Monday, Sept. 3, 2007
We're arrived back home yesterday from our brief trip to PA. We all had a good time getting away for a few days. Colby rallied through a very bad sore throat (of course better since we were on our way home!) and Hannah didn't catch anything from her.
Here is picture of Hannah and I hiking at Bushkill Falls, PA. She did pretty well, only had to be carried for the second half of the trip, mostly uphill.
Our next day we were off to Hershey. We spent the whole day there, left the park at 9pm, so everyone was tired. Here are Colby and Hannah with a 5 pound chocolate bar (I was tempted, but didn't buy it!)
So we're enjoying these last couple of days before school starts here on Thursday. Hannah will go full days this year, as long as she is not in for chemo or home due to low counts. We go in for the beginning of Round 6 tomorrow, so she will get chemo for the next 4 Tuesdays in a row, then only the final 3 rounds left. We can't wait.
We wanted to also say thank you to our friend Melanie from East Hampton who sold bracelets she made to help Hannah raise money for charity. Melanie worked very hard, and raised $90! WOW!! What a great idea. Thanks for all the hard work!
xoxo Kim
Here is picture of Hannah and I hiking at Bushkill Falls, PA. She did pretty well, only had to be carried for the second half of the trip, mostly uphill.
Our next day we were off to Hershey. We spent the whole day there, left the park at 9pm, so everyone was tired. Here are Colby and Hannah with a 5 pound chocolate bar (I was tempted, but didn't buy it!)
We wanted to also say thank you to our friend Melanie from East Hampton who sold bracelets she made to help Hannah raise money for charity. Melanie worked very hard, and raised $90! WOW!! What a great idea. Thanks for all the hard work!
xoxo Kim
Hannah, I love your pictures. You look so cute with the 5pound hershey bar. Ican't wait to see you for school. I hope I see you soon. Maybe we can carpool.
love charley
Bernard misses you
Dearest Hannah Love, Kim, Colby and Dad-
Wow! that is some big candy bar. I was happy to know you all had a good time. Your pictures say it all. Everyone looks great. Glad Colby rallied through and everyone had a good time.
Well, the time has come to put on your new outfits for the first day of school. I always loved the first few days of school getting reacquainted with old friends and meeting new ones.
Colby you will now be upstairs. I hope I get to see you some downstairs too. I will miss seeing you. Good luck in your new start of 5th grade Wow does that seem possible.
Hannah I sent all my love and prayers for your treatment appointment. As always remember you are sliding down that big hill almost to the bottom.The end is in sight.
Look forward to seeing you at school love with your beautiful smile.
I start work tomorrow but did enjoy the beach today-- a little windy though but I toughed it through.
Have a good rest tonight and drink plenty of fluids.
I Love You Much,
Love & Blessings
Mrs. Baker (Lynnis)
Hello Prokops: Looks like you had a great time in PA. Hannah, did you buy that big 5 lb. Hershey bar for Gramma? You know that is my favorite.
This is going to be an exciting week for you and Colby starting school with new teachers and new friends too!! I know you both like schoool.
We had our last cook-out of the season today at Uncle Jerry's and Aunt Cindy's house. The pool is really nice and warm yet.
Well, sweetie pie---we will be thinking about you and remember--drink lots of water so that you can go to school on Thursday.
Love you much and miss you lots. Everyone sends prayers and good wishes for you.
Grampa and Gramma
P.S. Save some sunflower seeds for us. On the road to Gramma's house, some people we know have a whole field of sunflowers and every time I go by them I think of our little Hannie!!