
to Hannah's blog. Hannah, a happy healthy 7 year old was diagnosed on January 30, 2007 with medulloblastoma, a malignant brain tumor.

It's new

I know it's new, and lots of junk still here, but it's a new template I'm trying out. Still lots of work to do, we'll see!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Anybody up for some cookies? Some brownies? Cupcakes? Fun? 

The bake sale is on for this Saturday, November 1st, beginning at 9am

We will be out on Love Lane, so if you're local, come on by. I looked back, and last year we were done in about 2 hours, so come early to get some goodies! With the help of many of you, and with Grandma and Grandpa kicking in too, we raised $400 for the Smiles for Scott Foundation. This year, we hope it's more! Also, if you would like to bake with us, we would be happy to have it! So far we have donations of chocolate chip cookies and irish soda bread, yippee!! Please drop off any goodies at our house by Friday. You can leave it downstairs on the bench inside the house, the door will be open for you. It does not need to be packaged, we will do that here, if it's something like cookies, because we're putting everything in bags of equal packages so that everything (almost everything) can be sold for one price.  And if it looks really good, it will never make it to the sale, because we'll be taste testing it in our own kitchen....JUST KIDDING!! 

So now you know what we have been doing nonstop. Today we made three different kinds of cookies-Russian Teacakes, Watermelon Slice Cookies, and animal cookies on a stick. We have yet to bake two of them, that is on the agenda for tomorrow. Believe me, the last thing I wanted to do was stand in the kitchen today for hours making cookies (the couch was calling me loud and clear) but once we got started it wasn't too bad. Hannah just loves to bake, so that makes it fun.

No more nausea/vomiting issues since the last one, so that's good. She is having some emotional issues though. Now, I could let my mind wander here and think-is it some kind of tumor growth causing issues in her brain? I guess that would be a stretch, wouldn't it (just nod your head yes here, thank you.) I think it's more like residual issues from the removal of the tumor (possible posterior fossa syndrome.) It's hard to tell, but once it gets started, she can't control it. Tonight she threw something and broke a key on Colby's computer. That started a long rage that was finally calmed by Dave holding her tightly while she was kicking and screaming and biting like crazy. She then let me carry her to bed, and she calmed down.

We were talking a bit about it in bed, and she said "I can't help it, I just get so mad and then I bite. You know mom, I was always a biter." I just had to laugh silently. She is correct there, when she was little, we had a terrible time trying to get her to stop biting. One time when her cousin Sydney was visiting, we were all at the aquarium and Hannah got mad and bit Sydney. We have a picture of the girls together, Colby and Sydney are smiling, but Hannah  is crying. I had the photo out for a while, and Hannah used to get so mad looking at it. For a long time she denied that she had bit Sydney. Tonight we were laughing that when Sydney was just learning to talk, she used to say "Annah bites" because she couldn't say Hannah.

It's difficult for Hannah, it's difficult for Colby, and for all of us. It's hard to explain how it happens, and how bad it really is. She knows afterwards that what she has just done is not right, but she just can't stop it. She told me that last week she had a "fit" at school over a science project. It took her a long time to get calmed down. It's something we need to address and we are looking into that.

Signing off for now, hope you all had a great weekend,



  1. Anonymous said...

    Hi Hannie and Mommy: Oh boy, did we get a laugh out of the story of Hannah and her phase of biting when she was two years old!!! And, you are right, except that Sydney used to call Colby, 'Obie' and Hannah was 'Nah'!!! In fact, at the Mattituck playground when Aunt Susie donated a brick for fundraising, one of the bricks says "To Obie and Nah XO Sydney". One of these days you will have to wander over to the park and look for the brick in the sidewalk!! Yes, Hannah, you always were a biter!!!
    Love you to pieces!!!!
    Grampa and Gramma

  2. Anonymous said...

    I will show Sydney this post and I know that she will remember what you are talking about. She will talk about it every once in a while and remember the bites. But we look forward to seeing you in the next few months and hopefully no bites. We are looking forward to hearing how the MRI goes and keep our thoughts postive for the outcome.
    We took our cans and pop tops to the recycling and Sydney was very upset that we only got $2.00. She was excpecting at least $18.00. But we will keep saving and get some more cans and tops to take to Grandma and Grandpa's for the trip at Christmas.
    We can't wait to see you and hang out for the week.

    And also, Kim, Sydney said it looks like you had a hello kitty tatoo on you arm in the picture.

    Aunt Susie

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