
to Hannah's blog. Hannah, a happy healthy 7 year old was diagnosed on January 30, 2007 with medulloblastoma, a malignant brain tumor.

It's new

I know it's new, and lots of junk still here, but it's a new template I'm trying out. Still lots of work to do, we'll see!!

Wednesday, August 9, 2007

Very strange day today at clinic. Hannah's platelets came back at 101,000, which is what we were hoping for, but to our surprise, her ANC (part of the white blood cell count that fights infection) was only 275 (should be 1500-7000). The daily shots she was taking at home were to boost her ANC, and since her counts had been satisfactory, although on the low side on our last 2 visits, they stopped them. None of us knew that her ANC was still on it's way down. Anything under 500 and you are at quite an increased risk to get an infection, so that is our priority right now. With her ANC so low, she could not get the chemo. I was disappointed and she was pretty happy. Happy until she heard the word "shot".

We go back to clinic on Monday and hopefully all of her counts will be in good shape. Until then, I will give her the daily Neupogen shots to boost her ANC. The doctor also said it would give her blood a little more time to rebound, since everything is still pretty low. This means that her chemo schedule changes. They do not make up the time by doing the next cycle as planned, because the spacing is important as far as killing the cancer, and the body has to have time to recover, even more so than early on in her treatment.

So, not what we were hoping for, but she will be able to get her next dose with little delay. She came home and slept for three hours this afternoon. We'll be laying low this weekend, it's important to stay away from crowds, sick people and germy situations so as not to get an infection like the last time her counts were low. We'll most likely be here baking for her bake sale, to happen probably next weekend (depending on how she's feeling.)

xoxo Kim


  1. Anonymous said...

    Hey there Hannah Banana!
    Holy Cow you guys have been busy as bees! Tubing, Camping, baking, swimming, "horsing" around! I am tired just reading about it all. You look like you are having a ball! Keep your spirits up...keep on baking. Today is a good day for that with it being rainy and all! Keep smiling...you are such a beautiful girl inside and out. Love you and will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for Monday

  2. Anonymous said...

    Good Morning Hannah Love and Mom,
    I am sorry your were not able to get your treatment yesterday but glad to know your platelets went up considerably. I pray this will not delay too much. Generally, during this mid time your body is very taxed. Get lots of rest my kindred spirit girl. I will be cheering you on and praying for you.
    I am so thankful, I got to visit you the other day. I look forward to tasting those delicious cookies.If I am away that weekend, you will have to keep some in the freezer for me.
    Kim, I just did a great workout, with one of my Jane Fonda tapes. I am really trying to keep up a routine everyday. Still can not do the roll over. At the beach the other day, I had some young children doing them. It was really alot of fun.
    I am working today at the library and also most of next week. We'll keep in touch before my next weekend away. Sorry too, I did not get down to the beach Wednesday night- believe it or not I met Lena at school and helped put up her new bulletin boards. I Just can not separate my time with her. Hope you had a relazing time and enjoyed your time with friends.
    Enjoy your baking day. Thank goodness it is alot cooler. Snuggle up too and read one of your new books.
    I Love You Much,
    Love & Blessings,
    Mrs. Baker (Lynnis)

  3. Anonymous said...

    Hi Hannah
    I am sending all positive thoughts to you, that all your counts will rise tomorrow! Remember how much everyone loves you and your family and we want you well!!!! Hang in there buddy!!
    Much love, the Salices

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