Tuesday, Oct 9, 2007
Yes, we're in! Hannah's counts checked out today and we were admitted for Round 7. It took ony 10 and a half hours to get upstairs on the floor into a room, ugh! We got here at 8am (left our house at 6:15am) and didn't get in our room until 6:30 pm tonight. It is very packed here, and every room is full. There were three admissions today, and we were the last to get a room. But, now we are in and settled. They started Hannah's chemo before we came up to the floor, so she was even done with both of her medications by the time we arrived. So far, so good, just fatigued from the 2 anti nausea meds, and still eating well.
Hannah was able to deliver the gifts she bought today to Childlife. They were so happy to receive everything. This is a picture of Jan from Childlife receiving the goods. Since we brought them directly to Childlife, they are able to use them specifically for the hemotology/oncology pedicatric patients that are either in clinic or inpatient. Hannah is going to ask them to break out the Mousetrap game we brought tomorrow!
Hannah also feels the need to mention our Yankees. She told me that now she will root for the Red Sox because the Yankees aren't in it anymore. Just two nights ago when Johnny Damon hit a homerun to lift the team up and begin a rally to win the game, she was insistent that we email Audrey from Spaulding in Boston (who loved Damon before he became a Yankee and cut off his hair). Not many people we know switch from rooting for the Yankees to backing the Red Sox, so to all of our Boston friends, good luck!
Hannah also feels the need to mention our Yankees. She told me that now she will root for the Red Sox because the Yankees aren't in it anymore. Just two nights ago when Johnny Damon hit a homerun to lift the team up and begin a rally to win the game, she was insistent that we email Audrey from Spaulding in Boston (who loved Damon before he became a Yankee and cut off his hair). Not many people we know switch from rooting for the Yankees to backing the Red Sox, so to all of our Boston friends, good luck!
Great job with shopping to get all those new toys, games even batteries!! You guys were thinking about everything! I don't always remember to look at what batteries I need. Good Luck with round 7. I hope you get to join your junior Girl Scout troop for a meeting soon. Keep eating, keep smiling, keep going, you're doing a great job! (and so is the rest of your family!)
Our thoughts and prayers to you from the Scheer family
hola hannah (or should I now start saying guten tag?)
I have to say it again - you are purely an inspiration - it is marvellous to see your drive to be sure that you are making someone else's day a bit brighter - you and Colby are quite a pair - thanks to you both for keeping our attention on the important stuff like how to always find a way to contribute to someone's happiness.
Hope this visit goes well and glad you are moving forward with your treatment - almost done so keep up the good work, eat lots of good stuff and enjoy playing Mousetrap!
See you soon I hope
Love - Liza
Hi girls!
I am sending you my thoughts and prayers today!
Love you lots!
Dear Hannah Sunshine and Family,
Wow, what an amazing job you all did with raising funds Hannah's Cans for Cancer. What great gifts your purchased and I know all the children will be so happy. You are always thinking of others and make their days so much brighter.
I was so sad to learn you had to wait so long to get settled in your room but thankful you were able to complete you round 7 treatment without complications. Well, my kindred spirited girl you are really coming down that hill full speed ahead. Great for you. I pray for you to have a restful night and will see you back at school soon.
Did you get to play the mousetrap game yet??
Now about the Yankee's what a sad end for them. Great play by Johnny Damon on the winning game though he is one of my favorites. Anyway, it is okay to make a switch over for the Red Sox team now because you have some good friends that are true Red Sox supporters. I did the switch too, as you know my daughter Lesa's boyfriend is a true Yankee fan and my daughter Amye's husband is a Red Sox fan. I guess that gives my the privilege to switch over after all I have to keep peace in the family. So go Red Sox.
Well, I think we can say our summer is finally over. A bit on the chilly side today. If I had been home this weekend, I know I would have made one last swim in.
Hannah Love,remember you are always thought of in a special way and in my prayers. May you always feel all the love that comes your way and may peace and sunshine warm your soul.
I Love You Much,
Love & Blessings,
Mrs. Baker (Lynnis)