Tuesday, Dec. 4, 2007
One more chemo down and only 2 to go. Hannah did well yesterday, most likely due to the extra anti-nausea meds I asked them to give her. She played video games in her bed almost the entire time, and fell asleep with only 15 minutes left to go! I won't go into details, but she was very agitated when they went to access her port, they called for another nurse (that's a first), and Hannah was NOT happy.
She was a star at clinic yesterday. One of the nurses who was at the fantasy flight pulled up the video on Newsday.com and we all watched, which was pretty exciting for Hannah, since she had not seen herself online in the video yet.
Her white counts were surprising good yesterday, up quite a bit from last week. The doctor mentioned that this is normal as the body is making one last push for recovery, which will probably be followed by a dramatic and quick drop in counts. I guess we have that to look forward to for next week. I had hopes that she could make it school this week at least part time with these counts, but realistically, she does not feel that great. Last night she was complaining of a stomach ache, and she will still be on 2 anti-nausea meds for the next few days, one of them which makes her very tired. I am not pushing her to attend since she doesn't feel good, and she is still sleeping this morning.
I'm sure she'll talk me into baking some cookies today, that's been on the top of her list for quite a while, and the dough is already waiting in the refrigerator.
I'll leave you with a picture of Colby and the brothers in the house, when they are not playing together they are cuddling!
xoxo Kim
She was a star at clinic yesterday. One of the nurses who was at the fantasy flight pulled up the video on Newsday.com and we all watched, which was pretty exciting for Hannah, since she had not seen herself online in the video yet.
Her white counts were surprising good yesterday, up quite a bit from last week. The doctor mentioned that this is normal as the body is making one last push for recovery, which will probably be followed by a dramatic and quick drop in counts. I guess we have that to look forward to for next week. I had hopes that she could make it school this week at least part time with these counts, but realistically, she does not feel that great. Last night she was complaining of a stomach ache, and she will still be on 2 anti-nausea meds for the next few days, one of them which makes her very tired. I am not pushing her to attend since she doesn't feel good, and she is still sleeping this morning.
I'm sure she'll talk me into baking some cookies today, that's been on the top of her list for quite a while, and the dough is already waiting in the refrigerator.
xoxo Kim
Dear Hannah Love,
What a blessing it was for me to see you today at the library. I really wanted to give you a hug but I have laryngitis and did not want you to catch any germs.
Wow!! what great pictures of your visit to the North Pole. Love the head painting so cool. I am sure you had such a wonderful time. What is it like at the North Pole? Is ther alot of snow or not?
I hope you gave Santa all you good wishes. I tried to view the video but it did not come up even when I did search on Kids Fly to the North Pole.
Great picture of Colby, Riley and Tod all snuggly and cozy together.
Riley looks to make a good pillow for my head. I can see he and Tod have adjusted nicely together. Great horse blanket Colby.
New Hampshire had their first nice accumulation of snow yesterday so my grandson Jacob had his first sled ride and fun in the snow. His Mom told me he absolutely had a blast. How great is that? He will be a year old on Dec.16th.
Well dear sunshine you are truly coming down to the end hill of uyour treaments. I am so glad you will finally see some light after this long dark tunnel. Hang on my kindred spirited girl you are allmost there. I wish you better days and strength to finish this horrific race. I send all my prayers and love to comfort your soul.
I Love You Much,
Love & Blessings,
Mrs. Baker (Lynis)
Go Hannah Go
Go Hannah Go
Go, Go Go
you are doing just great sweetie and want to let you know we are all thinking of you as you finish up this next step in getting all the way better!
Go, girl! Can you hear me cheering you on from Germany??
Hi Hannah!
Would you believe I saw your commercial on TV TWO TIMES IN TWO DAYS! You can't even imagine how excited I was! I think you look so beautiful in that commercial. And way to go on the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving? We have a race like that in the park near where I live in Brooklyn--but I was too lazy to get out of bed and run (or walk) in it! I'm so very impressed by all of the things you have been doing.
(A Friend of Aunt Liza)
I saw the commercial about your North Pole visit. Very Cool!
Kim Bass