Monday, Jan. 21, 2008
Well I'll try to make this post a bit less scary and informational than the last one. I made that post when I was upset over the children that had died and just mad. I usually keep things honest but upbeat here, and to be very honest, it's not always upbeat for us and Hannah. This weekend she seemed to go backwards in how she is feeling. She got up like usual on Saturday morning, then threw up. That scared me half to death. Why? Because that is what she did for months before they discovered the brain tumor. Lots of mornings, Hannah would wake up, throw up, then go on with her day. That was all I could think of as I stood behind her in the bathroom. Ironically, I was also thinking that I used to stand behind her holding her long hair back. Now she has no hair to hold back, she has cancer. Did you know that most kids with medulloblastoma that relapse do so within the first year off treatment? Little Julian that just died on Saturday had standard risk medulloblastoma, same as Hannah. His cancer recurred six months after he finished chemo, and he died 3 months later. That is what I think about every day. And that is what scares me every day, especially when she is throwing up in the morning.
I forgot, this post was supposed to be more upbeat and less scary. She didn't go to horseback riding on Saturday, since she really didn't feel that well. Her stomach hurt and she had nausea throughout the day. Sunday was better, but still nausea and stomach pain. She did feel well enough to talk us all into bowling. It was fun and I bowled so badly that Colby and Hannah both beat me (yes, legitimately.)
Today was more of the same. Her food intake today consisted of 4 strawberries and about 4 blueberries for breakfast, 3 chicken nuggets and about 5 fries for lunch and a small bit of chicken noodle soup with the chicken, noodles, carrots and of course her favorite, protein drink!! Tonight it only took 2 HOURS to drink the one 6 ounce drink. Colby drank hers in about 10 minutes, and Hannah sat there for nearly 2 HOURS. Really it's not that bad...unless you spill it. One piece of advice, never drink it while in the living room with two dogs and an off-white carpet. Picture the little dog jumping up, spilling the whole drink on the formerly white carpet with the mom (me) yelling and screaming while mopping it up with a bucket, brush and lots of towels. It smells horrible when it's seeping in the carpet, and it looks even worse the next day. It doesn't even look like I wiped it up at all! The carpet was due for a cleaning anyway (Thank you Tod) so let's see if it comes out. Dave and I are not hopeful.

I did want to share some photos from the weekend. Hannah is very excited that her hair is growing back. It seems to grow more each day. She said she wants it to come back the same color, just a little curlier. It really changes her look a lot! I don't have a good picture, but I will take one this week and post it. The hair seems to be coming in uniformly over her head, except to the area where the radiation boost was to the tumor bed (on the back of her head). It is coming in very little there, if at all. Here is Hannah with white hair and beard, the bubble girl!
xoxo Kim
I forgot, this post was supposed to be more upbeat and less scary. She didn't go to horseback riding on Saturday, since she really didn't feel that well. Her stomach hurt and she had nausea throughout the day. Sunday was better, but still nausea and stomach pain. She did feel well enough to talk us all into bowling. It was fun and I bowled so badly that Colby and Hannah both beat me (yes, legitimately.)
Today was more of the same. Her food intake today consisted of 4 strawberries and about 4 blueberries for breakfast, 3 chicken nuggets and about 5 fries for lunch and a small bit of chicken noodle soup with the chicken, noodles, carrots and of course her favorite, protein drink!! Tonight it only took 2 HOURS to drink the one 6 ounce drink. Colby drank hers in about 10 minutes, and Hannah sat there for nearly 2 HOURS. Really it's not that bad...unless you spill it. One piece of advice, never drink it while in the living room with two dogs and an off-white carpet. Picture the little dog jumping up, spilling the whole drink on the formerly white carpet with the mom (me) yelling and screaming while mopping it up with a bucket, brush and lots of towels. It smells horrible when it's seeping in the carpet, and it looks even worse the next day. It doesn't even look like I wiped it up at all! The carpet was due for a cleaning anyway (Thank you Tod) so let's see if it comes out. Dave and I are not hopeful.
xoxo Kim
Dear Hannah Love,
It was such a wonderful surprise to see you back at school!!! Your presences is a delight. I pray that each day you will get stronger and that you can get all those yummy protein shakes finished in record time. Hang in there it will get easier.
Your horse looks mighty big to me. I don't think I could ride him or is the horse a she. I am so glad you continue to do all the things you love.
How is Tod? So you both are sleeping in your own beds now. Good for you.
I pray all goes well for your nect clinic visit and your counts will continue to sore high.
Hi Kim, my heart aches too for all the pain and suffering these children have gone through and their parents as well. Cancer is such a horrific disease and I wish there was an immediate cure. Hopefully, as more research is done there will be less illness. Kim, it is alright to vent out your frustrations good and bad. It is healthy for you and your own mental state. You have undergone so much yourself. Try to continue to move forward and believe the road will run smoother now. I pray for you all always.
Thank you too, for sharing your journey with all of us and making each one more aware of this disease. You are an amazing woman and wonderful mother. May you be graced with much peace each new day.
I Love you all.
Love & Blessings,
Mrs. Baker (Lynnis)
PS My little Jacob is walking now!!
Dear Hannah,
We love your beard and hat of bubbles. If you had a red hat on, we think you'd look like Santa Claus. Bubbles are always fun. Do you go outside sometimes and blow bubbles into the wind? Our grankids love to do that. I'm glad you and Colby beat Mom while bowling. She may need a little more practice. Did you bowl candlepins, duck pins or ten pins? Here in Massachusetts, candlepins are the most popular.
Love to you, dear Hannah,
The Griffins