Tuesday, Jan. 1, 2008
First post of the new year! I just finished reading some of the websites I read daily, some of the other kids/families I have "met". I had to share from one of them, a little boy, Coleman, age 4 also with medulloblastoma. He recently has had a recurrence of his cancer. Coleman has a twin brother, Caden. Boy, do they make me laugh. They have a wonderful family and live in Iowa. His mom often posts videos of the boys. Wow, are they energetic! And so funny too! She says they are lately on a Barack Obama kick. Since they live in Iowa, they are being bombarded right now with tv commercials. Here are a couple excerpts from her last few posts on his site:
"Coleman is still doing political ads every few minutes. Yesterday morning he whispered in my ear, “mommy? Det up. It’s time ta Det up now!” I still had my eyes closed and told him “uhhhuh, Coleman, just a minute” He leaned back down and whispered, “This is Ba-wock Obama ann I ‘impwoove’ this message!” What a good way to start the day- with me giggling my head off! " and also this: "They have two new sayings since Christmas. The first is “Barack Obama” which usually comes out… ‘a rock a bomb a’ and they repeat it, rhyme it, {a shock-a-tomma} etc. I guess they like the rhythm of it. Just when it dies down, another commercial is in the background and it starts all over again. Coleman wants to know WHY the guy is ALWAYS on Tv anyway? "
His website is www.carepages.com, site name is ColemanScott in case you would like to read for yourself. I just wrote to the Obama campaign to request that he visit this family, we'll see if I get a response. The family is tackling this recurrence head on, and I pray that Coleman is one of the ones that beats the odds. If anyone can do it, he can.
I also wanted to share with you a very special gift we received for Christmas this year. My 2nd cousin (???) Anna and her family in St. Louis sent us this amazing lucky horseshoe. In part, Anna writes "horseshoes represent good luck. I think this one represents the love that many friends and family have for you. It also holds your courage and strength that each of you have displayed. It represents the smiles that you bring to many faces from your can donations, games and fun stuff you bring to the hospitals, the yummy cookies you bake and share with others. Now close your eyes and pictures a horseshoe." And WHAT a horseshoe is it! It is a shoe from one of the Budweiser Clydesdales in St. Louis, where Anna and her family live. I have not seen Anna in several years, since she wasn't able to come to the family reunion 2 summers ago. What a thoughtful gift, we were just amazed!! Check out the pictures.
We will find a very special place for it. xoxo Kim
"Coleman is still doing political ads every few minutes. Yesterday morning he whispered in my ear, “mommy? Det up. It’s time ta Det up now!” I still had my eyes closed and told him “uhhhuh, Coleman, just a minute” He leaned back down and whispered, “This is Ba-wock Obama ann I ‘impwoove’ this message!” What a good way to start the day- with me giggling my head off! " and also this: "They have two new sayings since Christmas. The first is “Barack Obama” which usually comes out… ‘a rock a bomb a’ and they repeat it, rhyme it, {a shock-a-tomma} etc. I guess they like the rhythm of it. Just when it dies down, another commercial is in the background and it starts all over again. Coleman wants to know WHY the guy is ALWAYS on Tv anyway? "
His website is www.carepages.com, site name is ColemanScott in case you would like to read for yourself. I just wrote to the Obama campaign to request that he visit this family, we'll see if I get a response. The family is tackling this recurrence head on, and I pray that Coleman is one of the ones that beats the odds. If anyone can do it, he can.
I also wanted to share with you a very special gift we received for Christmas this year. My 2nd cousin (???) Anna and her family in St. Louis sent us this amazing lucky horseshoe. In part, Anna writes "horseshoes represent good luck. I think this one represents the love that many friends and family have for you. It also holds your courage and strength that each of you have displayed. It represents the smiles that you bring to many faces from your can donations, games and fun stuff you bring to the hospitals, the yummy cookies you bake and share with others. Now close your eyes and pictures a horseshoe." And WHAT a horseshoe is it! It is a shoe from one of the Budweiser Clydesdales in St. Louis, where Anna and her family live. I have not seen Anna in several years, since she wasn't able to come to the family reunion 2 summers ago. What a thoughtful gift, we were just amazed!! Check out the pictures.
Dear Hannah Love and all the beautiful Prokops,
Happy New Year and may 2008 bring you all much healing and happiness.
Great picures posted. I love the horseshoe piece. May you be blessed with Dod speed of luck. I received a beautiful necklace from my family which is a cancer symbol and upside down resembles a horseshoe shape. pretty special.
Now Hannah sweetie-- does Tod have the same P.J.'s as you or is that a blanket. The material looks exactly like you snowmen P.J.'s. pretty neat.
I hope you got all you were wishing for this Christmas. You desere the best and your family too! I bet you had a great time with your cousin Sydney and those gingerbread houses look awesome. Do you ever let your Mom rest. Thank God Gramma was here to help.
I pray you get your apetite back soon. I do know how difficult this is for you. I know you will do your best and each day you will get stronger. Keep in focus you have finally made it down that steep hill and you want to keep going to flat ground. Hang on my kindred spirited girl you can do it.
This week at school is only a few days so don't rush back to quickly. You want to feel your best and stay well.
Always remember you are thought each day and there are angels all around you.
I Love You Much,
Love & Blessings,
Mrs. Baker (Lynnis)
Kim! Oh bless your heart! Wouldn't Coleman be surprised if the REAL "bebock-tee-wom-ba" (his rhyme) one of many, came to see him? That would be so funny, but I'm sure he'd be mr. shy! Oh well, we've had fun with it. I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate your support through everything, and hope you know how much we're pulling for and praying for Hannah and your wonderful family. She's got a great mom, that's for sure. Love the horse shoe. THAT's a BIG one! Wishing you all the best New Year yet, one full of blessings and fun times.
Keep smiling that beautiful smile Hannah!
Thanks again Kim!!!!
The Larsons
Scott, Peggy, Caden and Coleman