
to Hannah's blog. Hannah, a happy healthy 7 year old was diagnosed on January 30, 2007 with medulloblastoma, a malignant brain tumor.

It's new

I know it's new, and lots of junk still here, but it's a new template I'm trying out. Still lots of work to do, we'll see!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Hannah went in today for her first of 4 outpatient chemo treatments for Round 3. Today she had Carboplatin (a sister drug to cisplatin, the first vey hard drug) and Vincristine (which gives most people reactions, anywhere from moderate to very severe. Hannah had the eye droop the first time). Although we had to wait 3 hours before they actually started the chemo, Hannah handled it very well and had no immediate reactions. I have noticed that most of the time, it takes at least 24 hours to get any reaction, so we'll see how she does by morning, but so far so good. I am also hoping that a supplement-Vitamin E-that Hannah is now taking will help eliminate the neuropathy she experienced previously. We had researched this quite extensively and provided her doctor with supporting documentation about the effect of Vitamin E with regards to neuropathy, ototoxicity (hearing) and nephrotoxicity (kidneys). He agreed that the results of the studies looked promising, without lowering the efficacy of the chemo drugs, so we put her on a daily regimen beginning this week, which will continue until a few months after the end of chemo.

She spent quite a bit of time today with her hospital tutor, Mrs. Warshaw. We met her for the first time today, and she will be tutoring Hannah anytime we are in the hospital, coordinating her work with her at home summer tutor. Mrs. Volinksi will be tutoring Hannah still this week and next week Hannah will begin working with her current 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Tepfenhardt as her summer tutor. Our school district has really been amazing in providing everything that Hannah needs, including tutoring throughout the summer both at home and in the hospital, which I have been told is not always the norm. We are so grateful that they have been so accomodating and easy to work with.

Next week while in for chemo again, Hannah will see Mrs. Warshaw, as well as a music therapist whom we met today. She is a very nice lady who said she has all sorts of instruments for Hannah to try out. Hannah seemed pretty happy and interested in that.

Hannah weighed in today at a whopping 19.5 kilos (42.9 pounds), WOW! Before she had surgery she weighed 19.1 kilos, so we are so happy to see that she is now putting on the pounds, although she is still very slight for her age. The doctor said that when she reaches about 21 kilos we will start to scale back the appetite stimulant a bit, we don't want her gaining too much too quickly. Thanks Uncle Mike for the food group data, that is just about right for our house right now.

Hannah was very proud today of her bandaid collection. She showed Rob (the tech who does the finger sticks), Jan (childlife) and all the nurses. Everyone gathers around to see what new bandaids Hannah has. We now officially need a bigger bandaid box since ours burst open in the middle of the waiting room...just too many bandaids in it. Thank you all for sending them, it really has been a lot of fun for her.

This week is our last week of school. Hannah class performing a play about the mixed up States of America. Hannah does have a part, she is one of the 5 narrarators. Tomorrow they are putting it on for the school and Thursday for the parents. She has two lines that we have been working on memorizing. We'll let you know how it goes.



  1. Anonymous said...

    Hello Hannah Brightness,
    So glad you got through your treatment yesterday. Hope all is going well for you this morning and you will be able to make school. I look forward to seeing your play.
    I also have some bandaids for you.
    Wow, it sounds like you will being doing some fun things with your tutor during you stay in the hospital. What instrument do you want to learn? Do they have a pool too? I bet you love swimming.
    Hey, did you ever name your webkinz or do they already have names when you get them?
    Good for you for the weight gain. Keep up the good food.
    As always, your are an amazing girl. Keep on going with great determination.
    I Love you much,
    Mrs. Baker (Lynnis)

  2. Anonymous said...

    I'm finally able to send you a message. All of you have been in every thought and prayer. I check your blog everyday to see what Hannah's progress is. We love the pictures... she's such a beautiful little girl.

    Please know you are in our prayers, we love you.


  3. cildar said...

    Hello Hannah,
    The best of all bandaids were mailed to you today from Boston. They are Red Sox bandaids. Other than our daughter and her family, who live in Brooklyn, New York, there must be some others there in New York who love the Red Sox and will like the bandaides. Hannah, you are a very special girl and we would love to be at your school when you are in the program. We'd be clapping the loudest when it ends. Good Luck, "Break a Leg" as they say on Broadway when someone is in a production there.
    Love from Us, your Boston friends.

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