
to Hannah's blog. Hannah, a happy healthy 7 year old was diagnosed on January 30, 2007 with medulloblastoma, a malignant brain tumor.

It's new

I know it's new, and lots of junk still here, but it's a new template I'm trying out. Still lots of work to do, we'll see!!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

We're in the hospital now for Round 4. Hannah's counts this morning were low as a result of the last round of chemo, but they moved ahead anyway with the chemo. The doctor explained that this round will most likely be harder on her than previous, since the blood and bone marrow don't rebound as quickly because they have already been compromised by chemo and aren't as strong as normal.

WBC 1.68 (range is 5.0-14.5)
ANC 940 (range is 1500-7500)
Hemoblobin, RBC and Platelets all in normal range

It's been a long day for us, and Hannah is already sleeping. We arrived at the hospital this morning at 9:30am and didn't get into our room until 5:00pm. Until then, we were in the hall waiting for the bed. They didn't start chemo until 8pm tonight, so we waited a long time. It is very busy here on the onocology floor, and all beds (plus some) are full.

I told Hannah that our stay here this time is going to be a "craft bonanza." Already she has painted her own t-shirt downstairs and colored several pictures in her new horse coloring book that she likes very much (thank you to Mrs. Grossman.) She also worked a bit with the tutor today.
xoxo Kim


  1. Anonymous said...

    Dear Hannah & Kim,
    My heart feels so bad that you had to wait so long to receive your treatment. Not a very pleasant start of your stay in the hospital. I pray you are resting well and your counts will come up asp.
    Painted T-Shirt now that is a fun activity. I remember doing that with my girl scout troop when my daughters' were in scouts. We also did that one year in the library.
    I am sure you will have other fun things this week.
    My daughter Lesa and my (I call her)German daughter Marina and Lesa's boyfriend are on there way from upstate tonight. We are going to the Yankee game tomorrow night.
    I sure hope it does not rain. So cheer on tomorrow for the Yankees to win and no rain out.
    Well my sweet sunshine, I wanted you to know that you are being thought of every moment. Have a restful night.
    I Love You Much,
    Love & Blessings.
    Mrs. Baker(Lynnis)

  2. Anonymous said...

    Hi Hannah,
    It looks like you had a good time with your cousins. We missed seeing all of you last week. Kaitlin did real well 2nd place at the college showcase in Oneonta. We canceled camping because of the rain and are looking forward to seeing you next week. My prayers go out to you little star. Love Diane

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