Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2008
Tomorrow we head to clinic to get Hannah's blood drawn again to check her nutrition levels. This means she has to be accessed. She hasn't said too much about it, and I have not focused on it, since that strategy didn't seem to work last time. The test results take at least a day, so we won't have the results until Friday. They also have to redo another test from last time since the lab changed it's protocol and the blood was sent down in the wrong tube, so it couldn't be analyzed. I have to believe that Hannah's weight and nutrition level have to be up. Since our last clinic visit over a week ago, we have done nothing but focus on her food intake, started supplements and really concentrated on her eating and drinking, so I truly believe it will be better. I told Hannah I bet her weight went up to 21.4 kilos, so we'll see if I'm right. She is hoping to win that $5 from Grandma for a weight increase.
Hannah was in school again today. Her return to school has been no less than miraculous! I really thought that the first day would be a very short day for her, but boy, did she surprise everyone. She told me that she not tired like she used to be when she was in school before. This just tells me how badly she felt before. It's great to hear that she seems engaged, social, and happy while she is there. She is quite tired when she comes home, and homework so far has been a struggle, but we're working through it and "keep on keeping on", right Mr. Hat Man?
We will report in again tomorrow with news from clinic.
xoxo Kim
A long overdue hello from Aurora Illinois!
When we received your Christmas card and became aware of Colby's cancer, I wanted to contact you, but just didn't know what to say! Too many emotions... Reading through this blog shows only a small piece of what Colby and your family have been through this past year. I am at a loss for words. Needless to say your are in our thoughts and prayers.
FYI - Eleanor's Girl Scout Troop #1594 is collecting cans for their recycling badge and the proceeds will be forwarded to Colby for her project. I think it is great way for her to help the organizations that are helping the children!
I plan to give you a call or email you as soon as I can figure out how to do it and not have it posted here!
Mary B.
Can I be any more of a duffus!!??
Hannah, Hannah, Hannah! I appologize from the bottom of my heart (and thick skull!)
Well those are happier faces- and they really picked me up- THANKS!!!!!
I totally understand where you are coming from Kim with your last couple of posts, and I was sad that I couldn't think of something magical to say to make it better, the sad truth is there was nothing to make it "all better"- but the days pass, and we wake up sometimes looking at things differently, but always having to face reality. I guess it is a good thing human emotions are so ever changing- that is how we can get thru the days. Keep your chin up, as it has been said before and will be again- you are an amzing Mom, the whole family is AMAZING!!!! I pray that all goes well tomoorow, and may accessing be as peaceful as possible!
Tell Hannah to keep an eye on the mail!
Much love and prayers,
Anne Salice