally tired, but I figured it was because we left the house at 7:30am. When we arrived, they drew her blood for testing and determined she had a temp of 100.4, which is considered a fever for a child with low white blood counts. Her counts were:

WBC .493 very low (should be 4.6-10.2)
ANC 43 very low (should be 2,000)
HbG 8.78 low but acceptable
Platelets 121 low but acceptable

So, she didn't have to have a platelet infusion after all, but now we're in the hospital. Because she was neutropenic (low white blood cells and neutrophils-the ANC) and had a temperature, she had to be admitted. Neutropenic kids are at risk to bacteria because the blood doesn't have sufficient neutrophils part of the white cells that fight off infection. Thus, everyday bacteria can develop into a life threatening condition.

She was admitted and her fever went up to 101.5. They started her on two broad spectrum antibiotics to fight off any possible infection. They drew blood and we have to wait 24 hours for the first read of the culture. If it's positive, they will change the antibiotic to something that is specific to the bacteria. If it's negative, they will continue the same antibiotics until the 48 hour mark, when the culture would show growth if bacteria is present. If nothing is present, and her ANC goes up, we will be discharged. Her ANC has to go up AND she has to have 2 negative cultures in order for us to be released. Therefore the earliest she can be released is Saturday. Of course, that's what were are hoping for.

Grandma and Grandpa just got into town today to help celebrate her birthday, just in time for us to go into the hospital. We hope to be home with them soon. Her fever is now down to 99.3!!

xoxo Kim


  1. Anonymous said...

    Hey there my little Hannah! I was so sorry to hear that you are in the hospital. I am praying that those little bacteria gets gone real soon! I miss you and hope to see you on Monday. Be strong little one. Love you lots....And a happy belated birthday. Love to mom too!
    Mrs V

  2. Anonymous said...

    Dear Hannah & Mom(Kim)
    Certainly, not a fun way to finish celebrating your birthday but was so happy you enjoyed your time with your schoolmates.
    You must be so excited to see your
    Grampa and Gramma. Grandparents are so special. I get to see my wonderful grandson this weekend. He is coming to Gramma's house. Cool.
    I pray that you will not have any bacteria growth and your fever continues to come down and your blood counts come up.
    Your are my sunshine and you will rise above all these difficult times. Always remember both of you are with my heart everyday and prayers everyday.
    I Love you much
    Love & Blessings,
    Mrs. Baker(Lynnis)

  3. Anonymous said...

    Good morning Hannah and Kim (Dave & Colby too)! I wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers every day. I am asking for lots of strength to make it through those days when you feel wiped out, I'm asking for patience when those test results just don't come out like you want them too, and I'm asking for lots and lots of good health for everyone because that's really what we need for you right now!

    I love you all bunches - sending lots of it from Illinois!


  4. Anonymous said...

    Thinking of you Hannah. Get out of that hospital soon!!


    Uncle Mike

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