Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Have you ever noticed how medical personnel use terms and abbreviations all the time like a secret code? Here are some we hear all the time in our world, and these are only the tip of the iceberg: NPO-latin abbreviation for "nothing by mouth", EFS-event free survival (which means in the tumor world that no major medical issues arise, including a recurrence of the tumor), BID-twice a day, LP-lumbar puncture, also known as a spinal tap, CSF-cerebrospinal fluid, CRP-C-reactive protein, DX-diagnosis, Hgb-Hemoglobin, RBC/WBC-Red blood cells, white blood cells, SQ-subcutaneous, and one of our new favorites-NED-no evidence of disease, which is the word on Hannah's MRI (another abbreviation) today!!!!! YEAH! It doesn't get any better than that-NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE! 

We got the call this afternoon, what a relief. I still won't feel completely satisfied until we get the written report from the radiologist, because often they note other things. We have been surprised by a written report before, after having read it, but not being told all of the particulars beforehand. Here are a few photos of Hannah as she braved the MRI machine again.
We only went to clinic to day for Hannah to be accessed, no visit with the doctor. We were happy to see our friend Kaitlyn and her mom Carolyn there, I was hoping since it was a Tuesday that we would see them. Here is a picture of Hannah and adorable Kaitlyn-look at all that beautiful hair she has! Kaitlyn has ALL-Leukemia, and is still in the midst of chemotherapy. God bless her, she is a sweet little girl.
Hannah was great today being accessed at clinic. Today's bribe was a nintendo game that she has been wanting, so she can play directly with Colby. She was incredible. It is so much less stressful (for me at least, and I think for her too) when she is not hysterical. When nurse Donna asked her today to stick out her chest because she couldn't get the needle in, Hannah stuck it right out! I asked her if I could take her picture during the accessing, but she said NO WAY MOM! She's not close to that yet. But, it's ok, I would expect her to say anything else.
The MRI today was much quicker because they only did the brain. Next time-in June-they will do the full brain and spine. For the first time, Hannah said she felt nauseous after they injected the dye today. They have to use contrast dye during the MRI so that any tumor spots can be highlighted in contrast to other normal tissue. It makes them easier to see. She didn't get sick, but she laid down for a bit after we left the MRI and got to the car. She popped right up when we got to the mall and headed for Build a Bear. Here is Hannah with her new chick "Polly."
What a great day today. They drew some labs today that I asked them to while Hannah was accessed. This post is already long enough, so I won't go into detail now, but we should have the results back next week. We go back to clinic for her next level check at the end of March. Freedom!!
Thanks for checking in on us. If you visited today, please drop us a note in Hannah's guestbook, we would love to know you've been here!
xoxo Kim
We got the call this afternoon, what a relief. I still won't feel completely satisfied until we get the written report from the radiologist, because often they note other things. We have been surprised by a written report before, after having read it, but not being told all of the particulars beforehand. Here are a few photos of Hannah as she braved the MRI machine again.
We only went to clinic to day for Hannah to be accessed, no visit with the doctor. We were happy to see our friend Kaitlyn and her mom Carolyn there, I was hoping since it was a Tuesday that we would see them. Here is a picture of Hannah and adorable Kaitlyn-look at all that beautiful hair she has! Kaitlyn has ALL-Leukemia, and is still in the midst of chemotherapy. God bless her, she is a sweet little girl.
Hannah was great today being accessed at clinic. Today's bribe was a nintendo game that she has been wanting, so she can play directly with Colby. She was incredible. It is so much less stressful (for me at least, and I think for her too) when she is not hysterical. When nurse Donna asked her today to stick out her chest because she couldn't get the needle in, Hannah stuck it right out! I asked her if I could take her picture during the accessing, but she said NO WAY MOM! She's not close to that yet. But, it's ok, I would expect her to say anything else.
The MRI today was much quicker because they only did the brain. Next time-in June-they will do the full brain and spine. For the first time, Hannah said she felt nauseous after they injected the dye today. They have to use contrast dye during the MRI so that any tumor spots can be highlighted in contrast to other normal tissue. It makes them easier to see. She didn't get sick, but she laid down for a bit after we left the MRI and got to the car. She popped right up when we got to the mall and headed for Build a Bear. Here is Hannah with her new chick "Polly."
Thanks for checking in on us. If you visited today, please drop us a note in Hannah's guestbook, we would love to know you've been here!
xoxo Kim
YAY!! YAY!! YAY!! That is what we have been praying for!!!! I'm so glad you had a wonderful day, you have all been on my mind.
Much love,
The Reyes Family
WOOO HOOO! Way to go Hannah! I have been waiting for this fabulous report! So... is that you at build a bear?? Super darling! I think.. I want to go there for my birthday! Kasey has plenty of stuffed animals.. I think it's my turn! Kasey has to get the contrast stuff for his MRI's too.. his next one is on April 9th.
