
to Hannah's blog. Hannah, a happy healthy 7 year old was diagnosed on January 30, 2007 with medulloblastoma, a malignant brain tumor.

It's new

I know it's new, and lots of junk still here, but it's a new template I'm trying out. Still lots of work to do, we'll see!!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Day 4 of chemo for this round, and Hannah continues to do well. We have not seen the complications that we did during her first try with this drug back in May. I'm almost afraid to even write it here, but she has had no vomitting, not even really any nausea. She also has not exhibited signs of the neuropathy that she did the first time. It could be quite possible that the Vitamin E regime we put her on exactly for this purpose is really working!

Only 1 more day of chemo on Monday, then we will be here 24 hours post chemo for hydration. We will go home on Tuesday evening hopefully. Dave and Colby came up today for a visit. Hannah was actually quite upset when they first got here. She and I had been working on some math from school, and she was struggling a bit, which really upset her. I gave her a break, then made her go back and revisit it to show herself that she really could do it (and she could). It just aggrevates her when she thinks she can't do something easily-that goes for anything including schoolwork, therapy, etc. She finally calmed down and they had a nice visit. Then, Aunt Josephine came up to bring the famous ravioli. Hannah ate three raviolis, although she wouldn't accept any of the yummy broccoli. Josephine brought up quite a smorgesboard of food, both from her and her mom and sister. Thank you so much, it really makes a difference. Grandma also sent up some yummy lemon cake, which Hannah refused to eat without sprinkles (and I told mom not to put them on it). Tomorrow Dave will bring up the sprinkles.

Nothing else to report right now. We moved today into our own room, a few kids have been discharged. It's nice to be in our own "suite" for a change. Last night I was awoken at 1:30am by a man tapping me on the shoulder telling me I needed to step out of the room. They brought in a portable x-ray machine to take an xray of our roommate. He covered Hannah with a protective cover, and I stood in the doorway while he performed the x-ray. Then he came back at 4am, and I thought he wanted to do another x-ray, but just wanted to confirm that the girl had a safety pin on the OUTSIDE of her shirt! When the surgeons came in to visit at 6am, I was still blurry eyed, and when the doctors came in at 7am, I figured I might as well bag it and just get up. So, for tonight at least, it's very calm and quiet. We'll see how long it stays that way! Well here comes the nurse with more meds!!!!!!

xoxo Kim


  1. momofthree said...

    Hi Kim and Hannah,

    Hope you both got a better night's sleep last night. It must be tough to fall into a deep sleep at times with all the commotion around you.

    Well, Hannah, it sounds like you're trying hard with your math. It's hard, though, isn't it? I always hated math when I was in school, but it really does help you later in life, so keep up the good work.

    It sounds like your Aunt Josephine is a wonderful cook. Hope you enjoy all the goodies she and your Grandma are bringing up to you and your Mom.

    Jessica says hello. She is learning how to play the trumpet this summer and has been practicing. Everyday. Very loudly. I don't want to tell her that it sounds like an elephant in pain, so I keep encouraging her to "try again". She reads your blog a lot with me and always wants to know how you are doing.
    (I'll have to make her skip today's blog so she misses my "elephant" comment.)

    Maybe you can write a little on the blog when you are feeling up to it? Or dictate to your Mom what you want to say (pretend she is your personal secretary). We'd love to hear from you.

    Well, keep up the good work and before you know it, it'll be time to go home again.

    Love Mrs. Purick

    p.s. Here are some riddles to pass the time.

    What doesn't get any wetter no matter how much it rains?
    The ocean.

    What flower does everyone have?
    Tulips (two lips).

    What goes around a yard but doesn't move?
    A fence.

  2. T Mac said...

    Dear Hannah and Family,
    Glad to hear that this round is going well. You are always in our thoughts and prayers. We Love you all and will continue to follow your progress. God Bless! Love, The McCaffery's

  3. Anonymous said...

    Hello Hannah Sweet one AND Kim,
    I was happy to hear you are eating a bit better today. I know how difficult it is to try to eat. Keep up the great work so you can be strong. I am also glad to hear the anti nauseau medicine is helping too.
    I pray that you will both have better rest tonight and you will get home tomorrow as scheduled.
    Wonderful cheers for the Yankees winning 3 games in a row. I was at the game Saturday night it was really fun. We even got to see some of the players boarding their bus to leave. I thinks Marina got a picture of Johnny Damon. Cool.
    Well, it is a rainy day today and a perfect day to finish my book for my adult reading club.
    I hope you are able to do some fun crafts today or watch a fun movie.
    Remember all good thoughts, prayers and love are sent your way everyday.
    Enjoy your lemon cake with all the sprinkles on it!! Yummy
    I Love You Much,
    Love & Blessings,
    Mrs. Baker (Lynnis)

  4. Anonymous said...

    Dear Prokops,
    I'm glad to hear that things are seeming well. I'm surprised Hannah didn't want the broccoli, that's Tys favorite. He loves corn on the cob too but I have to cut it off the cob because of his braces. It is actually fun to eat that way- the kernels stay gathered in pieces that you can hold and eat like a cracker.
    Enjoy your return home tonight and get a great sleep in you own beds.
    Hope all continues well.
    The Bugdins

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