Tuesday, May 28, 2008
Uncle Mike is right, make it 108. I heard that Hannah is also getting another one tomorrow, so we'll let you know.
Well I spoke too soon. Hannah woke up this morning, and on our way into physical therapy before school she announced that her feet hurt and she was limping. So, just like that it's back. It's not as bad before, but her left foot is hurting. We met today with the neurologist at Schneider's who really didn't have any concrete ideas. This is just a difficult issue to diagnose (after a brain tumor you would think anything is easier.) She did say that Hannah should continue with therapy, perhaps that was what gave her the 2 week reprive from the pain. She doesn't think it's neuropathy and did not recommend any medication, so that's good. She did point out though that Hannah still has nystagmus (her eyes jump at the far ends of her peripheral vision.) This surprised me, since I thought that was gone since Boston, but it was quite obvious when they showed me. It doesn't affect her vision or the function of her eyes, and is a product of the surgery. Nothing needs to be done about.
I wanted to share a few individuals luminarias with you that the girls have completed. I really like them all, and we will be sending everyone who ordered a bag a picture of their decorated bag. I'll share more individual bags here too, can only get so many pictures on at one time.I can't wait to see them all lit up around the track.
The bags with Hannah's name on them Hannah decorated from Grandma and Grandpa. The bags with all the little pictures on it are all of Hannah's favorite things (isn't that cute Karenann?), the Boston Bags are from our favorite hat man in Boston, there is Colby with her "Cancer Fears Me" bag, and the bags for Coleman and Hannah that Hannah also made (from the Reyes family.) Just wait until you see the ones tomorrow, very interesting.
xoxo Kim
Hi Kim,
Hannah looks so beautiful with her hair. In no time she will have pig-tails & braids. Josh has had 4 hair cuts since December, it just won't stop growing, fast & thick. It is hard to remember him without my hair now.
I believe we have the same liner in our pool. I believe I liked the one Hannah wanted better too. But, once you are swimming, the liner doesn't even matter. My boys can't wait to get into the pool. We have to clean it up and get the chemicals right first.
If, by chance, you get an answer on the foot pain, please let me know. Josh on and off for the past 6-7 months has had foot pain. He can't describe it to me & I am starting to think maybe his feet fall asleep. I have tried many things--like sleeping with no socks, bigger socks, bigger sneakers. Some times he goes for months with no pain, and than all of a sudden it comes back. We have even taken him to a chiropractor--hoping to stop the pain from coming back (don't know if it is helping or not). It doesn't seem as severe or as often as it used to be. But, if you get an answer, please let me know.
It is great to see Hannah doing so well.
Your friends from Boston Proton,
Josh & Gloria Quaintance
Hi there! We are sending you lots of love and prayers!
We didn't get to decorate our bags for Relay for Life - we just bought them online and stated who they were for and then they were lining the track and we could just look for them. Darn it - your way is more fun!
Hope you guys are able to enjoy the pool soon - it's COLD here in Illinois - I made chili for dinner last night and am wearing a turtleneck today?! UGH!!!!!
Oh well! Love you guys lots and lots!
Dear Hannah,
We absolutely love the bags you have decorated for us. The "Boston Red Sox" bag will probably be the only one out there in "Yankee Country" with the Red Sox name on it. Also "Go BC", Dad can share that. Hannah, you are quite the artist! Thank you.
Love, The Griffins
Thank you so much for sharing the wonderful bags that you all have created. While they may have been created with paper and crayons...they are really created with LOVE...You guys are my heros. Thanks for the picture...
Love you all
Mrs. V
Thanks so much for making our bags. We love them! I can't believe how many beautiful bags you and Colby have made. Keep up the good work!!
The Reyes Family