I am sending big congrats on the NED report.. you can't beat that! Go celebrate!
Cyber Hugs...
Amy.. Kasey's mom
What wonderfull news! I am so thrilled!
Kim, thank you for the book. I have beenn reading it and it is great.
Much love-
wow aren't you glad to have that off your shoulder now that there is no sign of disease!!! Hannah i love your chick and you made her just in time for easter!
The Murphys
Dear Kim and Hannah,
What great news!!!!!!! NED - it's got to be your favorite acronym of all time. So happy to hear that the results came back good.
I love the chick from Build-A-Bear........... very cute and I bet he's super soft too.
See you soon.
Love Mrs. Purick, Jessica and the boys.
p.s. I can see how much Hannah's hair is growing back - very noticeable in yesterday's photos. Jessica said it just looks like Hannah has a short hair cut.
Hi Hannah,
Great new and I love Polly. She is really cute. Also by the time that we see you next month I am sure it will be twice as long.
Aunt Susie
Hey Hannah,
Great news about your MRI, NED we love to hear that abbreviation!!!!
We love Polly she is very cute just like you!!!!! You are always in our thoughts and prayers. Take Care
The Mele Family
Hi Kim & Hannah
I am jumping up and down and crying tears of joy! YEH!!!! We miss seeing you at clinic. Hannah you look fabulous! All our love to you - the pictures are great!
Love, Debbie & Jake
Hi Kim,
Great news!!!!!!!!I'm so happy for your whole family. WE need to catch up. brettfryar@yahoo.com
Luv ya, Brett
NED is our new friend
We wish he was an old friend
But we like NED just the same
We want NED around for a long time
Forever is not quite long enough
But Forever will do fine for now
NED does not say much
It means alot every time we see his name written
Here's to NED
Here's to hair
Here's to Spring
They all seem to be coming along
quite nicely.
Seasons change
Hair will grow and be cut
But NED... He's our new friend
NED... He'll be our old friend
NED...He'll be our for forever friend.
Maybe everyone needs a NEDdy Bear
I meant to say that by the time I see you next month your HAIR will be twice as long.
Love, Aunt Susie
NED! That is fantastic news!!!!!!
Becca Snook (Cook)
YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!!!!!! That is such GREAT news! We are still sending lots of prayers because we know that there are still a few hurdles here and there, but we LOVE the happy news that you shared with us!
Love you guys lots and lots!
Great news! We are so glad to hear the MRI went well. Hannah looks beautiful and healthy. All our love and prayers to you.
Karen, David, Rebecca and Will
WOW!! Congratulations Hannah and the rest of the Prokop gang! I'm sorry I haven't posted in awhile, it sounds like you are doing wonderfully! I can't believe how busy you are. You sound like me, except I have to do boring things like write papers for college.
Hello Prokops!
You looked better than most going into that MRI machine- good for you Hannah- and even better- love those results!!!!!
Don't you love Build-A-Bear??!!
Hey the next time you see me I'll look very different, I had my 10+ inches of hair cut off for locks of love today, for my special girl friends!!
Keep up all the wonderful work, you are an inspiration!!!!!
Love, Anne Salice
Congratulations on the great news Hannah!!
(your distant cousin in Indiana)
Dear Hannah Love and family,
Praise God what wonderful news on the results of your MRI. I pray too that your blood counts continue to improve and you begin to feel stronger everyday.
It is also so great to see you at school each day being involved with your classmates and just be a regular kid. You continue to show steadfast determination. What a inspiration you are to many others that face difficulties in their lives. You always send sunshine to brighten my days.
I love you hair coming in and short styles are definitely in. You look absolutely beautiful.
I am so excited to hear you would like to learn knitting. Now we can not just start with a sweater for Tod. You need to learn basis first. I spoke to Mom and we will try to work out a schedule time. I did notice you have girl scouts every other Thursday-- maybe we can meet on the non scout days. We will definitely work something out soon. I would love to work with you.
I just got a new laptop computer with a web-cam built in and I am able to talk and see Jacob. It is just so cool to see him. He was walking around and saying HI to gramma and grampa having a wonderful time until he thought he could jump into the screen and sit in my lap. Computers are truly amazing. Anyway, thats my update of Jacob. He is my little love.
What's new on your reading list? Let me know. See you around the school or library!!!
May each day bring you much sunshine and new beginnings.
Colby, Happy Birthday to you on Saturday. I am sure you are planning a very special day!!!
I Love You Much,
Love & Blessings,
Mrs.Baker (lynnis)
God Bless you all.
This is FABOO news !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love the initials NED, which can also stand for New Exciting Days, which you will have many, many of.