Monday, July 30, 2007
Hannah had her checkup today at the clinic. Her counts were:
WBC 2.36 (range is 5.0-13.0)
ANC 1650 (range is 1500-8000)
HbG 9.01 (range is 11.5-16.0)
RBC 2.73 (range is 3.90-5.30)
Platelets 75,000 (range is 140,000-400,000)
Her white blood cells and neutrophils are good due to the daily shots to boost them, but her red blood cells and platelets are low, because the shots do not affect those. She is due for chemo next week, but if her platelets don't come up to at least 100,000, it will have to be delayed. She still has 10 days to rebound, so we're hopeful that they will come back in the normal range.
She did really well today at clinic. Last night when she discovered we were only going for a finger stick, no other pokes, she said "oh that's easy". And it was quite easy, no big drama. The shot tonight was quick and less screaming also. We have to continue the shots until Friday, when we go for another check on her counts.
On the way home today we stopped at the Sunrise Day Camp, a camp for kids with cancer and their siblings. Our friend Jacob and his brother attend, and they really like it. Hannah thought it looked great, especially the 4 big pools they have, so I am signing them up and we'll see how they do for a day, then more if they enjoy it. I saw many other kids with no hair, scarves and hats today, so Hannah will feel right at home. Also, she will be able to stay with her sister, since they are in the same age group. Hannah is very shy now, and hides behind me whenever we go anywhere. I think this experience, if she can make it through the first day, will be good for her self esteem and independence. They are especially geared towards kids with cancer, and are so familiar with their issues and special needs, which makes me comfortable in leaving her there. I'll let you know how it goes.
Hi to Joe and Colleen who just got back from camping!
Here are a couple of shots of Hannah riding at IRIE, the therapuetic riding program sponsored for her by the East End Livestock and Horseman's Association. Thank you so much!

xoxo Kim
WBC 2.36 (range is 5.0-13.0)
ANC 1650 (range is 1500-8000)
HbG 9.01 (range is 11.5-16.0)
RBC 2.73 (range is 3.90-5.30)
Platelets 75,000 (range is 140,000-400,000)
Her white blood cells and neutrophils are good due to the daily shots to boost them, but her red blood cells and platelets are low, because the shots do not affect those. She is due for chemo next week, but if her platelets don't come up to at least 100,000, it will have to be delayed. She still has 10 days to rebound, so we're hopeful that they will come back in the normal range.
She did really well today at clinic. Last night when she discovered we were only going for a finger stick, no other pokes, she said "oh that's easy". And it was quite easy, no big drama. The shot tonight was quick and less screaming also. We have to continue the shots until Friday, when we go for another check on her counts.
On the way home today we stopped at the Sunrise Day Camp, a camp for kids with cancer and their siblings. Our friend Jacob and his brother attend, and they really like it. Hannah thought it looked great, especially the 4 big pools they have, so I am signing them up and we'll see how they do for a day, then more if they enjoy it. I saw many other kids with no hair, scarves and hats today, so Hannah will feel right at home. Also, she will be able to stay with her sister, since they are in the same age group. Hannah is very shy now, and hides behind me whenever we go anywhere. I think this experience, if she can make it through the first day, will be good for her self esteem and independence. They are especially geared towards kids with cancer, and are so familiar with their issues and special needs, which makes me comfortable in leaving her there. I'll let you know how it goes.
Hi to Joe and Colleen who just got back from camping!

xoxo Kim
hey there Hannah Banana and Kim.
Reading the posts these last few days have been uplifting and exciting. The pictures look great and so do you miss! I would love to stop by with some pictures for you m'lady. With your crazy schedule it might be helpful if you give me a couple of "good times" to come. Miss seeing you. I am so glad mom puts up pictures as seeing you always makes me smile.
Love you!
Hi girls! I LOVE the pictures of your garden and riding on the horses Hannah! It looks like great times!
The camp sounds just wonderful, how nice to be around children who really understand what you're going through right now Hannah. You can be one anothers support systems and that is really important to have.
Keep smiling, keep fishing, and never give up hope....your smile is just a bright as those sunflowers and that is GREAT to see!
Love you lots and lots!
Randy, Angela, Logan, and Noah
Hi Gang,
My sister Trish and i just returned from going to some garage sales in Michigan City. We saw your grandma and talked to her for a LONG time. It was good to see her and hear all of her stories about the visits to see your family. She is such a positive person. Kim--your mom was always one of my favorite moms growing up. She always was friendly and had such nice things to say. I know she and your dad are a really big help to your family. Aren't good families wonderful??? We told your mom that Meg, Liam and Avery are coming to visit us in a couple of weeks. Meg will have her hand full with two little travelers on the plane, but she'll have a lot of help once they get off the plane. We heard your family hopes to visit MC in December. That will be great!
Shay, Karl, Reid and Riley Gast
Dear Hannah Love and Kim,
Wow!! What a great picture of you riding on that pony. What is the pony's name. It is so great to see you with your beautiful smile all the time and continuing to do fun things. How did you like your time at the camp? I bet they had alot of fun things for you and Colby to do. Where is the camp located? It is good to meet new friends and help on another when you have those tough days. Let me know how you liked it.
How has the weather been at home? I am still in New Hampshire and the weather for the past few days has been rising to about 96- too hot for me. I bet you have been swimming in the pool. I can not wait to get home to go to the beach.
I look forward to seeing you after I get back from NH. I will have to show you some new pictures of my little Jacob. I can not believe he is 7mos old already.
I pray that your appointment went well today and your counts have gone up significantly and you continue to feel better.
How are those beautiful sunflowers growing. They probably shine as bright as you do. Keep smiling and think good things.
I Love You Much
Love & Blessings,
Mrs. Baker (Lynnis)