Thursday, Oct. 18 2007
Hannah was at clinic today to check her levels. She was so funny when we were walking in she asked if she could watch a movie after we saw the doctor and I said "we are leaving after we see the doctor." She smiled so big and said NO CHEMO? It was pretty funny, and she was so happy.
Her counts were good and bad. Her ANC (for fighting infection) is good, but her platelets (for clotting your blood) were pretty low. They were not quite low enough to transfuse, but not far off. We just have to be careful in the next week not to do anything that would risk bruising, which could cause internal bleeding. He said horseback riding was ok on Saturday as long as Hannah didn't do anything too risky, walking and easy trotting are ok. We go back next week for another blood check, but we expect to be ready for chemo on Nov. 1st and 2nd. The doctor made the decision today to do her next round of chemo the day after Halloween, rather than on Halloween (another happy thing for Hannah today).
Next week when we go to clinic, we will also go for a renal sonogram. Her last MRI showed a cyst on her kidney. They think it's nothing, but wanted a follow up with a sonogram to be sure. We will follow this to be sure it's nothing.

Grandma and Grandpa went home today and we want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Grandpa. We celebrated with him last night, here are a few pictures from the celebration. My parents have been so incredibly supportive and important to us in this, we couldn't have done it without both of you! We hope the next time we see them is in Indiana, rather than here again for another round of chemo.
We also want to say hello to our cousin Noah in Illinois who had to spend a few days in the hospital lately getting his appendix out! We hope you're feeling better really soon. We would love to go fishing with you again this summer at our next family reunion.
xoxo Kim
Her counts were good and bad. Her ANC (for fighting infection) is good, but her platelets (for clotting your blood) were pretty low. They were not quite low enough to transfuse, but not far off. We just have to be careful in the next week not to do anything that would risk bruising, which could cause internal bleeding. He said horseback riding was ok on Saturday as long as Hannah didn't do anything too risky, walking and easy trotting are ok. We go back next week for another blood check, but we expect to be ready for chemo on Nov. 1st and 2nd. The doctor made the decision today to do her next round of chemo the day after Halloween, rather than on Halloween (another happy thing for Hannah today).
Next week when we go to clinic, we will also go for a renal sonogram. Her last MRI showed a cyst on her kidney. They think it's nothing, but wanted a follow up with a sonogram to be sure. We will follow this to be sure it's nothing.
We also want to say hello to our cousin Noah in Illinois who had to spend a few days in the hospital lately getting his appendix out! We hope you're feeling better really soon. We would love to go fishing with you again this summer at our next family reunion.
xoxo Kim
Hi Hannah,
Hola from me, Diane, a FOAL living in Costa Rica. Here are two great things about yesterday: first, a happy happy birthday to your Grandpa. And second, you must be sooo happy about the Red Sox. Josh Beckett played an awesome game. I'm a St. Louis Cardinals fan myself, but now I'm rooting for the Red Sox.
Don't you love your song? Guess what: you really are as beautiful as baby animals. My favorite baby animal is a tapir. This is a mammal found in the tropics that sort of looks like a cross between an elephant and a cow. Sort of. Here's a photo of a baby tapir:
Ok, maybe it's not beautiful in the traditional sense, but don't you think it's kind of adorable?
Have a fantastic weekend, Hannah and have fun horseback riding.
un abrazo to you.
Dear Hannah:
I just absoutly lovee the jacket you were wearing in the picture ! I absoutly am addicted to that store. Anyway, I am sad about the Yankees not going into the playoffs :[ . I don't really watch baseball but, I still love the YANKS (and the yankees only) !
I have been wondering, Colby told me that you could make any wish you want - in the intire world, and you get it. What did you wish for? Colby told me a while ago..I just forgot. ha ha. See you soon !
Tori :]
Hi Hannah,
I know you're a Yankees fan and I'm a Mets fan but we're still friends right? I just got caught up with reading your blog and was so excited to hear about the Songs of Love commercial. I saw John at Shea stadium last summer and he was doing a song for someone else - he had all the fans in the stands singing and I immediately thought of you. It is so great that you got your own song. See you soon!
Ms. Charters
Dear Hannah Love,
I pray you are having a wonderful day today. The weather is so beautiful. If I was not working at the library, I would be at the beach.
Did you get to watch the game last night? How aweksome the Red Sox's played. My son-in-law was in his glory. Let's see what happens tonight. Hope you got some reading done too.
I abdolutely love the song Hannah. Although, I did not get to hear all of it I thought it was so special and so you. I hope to get a copy. You are so beautiful and the song speaks from your heart.
Have a wonderful night and get good rest. I hope to see you at school soon.
all my best to Mom Colby and Dad.
I Love You Much,
Love & Blessings,
Mrs. Baker (Lynnis)
I don't know what is wrong with me, but your blog made me cry! ; )
Thank you for the thoughts....Noah is doing so great and will head back to school on Wednesday. He and I talked about Hannah while he was in the hospital and he remembered swimming and fishing with her.
Parents are amazing people....just when you get all grown up with kids of your own and you realize that you still depend on them for support. I know that during our small crisis with Noah my parents stepped in along with the rest of my family and just took care of everything so beautifully!
Hope you guys have a great week! We love and miss you lots!