Monday, March 31, 2008

It was another busy weekend here. Colby had her school play on Friday night and Sunday afternoon. She had 3 parts in 2 plays, and she was great! Go Colby!
Hannah had the science fair that she did with her friends Mary Kate and Charley-the Amazing Water Wheel! Hannah loves doing the science fair.
Sunday Dave took me to a surprise Broadway play in NYC for my (29th ish) birthday! We went to see Chorus Line, it was fabulous! A long day, but a good day. The girls had fun with Aunt Kathleen during the day, and surprising me with cake and gifts when we got home.
Hannah's surgery for port removal is next week already-Tuesday, April 8th. We have to meet with the doctor this week as well as the anesthesiologist to clear her for surgery. It is an outpatient surgery, so she won't have to spend the night. Thank goodness because I just unpacked my hospital bag finally last week!
We'll keep you updated as we get closer. Thanks for checking in with us.
xoxo Kim
Congratulations girls!! Plays, Science Fairs, busy, busy, busy. And Happy Birthday Kim! I saw A Chorus Line back in 1979 and loved it! I heard they have re-written it to make it more contemporary, and now Cassie was born in 1980! Please tell me it isn't true. We cannot possibly be that old!
Keep up the good health everyone!!
The Reyes Family