Saturday, Dec. 15, 2007
Another full week without school, Hannah was struggling quite a bit this week with fatigue and stomach issues. She often needs the extra dose of anti-nausea medicine throughout the day to ward off the stomach problems. She does fluctuate between good moments and bad. On Thursday, we went out to one place in the morning, and her stomach started to bother her. Of course I didn't have the medicine with me, and she reminded me that "you never have it when I need it." We started home, she was very quiet and said she wanted to lay down when we got home. I gave her the medicine immediately, within 15 minutes she was asking for soup, and in another 20 minutes she wanted to go to school to work on a special art project she is working on with Mrs. Grossman, her favorite art teacher. She rallied for about 45 minutes, then was ready for a rest.
We woke up this morning to find a "12 Days of Christmas" package left outside by a mystery friend. Day #1, the 12th day before Christmas was a partridge in a beautiful pear tree. Day #2 was 2 turtle doves. This evening Day #3 arrived with 3 french hens, and hint:3 of us are children. That has us thinking! What a special surprise gift, Colby and Hannah were very excited, and we're all trying to guess who our special mystery friend is! Thank you so much. Of course it's also reminding me that now there are only 10 days until Christmas, oh no!
We also started baking yesterday-remember those cookies we were NOT going to bake? We started with Hannah's favorite kind-Grandma K's russian teacakes. Tomorrow we will try to get another batch in, and that may be it. Our friend Diane brought us some wonderful cookies tonight from her cookie exchange and we will be definitely enjoying those.
We have a surprise of our own on the horizon for Monday, last day of chemo! More later....
xoxo Kim
We also started baking yesterday-remember those cookies we were NOT going to bake? We started with Hannah's favorite kind-Grandma K's russian teacakes. Tomorrow we will try to get another batch in, and that may be it. Our friend Diane brought us some wonderful cookies tonight from her cookie exchange and we will be definitely enjoying those.
We have a surprise of our own on the horizon for Monday, last day of chemo! More later....
xoxo Kim
Dear Hannah, Colby, Kim and Dave
I will be praying for all of you for the end journey of treaments tomorrow. Hannah Love get plenty of rest tonight.I know you still have a journey ahead but thank God no more chemo. Merry Christmas Merry Christmas.
What a great gift you received the twelve days of Christmas that is really a cool idea and a tree to
decorate also have fun with that. I will look forward to the finished pictures.
I am so excited today because my Jacob turned one year and his mommy send some pictures to CVS for me to see him opening his presents. As soon as I am done work at the library I will go get them. I can not wait to see him for Christmas. Children are so special especially during the Holidays.
Well my dear girl I send you all my love, prayers, and hugs. May you be blessed always.
I send also all my good wishes for a very special Christmas with your family.
I Love You Much,
Love & Blessings,
Mrs. Baker (Lynnis)