
to Hannah's blog. Hannah, a happy healthy 7 year old was diagnosed on January 30, 2007 with medulloblastoma, a malignant brain tumor.

It's new

I know it's new, and lots of junk still here, but it's a new template I'm trying out. Still lots of work to do, we'll see!!

Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2007

Round 8 is officially over (at least the chemo part of it, the cycle is actually 21 days long, today is day 2). But, no more chemo until Round 9!!!!! We now only have our very last round of chemo left, pretty hard to believe. I have updated her chemo schedule on the blog, always feels good to add one more round to the "purple" side.

Hannah did ok today, she doesn't feel that well, her stomach hurts, she is very tired and her counts are headed south. You can tell by looking at her, that she's not up to par. She is sleeping now, and getting hydrated through tonight. I will deaccess her here at home tomorrow morning. It was nice spending the day with Kaitlyn and her mom Carolyn today in clinic. The girls were both there getting the same chemo (part of it anyway, for Kaitlyn).

We are going to be staying in for the next several days, as I know she is very susceptible right now to infection and we want to do everything we can to stay OUT of hotel Schneiders. The only thing on the agenda is TOD, and we will hopefully know more tomorrow. I don't know who is more anxious to get the new dog, Hannah or Colby.

xoxo Kim


  1. Anonymous said...

    Hello to the Prokops,
    Forus too it is great to see the purple side closing in. Hope all continues to go well. How exciting to have Tod become part of your family. That is one of the greatest movies.
    we have some cans to deliver for Hannahs fund raising. Unfortunately there are not too many yet as the Hot Dog business is slowing. We will continue though and hope Hannah continues her effort next year. We collect tons of cans through the summer.
    Enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday.
    The Bugdins

  2. Anonymous said...


    I haven't told Sydney about you getting a new puppy because she really wants a little dog like you are getting.

    I am glad to hear that you got through this last round and only have cycle 9 to go. We can't wait to see you at Christmas. Sydney is already talking about it. Making cookies with grandma and asking for presents early.

    We will talk to you soon and hang in there it is almost over.

    Aunt Susie

  3. Unknown said...

    Hi Hannah,

    I'm glad to hear that you are getting nearer to the end of your treatments, and that you have a new puppy to look forward to!

    I have never had a dog before, but I think that one day I would like to have one. I do have a cat though. Do you want to know a funny story about my cat?

    I got her when I was about your age, and I named her Oatis. But there are two things I didn't know. The first is that the right way to spell that name is Otis, and the second is that Otis is a boy's name!

    I just thought it was a good name for a cat. Did you ever see a movie called "Milo and Otis"? It is about a cat and a dog, but I think the dog is the one named Otis.

    Take care!

    Another FOAL

  4. Unknown said...

    Who would have thought this time would pass so quickly and the end of the schedule is in sight! I am very happy for you, Hannah.

    By the way, you forgot the second "d" in Todd.

    Best wishes!
    Todd Wilkinson

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