Hannah's Cans for Cancer
Hannah would like to announce her new
campaign. This idea originated from an article in our local paper about a women who began recycling cans to raise money. Recycling is something Hannah and Colby do regularly with Dave. They take our cans and bottles to the grocery store or the beverage center and collect the money back from the deposits. Hannah had been looking into various ways to make money to help kids with cancer and she liked the idea! The money will be used to help fund the Childlife group in the hospital. Childlife is there to help the kids deal with life while they are in clinic or in the hospital. They can take the kids' minds off finger sticks, and being accessed, nausea, and many other fears. They provide games, activities, crafts, toys, etc. for the kids to keep them occupied. Hannah and I have noticed that many of the games are missing pieces, or are in bad shape. Crayons are broken, glue is hard, supplies are scarce. They do a wonderful job with what they have, but we are hoping to give them more! Depending on how much money we raise, we may be able to contribute to other sources that also help kids with cancer.
We have already started the recycling project and Hannah has over $100 in her fund already (thanks to Melanie who donated the money from her bracelets). Here is a picture of our last recycling effort. Hannah is too short to reach the machine, so Colby is giving her a lift.
How can you help? If you live in the area, you can drop off your cans and bottles (any and all that can be turned in for a deposit) at our house. We have set up two bins in the driveway marked "Hannah's Cans for Cancer." Hannah designed the signs herself (she wants you to know that I made one of them.) You can leave them anytime. If you need our address and/or directions, please email me.
Or, if you prefer, you can turn in the cans yourself and drop off the money. We have an envelope attached to the inside of the blue bin, just drop your money in there. If you live out of town, and want to participate, please send us your deposit money and we will add it to the fund.
Hannah is so excited about this. We already received our first can donation-thank you to the Angells! With your help we can raise lots of money to help kids with cancer. Thanks!
xxoxo Kim and Hannah

We have already started the recycling project and Hannah has over $100 in her fund already (thanks to Melanie who donated the money from her bracelets). Here is a picture of our last recycling effort. Hannah is too short to reach the machine, so Colby is giving her a lift.
Or, if you prefer, you can turn in the cans yourself and drop off the money. We have an envelope attached to the inside of the blue bin, just drop your money in there. If you live out of town, and want to participate, please send us your deposit money and we will add it to the fund.
Hannah is so excited about this. We already received our first can donation-thank you to the Angells! With your help we can raise lots of money to help kids with cancer. Thanks!
xxoxo Kim and Hannah