Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2008
Well finally some good news. Yesterday the doctor's office called me on my cell phone. I hate when they do that, because why would they call with good news? If they actually have to go to the trouble of calling you, it must be bad. Well, yippee, it was good. Hannah's cortisol level went up to 13.3 (from .3 while she was on the megace). We were very happy to hear that, which takes her out of the "danger zone" for a number of issues. One more step towards recovery.
We made a trip into school yesterday, with the agreement that Hannah would wear a mask. She wanted to finish the Picasso project she has been working on for weeks because it's due to be in an upcoming art show at the beginning of February with many other pieces from her school and classmates. If you think that the other kids stare at a child with no hair, you should see the reaction to a child with no hair and a mask on their face. After the initial intimidation, she went about with her art work. On the way out though, it all snowballed and she ended up in a heap crying. Thank goodness Natalie was there to take her outside while I waited for Colby who was just getting out of school. It was short lived, and Colby and her friends Tori and Emilie really tried to make her feel better (telling her how GREAT she looked with that Mickey Mouse mask on!)
So today has been filled with homework and some exercise (more on that one later). Hannah received a letter from each child in her class yesterday just filling her in on their activities, telling her they missed her, asking about Tod. She was so happy to get them, and read each one with care. How we laugh and smile over those, they are great! She went to work last night and wrote out a letter back to the class, complete with an explanation of her low counts and a picture of her baby Tod. We're trying to keep the lines of communication open as much as possible with her school so the transition back won't be so traumatic.
We wanted to share something else with all of you. Hannah received a very special gift this past weekend from the Reimer's. Check out her special Congratulations plate!
Pam had it signed by so many people at the 4H, school, scouts, etc. All of the horse's names are on the outside of the plate too. Hannah thought it was great, along with the dog record book for Tod! We're going to find a very special place to display it.
xoxo Kim
We made a trip into school yesterday, with the agreement that Hannah would wear a mask. She wanted to finish the Picasso project she has been working on for weeks because it's due to be in an upcoming art show at the beginning of February with many other pieces from her school and classmates. If you think that the other kids stare at a child with no hair, you should see the reaction to a child with no hair and a mask on their face. After the initial intimidation, she went about with her art work. On the way out though, it all snowballed and she ended up in a heap crying. Thank goodness Natalie was there to take her outside while I waited for Colby who was just getting out of school. It was short lived, and Colby and her friends Tori and Emilie really tried to make her feel better (telling her how GREAT she looked with that Mickey Mouse mask on!)
So today has been filled with homework and some exercise (more on that one later). Hannah received a letter from each child in her class yesterday just filling her in on their activities, telling her they missed her, asking about Tod. She was so happy to get them, and read each one with care. How we laugh and smile over those, they are great! She went to work last night and wrote out a letter back to the class, complete with an explanation of her low counts and a picture of her baby Tod. We're trying to keep the lines of communication open as much as possible with her school so the transition back won't be so traumatic.
We wanted to share something else with all of you. Hannah received a very special gift this past weekend from the Reimer's. Check out her special Congratulations plate!
xoxo Kim
HI Hannie: We are so glad to hear the good news about your counts. So you got to go to school to work on your Picasso project. Your projects are always GREAT!!
What a neat idea Mrs. Reimer had with the Congratulations plate. I enlarged the plate and I could read all of the names on there. You are so lucky to have so many friends at Cutchogue East!! I know you miss them and I know that they miss you just as much!! Mrs. Reimer always has such nifty ideas, doesn't she!! Maybe that is why she and Mommy are such good friends!!
How are Riley and Tod getting along? Is Tod still teasing Riley? I have some really neat pictures that we took at Christmas and I will send them to you soon.
We are about to get more snow. We just got rid of the last 18" and now we are getting more!! I hope you get some your way--not 18", but enough for you and Colby to do some sledding!!
We will talk to you soon. Miss you and Colby and Mommy and Daddy---and yes, Riley and Tod too!!
Hugs and kisses to you all.
Grampa and Gramma
Yeah.....good numbers!!! I love to end my day on that note Hannah! I hope you're feeling well and just know that I am so jealous that you have a Mickey Mouse mask.....I bet everyone else is jealous of that too!
I'm thinking and praying for you always and I was putting together something for you at Christmas, but we all got the I need to get back to your care package and I'll send that really soon - I promise!
Love you lots!
Angela (your cousin from Illinois)
Yipppeeee! Good news Hannah Banana! Numbers going in a positive direction is my favorite thing! So glad to hear that! I love the plate with all the horses' names and friends' good wishes. You are well loved my dear! Hello to all the Prokops. I miss you all and think of you often. When you are ready for vistors Miss Hannah, just say the word and I will pop on by...and I promise with no school work! (-:
Hooray for the cortisol!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry I havn't been on in a while, I was trying to finish my book so I could get a head start on my other one. Well hope you have a good weekend!
Dear Hannah Love,and family
I have missed visiting your blog lately. I was so happy to hear your counts have risen. I just pray now you will get your weight up and keep going forward. Keep getting all the rest you need. Hang in there you can do it!!
I was so blessed to see you at school working on your Picasso project. Your smile always lifts my spirits and makes my day so special.
Your plate is so cool. What a great gift. This was so nice of Mrs. Reimer. I had Emilie in kindergarten. She is so much fun.
Congratulations too on your great job raising money from cans for cancer. You are always thinking of others. You truly are such a special girl.
Great picture with you sleeping with Tod. Wow, I can not believe how big he has gotten its from all the love and care you givse him. Nice new sweater he has. Okay, sorry I have not had time to knit him one yet. I am still trying to finish Jacob's sweater (which by the way he might outgrow before I am done.)
I still have a baby sweater in my closed which was for my daughter Lesa.-She is now 22yrs. old. but she never slept as a baby so I finally gave up. I told her I will finish it for her daughter one day.
Well, I am in New Hamsphire again visit my wonderful Grandson Jacob but will be leaving tomorrow unless we get snowed in that would be fun. Jacob loves the snow.
Hannah Love I wish you all good thoughts and my prayer for you is to continue to heal and gain your strength and appetite back.
May all the angels surround you with much peace and comfort for each day.
I Love You Much,
Love & Blessings,
Mrs. Baker (Lynnis)
Hi Kim and Hannah...
Just wanted to stop by and tell you WAY to go on those counts! YAY! I bet you WERE nervous when they called your cell phone Kim, I would have been too! Just good to know they're keeping on top of things for you.
It broke my heart to read about Hannah being upset at people staring. Oh sweet girl, you are beautiful inside and out. Remember that, and One day you are going to have a head FULL of hair...people are just curious. Hang in there sweetheart. We'll keep praying for you every day.
Loved the plate. What a cool thing to look at and remember how much you're loved.
Your friends in Iowa,
The Larsons
Scott, Peggy, Caden and COleman
Hi Kim and Hannah,
Just wanted to stop by and say WAY to go on those counts! I bet you WERE nervous about being called on your cell phone Kim, I would have been too! Just good to know they are keeping on top of things for you.
It breaks my heart to think of Hannah being upset over the staring. You are beautiful on the inside AND out sweetie. People are just curious. One day you're going to have a head FULL of hair, and we'll keep praying for health always. Hang in there.
What a cool plate...a great thing to look at to remind you how much you are loved.
Take care,
Your friends in Iowa
The Larsons
scott, Peggy, Caden and COleman