Wednesday, Sept 19, 2007
Another day of chemo done, almost done now with Round 6. Hannah did well yesterday with only mild stomach upset. I spoke to the doctor about her counts, because each week they are lower (her whites), but it's normal and to be expected while getting chemo each week. She tolerates this round well, so no shots or transfusions are expected.
I was so proud of her when she got accessed. She was a bit calmer, with not as much fighting and resistance as before. She still was a little upset and really uncomfortable having it done, but at least they couldn't hear her out in the hallway. Maybe it had something to do with the very loud and very long scream we heard before she was accessed. She looked at me like WOW! that was loud. I asked her if she was planning on doing that when she got accesssed and she just gave me one of those "mom" looks.
Dave came in to clinic at noon to stay with her, so I could come home only to head back out to the city for my annual bus trip to see the Yankees with friends (sorry to all of our Boston friends, but they won BIG!). She put up a bit of a fuss when I left, saying I had to be there for deaccessing, but she didn't really seem bothered by it. It was a good day anyway for Dad to be there since members of the NY Jets football team were in visiting the hospital. Here is a picture of Hannah with #70 Mike Devito and #35 Manny Collins (had to look him up on the practice squad roster).
When I asked Hannah about the Jets visit this morning, she said "I don't know who they were and they didn't say one word." She also said you can't see her IV pole in the picture because she put it behind them so it wouldn't show. Pretty tricky. It is nice when they have people come in to visit, does help to break up the monotony of the whole thing. She seemed to enjoy it.
Next week is her last chemo treatment for round 6 and she also has a two part MRI on Tuesday and Wednesday, full cranial and spinal, so she has to miss 2 days of school (Hannah smiles). She is enjoying school, and says she would rather be there than at clinic!
xoxo Kim
I was so proud of her when she got accessed. She was a bit calmer, with not as much fighting and resistance as before. She still was a little upset and really uncomfortable having it done, but at least they couldn't hear her out in the hallway. Maybe it had something to do with the very loud and very long scream we heard before she was accessed. She looked at me like WOW! that was loud. I asked her if she was planning on doing that when she got accesssed and she just gave me one of those "mom" looks.
Dave came in to clinic at noon to stay with her, so I could come home only to head back out to the city for my annual bus trip to see the Yankees with friends (sorry to all of our Boston friends, but they won BIG!). She put up a bit of a fuss when I left, saying I had to be there for deaccessing, but she didn't really seem bothered by it. It was a good day anyway for Dad to be there since members of the NY Jets football team were in visiting the hospital. Here is a picture of Hannah with #70 Mike Devito and #35 Manny Collins (had to look him up on the practice squad roster).

When I asked Hannah about the Jets visit this morning, she said "I don't know who they were and they didn't say one word." She also said you can't see her IV pole in the picture because she put it behind them so it wouldn't show. Pretty tricky. It is nice when they have people come in to visit, does help to break up the monotony of the whole thing. She seemed to enjoy it.
Next week is her last chemo treatment for round 6 and she also has a two part MRI on Tuesday and Wednesday, full cranial and spinal, so she has to miss 2 days of school (Hannah smiles). She is enjoying school, and says she would rather be there than at clinic!
xoxo Kim
Hey there Hannah!
What, no Giants? Eh, I guess the Jets are ok too. That was nice they came to visit. I bet your friends will think that was cool when they read your blog. Sounds like you're doing a super job putting up with everything. Keep up the good work!!
Thinking of you,
Uncle Mike
HEYY Hannah
Glad to hear you're hangin' with the Jets. I'm not a big football fan, but that is so cool you get to meet pro football players. Isn't it awsome that the yankees are currently two games from boston! Best wishes
Melanie Mackin
P.S- my mom took Karate and thought it was totally AWSOME
Good Morning Hannah Sunshine,
Wow!! had exciting for you to meet all these pro players. I hope they are Yankee fans. Mom got to see the game good for her. As always your smile brightens the day. I pray you will not have much ill effects from this round of chemo. You certainly are quickly reaching to the bottom of that hill. Hang on strong.
I was so happy to see you yet again in the hallway. I hope next time we both won't be on our way to schedule event have a hug hello.
How is your Dad feeling? Hope much better. You both can rest together and watch a good movie or of course read to each other.
Well, it has been a full week at school for the first time. I am looking forward to the weekend. The weather is suppose to be beautiful so enjoy maybe on last fun at the beach.
Well, off to school I go see you there.
I Love You Much,
Love & Blessings,
Mrs. Baker (Lynnis)
Those guys looked really big. Sounds like things are going well with this round and hopefully for the next few as well. You are almost there. Keep up the good work.
Aunt Susie
You know what Hannah, you might not know who those guys were, but I am sure they will always remember you and that GREAT BIG SMILE!!!! ; )
Logan took tae kwan do and he had more girls in his class than boys - it was awesome!!! It was a lot of fun and I think it's something you would really really like! Just try it out - it helps with your balance, it teaches you to control emotions, and you get to kick stuff and yell real loud!!! WOO HOO!!!
I am happy to hear that you're doing well, I think of you and pray for you every day!
Love you bunches!
Your cousin Angela
Dear Hannah,
We want to know if you and your Mom put a hex on the Red Sox because they have been in a trance for the last two weeks. Please send us back some of those Red Sox bandages we sent to you because the Sox are bleeding everywhere. We're tough up here because we, Red Sox fans, are prepared for this kind of ending of the season. Hannah, we don't see you wearing that Red Sox hat anymore, maybe that is what changed their luck.
Love, Judy and Dennis Griffin
Hannah-it was great to see you the other day, and i was so happy to hear that you are riding your bike without help. Keep up the strength and keep that smile going. hope to see you soon. we are praying for you.
Scott Czujko
Hello Hannah,
Happy Fall Day!!! You would not know it was Fall here in Texas because we are still in the low 90's. You are doing a great job! It is so nice to see your big smile. We think of you often.
Aunt Paige, Kate and Lynsey