Monday, March 26
Today was treatment #13 and hopefully our last day of anesthesia. Tomorrow morning we are still NPO (no food or water) before treatment, just in case something happens and she has to get the anesthesia, but we are not planning on it! We had a "no more anesthesia party "here today. Hannah handed out invitations and we had cupcakes and fruit and lots of fun. You have to find reasons to celebrate even the little things here.
This morning Hannah woke up nearly all of her hair gone. If her scalp didn't hurt so much from the radiation, I could comb it all off, but it is very sensitive. We tried to shave it, but that hurt too much so we cut it into a mohawk (sort of). The first picture here is just after she woke up, and the second picture is after our cut! I feel like this room is one big hairball. But, as you can see, Hannah was having fun with it all. She is more bothered by the hair in her mouth and all around than she is by it falling out, so that's good.
Yes, that brown clump behind her in the picture is her hair. We have been busy also making a video for Hannah's class. Hannah wants everyone back home to have an idea of what we do here everyday. We're trying to get all aspects into the video, including her therapy, her proton treatments, her room, her friends, etc. She is really homesick, and missing school and all of her friends and her everyday routine so I'm hoping this will help her. I wish there was a way to reply to all of your posts here on the website, but there is not, so please know this-Yes, it's Nicki, mom said no worms at the house, already have lots in the garden to dig up, favorite Yankee is Derek Jeter, I would love to be your webkinz buddy, my name is taffycat5, Nicholas is doing well, he is starting to walk with my old walker, but he follows me around a bit too much, my favorite color is red, I listen to "Felicity" on tape, and next will be Little House on the Prairie, Grandpa you now owe me $14, and counting, and I MISS ALL OF YOU TOO!!!
Kim and Hannah
This morning Hannah woke up nearly all of her hair gone. If her scalp didn't hurt so much from the radiation, I could comb it all off, but it is very sensitive. We tried to shave it, but that hurt too much so we cut it into a mohawk (sort of). The first picture here is just after she woke up, and the second picture is after our cut! I feel like this room is one big hairball. But, as you can see, Hannah was having fun with it all. She is more bothered by the hair in her mouth and all around than she is by it falling out, so that's good.
Kim and Hannah
Hi Hannah-
I love to see your pictures all the time. Your hair looks cool in the mohawk! I can't believe you have Nicki....that's so neat! I really want to get her too! My name in Webkinz is dog6cat7. I'm going to invite your Webkinz over to play with mine. I hope you are feeling better. I miss you a lot.
Love, Sarah xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Hey Hannah,
We heard you are a big Yankee fan well... so are we! We love the Yankees make sure all those Boston fans know whos boss! tell them the yanks rule! WE hope you feel better and can't wait to see you!
Love, The Murphy's
Hannah and Family, You are in our thoughts and prayers daily! Love, The McCaffery's
Hi Hannah-
You are one stylin' girl! You look like a Native American Princess- Little Brave ORENDA: Iroquois name meaning magic power!!! We can hardly wait to see you again in Michigan so we can play on the beach. Love, Jake and Isabella
Dear Hannah,
I tried to E-Mail you several times and was unsuccessful. Finally Mrs. Baker told me what to do. You do look beautiful in your new haircut.What is your favorite Webkinz? I'm so happy to be able to see you and visit your website every day. Congratulations on your no anesthesia party and lost tooth! School is not the same without you. When you come home will you bring me over to 4H so I can start riding again. Find me a good horse OK? We might go up to Vermont over the school break...will you be home by then? I'm so glad you're making new friends and helping other kids. You and your mom are so amazing. We love the Yankees too! You look good in Mrs. Baker's pink cover up. No need to write back because I know you're busy. I miss alot and can't wait for you to feel better.
Love, Mrs. Krause
Hi Hannah,
We think your new hairstyle looks cool. We love your pictures, especially seeing your smiling face.
Derek Jeter is our favorite Yankee too.
We saw Colby in "Hansel & Gretel"-she did great.
We are very excited that you are making a video. We hope you feel better. And we really MISS YOU so much.
Love, Joe & Colleen x0x0x0
Dear Hannah.....what a pleasure to see you laughing and smiling. You and your family are in our daily prayers and we know you will get better real soon. We can't wait for the summer so we can do the beach at New Suffolk. Be strong and we'll see you real soon.......
With Love, Dominick and Rylie Skrezec