
to Hannah's blog. Hannah, a happy healthy 7 year old was diagnosed on January 30, 2007 with medulloblastoma, a malignant brain tumor.

It's new

I know it's new, and lots of junk still here, but it's a new template I'm trying out. Still lots of work to do, we'll see!!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Last night Hannah's counts all bottomed out, so now everything is low. Her hemoglobin dropped so much in less than 24 hours, that I had them run another blood check to be sure the results were correct. They came up a little bit, but she still needed a blood transfusion today. She just finished with that, it takes 4 hours, and she is doing well. She is acting fine and looks good, just not eating very well. Her first 24 culture showed no bacteria, so we have to wait for one more to come back negative before we can go home. I asked the doctor today if she was negative for bacteria but her counts were still low if we could go home, and he would not answer me, just saying that he wanted to be sure we didn't have to come back in the middle of the night. So, I'm not at all sure that we will be leaving tomorrow. Her ANC probably has to come up to 500 at least, and she is at 10 right now.

We were able to see the folks from Smiles for Scott Foundation today. They came around with the candy cart and Hannah and I were so happy to give them a check for $400 from the bake sale proceeds (Grandma and Grandpa rounded it up to $400 for Hannah.) Scott's Aunt and Grandmother were here with the cart, and they were so appreciative and happy to receive the donation. It was a great moment and Hannah was very proud.

xoxo Kim


  1. Anonymous said...

    Hi Hannah,

    Sorry to hear that you are back in the hospital. We talk about you all the time and also say alot of prayers. That was so cool that you got to give them the donation directly. That is going to buy alot of candy. So now on Fridays if you have to be there you will be buying the candy that you helped buy. I have been telling people about you can drive and I am hopeful that we can get some cans to you at some point.

    Lots of love and remember we are always thinking of you.

    Aunt Susie

  2. Anonymous said...

    I didn't read my post before I sent it and I was trying to say that you will be eating the candy that you helped buy. I think I need to take some typing classes

    Love, Aunt Susie

  3. Anonymous said...

    Hey Hannah,

    I'm sorry you have to be back in the hospital. I had to have oral surgery this week so I haven't eaten much this week either. This morning I made myself a banana and blueberry smoothie which turned out to be pretty yummy. I can whip one up for you too, just give me the word! Also, my Mom made some special tomato sauce for you and your family for when you get home. Feel better, see you soon!
    *let me know about that smoothie!

  4. Anonymous said...

    Hannah! I'm so sorry to hear that you are back in the hospital....that's not fun! But I know you're stronger than any silly infection or anything, so maybe you were meant to go to the hospital so that you could give Scott's mom the money?? I know that was a great moment for you and I'm proud of you for raising $400! That is great!

    Take care of yourself and know that I'm thinking and praying for you lots and lots!

    Love - your cousin Angela

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