
to Hannah's blog. Hannah, a happy healthy 7 year old was diagnosed on January 30, 2007 with medulloblastoma, a malignant brain tumor.

It's new

I know it's new, and lots of junk still here, but it's a new template I'm trying out. Still lots of work to do, we'll see!!

Thursday, Nov. 15, 2007

Good news today from clinic. We were very surprised to see that Hannah's counts were actually quite good, especially considering this is day 11 of her cycle, when she is usually very low. Her numbers were:

ANC 4272 Up from 73 on Monday (over 1500 is good)
WBC 6.89 Up from .306 on Monday (normal is 5-13)
Hemoglobin 12.3 Up from 7.61 on Monday (to be expected since she had the transfusion of blood on Monday)
Platelets 91.5 Up from 67.7 on Monday (a bit low, normal is 140-400)

Even the doctors were surprised at the turn around in her numbers since Monday, and Hannah was so happy! She will get one more shot to maintain her ANC tomorrow, just so it doesn't drop dramatically.

I had tried to prepare her for a stay today for a transfusion. I told her that this means that we will start her last round of chemo on November 26 and will be done by Christmas, HURRAY!!!!!! I can say that with certainly because once they start the round, they do not stop for low counts. Like she told Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Susie today, "Well, we got lucky and my count was 91 which means I'll be done by Christmas".

Unfortunately that does not mean we can go on our planned trip to Grandma and Grandpa's for Christmas. Hannah's last chemo treatment will be December 17th, and she'll need a transfusion most likely either the day before Christmas or the day after. So, we can't be half way across the country. I know she will be disappointed, but we'll deal with that then, but we will be officially done, with chemo anyway, by Christmas. What a great present!

xoxo Kim

p.s. We may be thrown out of the hospital before then anyway, we are bringing Tod in next week, without anyone noticing of course, ha!


  1. Anonymous said...

    Dear Hannah: I have been on cloud 9 ever since your oh so important phone call today!!! What a wonderful Christmas present you got today that you will be done with your treatments before Christmas! We are so happy for you. Now you just need to get better and stronger everyday. We know you can do it.
    What did all of the girls think of Tod when you took him to the meeting today? I'll bet he loved them petting him, didn't he?
    Well, little sweetheart, keep up the good work. Hey---do I owe you any money for water?! Bet you forgot to tell me!!
    Love and hugs,
    Gramma and Grampa

  2. Anonymous said...

    I bet Tod is the reason your counts are up! He has brought your spirits up and your counts followed!

    Woo hoo!! Congrats.

  3. Anonymous said...

    Hello Hannah and Kim: i have been following along with the blog and think that your new doggie is adorable. i am so happy that you will be done with treatments for Christmas. the commercial brought tears. stay strong and positive.
    Love, Scott Czujko

  4. Anonymous said...

    WOW! Who paid off the lab tech with those counts??!! I am impressed and so happy for all of you! It shows how strong you are Hannah! Keep up the extra great work!! And we will all keep up the extra positive thoughts and prayers- always!!
    With love, Anne Salice

  5. Anonymous said...

    Dear Hannah Love,
    Wow! What wonderful news of your great results of those counts and blood work. I am so thankful to learn that you will be on the road to your last chemo treatment. Finally, coming to the end of that big, big hill. I pray you continue to rest and eat well to keep your strengh up.
    I pray for all new beginnings for the upcoming New Year 2008 for you and your family Riley and Tod too.
    May you continue to hold steadfast my kindred spirited girl.
    I still have not seen your commerical. I wish I could view it. I can not bring anything up on the computer I use at the library. I'll try again at my home computer.
    So did you think of a sweater color for Tod. During my holiday breaks maybe I could make him one. I think it is going to be a cold winter.
    I send all my love and blessings for you and your family during this Thanksgiving holiday.
    I hope to see you soon.
    I Love You Much,
    Love & Blesings,
    Mrs. Baker (Lynnis)

  6. cildar said...

    Dear Hannah,
    What a wonderful heartwarming message tonight. Just to think that your treatments at the hospital are almost over...I'll bet Santa will be awfully good to you and Colby on Christmas and now you need to begin thinking about what you want Santa to bring to you. Your litle dog Tod will be happy to just rip apart the wrapping paper, but look out for Riley, he won't like that.

    We have never been to Long Island, but we plan to be there for the big celebration. Hannah, you'll need to make lots of cookies for the party. Maybe our daughter, who lives in Brooklyn, can help us find our way to Long Island. We saw a picture of your Dad in a Red Sox hat. We hope he has decided to be a Red Sox fan and has forgotten the Yankees, at least for this year.
    Our Love to you Hannah,
    The Griffins

  7. Anonymous said...

    Hello Hannah,
    I do not know who is more cute, you or Tod! He weighs less than our cats who weigh 6 and 9 pounds. Please forgive me for not posting in a while. I do think of you very often. I too was very glad to see the Red Sox win the world series. I am also very happy for you about your treatments ending before Christmas. You could not ask for a more wonderful Christmas gift! Tell Colby I said congrats on her reserve champion award and tell mommy and daddy I said hello. Hope to see you soon.
    Love Aunt Paige

  8. Anonymous said...

    Hi Hannah, That is a very cute puppy you have there. You must be very excited to have a new doggie in the house. We are happy to hear that your counts are up. Keep up the good work. Love, The Mackins

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