Sunday, July 15, 2007
The next picture is the four of us on top of Mount Snow. Do we look tired and sweaty? We took the chair lift 2/3 of the way up the mountain and then hiked straight up the last 1/3. Dave did the brunt of the work, carrying Hannah on the uphills while I took her on the easier areas.
And lastly, here are the girls on one of their many smore making nights. Hannah must have eaten about 20 smores while we were there, then she had us make them again after dinner tonight. Lots of yummy calories! We also found the time to take a trail ride and do some fishing. Hannah took a few naps and held up very well, wanting to keep up with the girls.
It was nice to have some true "summer" time together before coming back to school, therapy and hospital visits again. xoxoKim
Good Morning Hannah: No wonder you like to go to Adam's Farm. That looks like so much fun to feed the sheep. I'll bet you he glad you came to see him too!!
Smores--mmmmm-yummy!! Were they as good as the ones you make at the campfire when you come to Gramma's? They are not only yummy, but fun to do to, aren't they?
It looks like you were very busy in Vermont. Glad to see you having so much fun.
We will see you tomorrow sweetie pie. We are leaving for your house at 4:00 in the morning. You will still be snoozing, so will see you in the evening. Looking forward to your hugs and kisses!!
Love you bunches!!
Grampa and Gramma
Dear Hannah Love,
Well, it certainly looks like you and your family had a wonderful time in Vermont. I love Vermont and New Hampshire. We use to visit Bromley mountain alot when my girls were younger. I bet it was so great to visit with your cousins as well. I love smores too, I can taste the chocolate melt in my mouth as I write this to you. I wold love to have a piece of chocolate right now. Glad to hear you had a bunch of them to eat and keep your weight up.
I am sure you are so excited to see your grampa and gramma this week.
Have not found any new band aids yet!! I would really like to find some unusaul ones for you.
Hannah sunshine rest from your weekend away. Hope to see you soon. I wish you many happy days and wonderful times with your family and friends.
I Love You Much,
Mrs. Baker (Lynnis)
Hi Hannah, It looks like you had a great weekend. We think about you and pray for you everyday. Love Sue and Tom
Dear Hannah,
I love s'mores too. We went to a friend's house on Cape Cod for a really fun July 4th party and we all had s'mores there while we were watching fireworks. Yummy!! When our children were growing up, every night we would sit at a campfire on the beach at Cape Cod and have s'mores. It seems like you had a wonderful vacation weekend in Vermont. The mountains in Vermont are very beautiful and what a wonderful thing that you, Colby, Mom and Dad went to the top of a mountain. I'll bet you could see for miles. The Yankees gained a game on the Red Sox yesterday, not so good for the "man from Boston" who loves his Red Sox but still wears that special Yankees hat every day for you, our beloved Hannah.
Judy and Dennis Griffin
Hi there Hannah,
You should check in with Maisy and Charlie, there is a special delivery from Italy and Spain awaiting you in Mattituck.
Glad you had a nice weekend, sure looks like fun. Hope you got a chance to celebrate Bastille Day on Saturday.
Hey there Hannah Banana!
I have been thinking about you a lot and have really enjoyed your pictures and hearing about the fun that you have been having this summer. I have more of those Yankee Pictures for you and will get them to you when you get back from your treatment this week. I will be holding you in my heart and prayers tomorrow and for the next week. Be strong little one and remember you are loved!
Mrs V
Hi Hannah Sunshine. Mom and Colby
Hello to Dad as well,
I was so blessed to see all of you yesterday. I really believe that God orchestras our meetings all the time. I was leaving work at 5pm.Hannah, did you get to start you book yet? I will have to read one and know what this series is all about. Sorry Colby you did not get a new read but I know you probably have plenty of great books at home. Wow, I can not believe you will be in 5th grade next fall.
Did Grampa and Gramma arrive yet? I know you will have a great time seeing them.
Kim, I finally broke down and did some good exercise routine today. I use to be so disciplined in my younger day.I am trying to stay faithful. I just doubt I will ever master the back roll over.
Hannah love I wish you well for this week. I know you really want this to stop but it is important for you to receive this medicine.
Remember all good thoughts and prayers are with you always. Maybe this trip you can take your quilt with you and know the angels and happy flowers are there to bring you love, peace and healing. Hang on my kindred spirit girl.I send you all my hugs and love.
I hope after you get home and feeling better I can come to visit.
I Love You Much,
Love & Blessings,
Mrs. Baker (Lynnis)
Hi Hannah
All positive thoughts for your next round that begins tomorrow!! I will surely have you in my thoughts, they will all be GOOD!!
Love and prayers,
Anne Salice