
to Hannah's blog. Hannah, a happy healthy 7 year old was diagnosed on January 30, 2007 with medulloblastoma, a malignant brain tumor.

It's new

I know it's new, and lots of junk still here, but it's a new template I'm trying out. Still lots of work to do, we'll see!!

Thursday, Jan. 24, 2008

Just a quick update tonight for those of you whom are wondering. Hannah's counts are up again, although most are still not in the normal range. They are still headed in the right direction. They drew blood from her port today and it was terrible. Today was probably the worst ever. It took three of us to hold her-me, Rob, and a nurse while another nurse drew the blood. Once the needle is in, she doesn't move since she is so scared of it, but she was determined that she not be accessed today. She probably gave me about 5 bruises, kicking, crying, yelling, biting and pleading. The longer it is between port accessing, the worse it is. She knows it has to be, but she fights for all she is worth for it not to happen.

If you're interested in seeing a mediport being accessed, you can click HERE to watch a sample video. It's so calm and quiet in this video I found online, it just isn't like this for us. When the link comes up, click on the little video camera underneath the photos of the mediports. It's quick.

We don't know anything yet about her nutrition level, that level should come back tomorrow. We do know however that she won the bet from Grandma, she gained 1.32 pounds, so she is up to 21.4 kilos. Did I predict it right or what? I told Hannah today I'm psycho, I mean psychic.

More tomorrow, after the level comes back. It was a sad sad day today, little Julian was buried.

xoxo Kim


  1. Anonymous said...

    Hi Kim,

    I'm glad the accessing is over. I'm sure that is a most unpleasant ordeal for Hannah. I remember my brother Dan dealing with such things so many years ago. We are always thinking of your family and keeping you in our prayers. Stay strong!!

    BTW--we enjoyed seeing the photo of Hannah in her Joy School shirt--Go Joy Vikings!!
    Shay,Karl, Reid and Riley

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