Sunday, March 25
Hannah has had an eventful few days. Thursday she had her practice session for her shorter treatments beginning on Tuesday. Her nurse Rachel and I were allowed to stay in the room with Hannah since it was only practice. She was laying on the table, they put on her mask, then it bolts down to the table, so that she is not able to move. The mask is quite tight since they want absolutely no movement during the radiation treatments. We listened to her book on tape and she did great (much better than I would have). So, beginning Tuesday she will no longer to have anesthesia with her treatments. This means we don't have to restrict her eating in the morning and she won't have the recovery time after treatment like she does now. We are having a party after treatment on Monday to celebrate-NO MORE ANESTHESIA!!
Dave came up on Thursday so that I could travel home to see Colby in her first school play. Here is a picture of Colby as a gingerbread cookie in Hansel and Gretel, it was wonderful!
We also met with our oncologist on Thursday who said Hannah is doing great! So great, she may start her chemotherapy soon. How is that for a prize? We know it has to start sometime, you can't avoid it, so we'll be ready when they begin.
On Saturday morning Hannah got a visit from Uncle George and Aunt Mary Katherine. She likes to have visitors, and was happy to see them. Then, Dave and Hannah went to the Boston Bruins/NY Rangers Hockey game. It's only a short walk from the hospital, and Hannah was excited to get out, and sit in the special wheelchair section. I came back up and Dave headed home on Saturday afternoon, to go see Colby in the play on Sunday. Hannah and I took a trip to the Aquarium today again. We saw the harbor seal show, the penguins, the tank divers, the 3D IMAX on the Deep Sea (which was very realistic and a bit scary too) and had lunch out. I tried to entice her with fish shaped ravioli, but after 4 bites we were done. Her appetite is really waning now, so we'll see what they say at treatment tomorrow.
To wrap it up, here is a picture of Hannah with Audrey, the childlife specialist at Spaulding. She runs the playroom, helps with things like anger management, sadness, etc. and really just plays with the kids to help keep their spirits up and make sure they stay busy. Hannah absolutely loves her. Last week they painted her fingernails and toenails 20 different colors. When we went over for radiation treatment, they had to choose a finger which wasn't painted blue. They told us the machine that reads her pulse couldn't read it! This is a picture of Hannah and Audrey and their syringe painting. What an artist! What a mess! But lots of fun too!
XOXO Kim and Hannah
Dave came up on Thursday so that I could travel home to see Colby in her first school play. Here is a picture of Colby as a gingerbread cookie in Hansel and Gretel, it was wonderful!
On Saturday morning Hannah got a visit from Uncle George and Aunt Mary Katherine. She likes to have visitors, and was happy to see them. Then, Dave and Hannah went to the Boston Bruins/NY Rangers Hockey game. It's only a short walk from the hospital, and Hannah was excited to get out, and sit in the special wheelchair section. I came back up and Dave headed home on Saturday afternoon, to go see Colby in the play on Sunday. Hannah and I took a trip to the Aquarium today again. We saw the harbor seal show, the penguins, the tank divers, the 3D IMAX on the Deep Sea (which was very realistic and a bit scary too) and had lunch out. I tried to entice her with fish shaped ravioli, but after 4 bites we were done. Her appetite is really waning now, so we'll see what they say at treatment tomorrow.
To wrap it up, here is a picture of Hannah with Audrey, the childlife specialist at Spaulding. She runs the playroom, helps with things like anger management, sadness, etc. and really just plays with the kids to help keep their spirits up and make sure they stay busy. Hannah absolutely loves her. Last week they painted her fingernails and toenails 20 different colors. When we went over for radiation treatment, they had to choose a finger which wasn't painted blue. They told us the machine that reads her pulse couldn't read it! This is a picture of Hannah and Audrey and their syringe painting. What an artist! What a mess! But lots of fun too!
Hi Hannah,
I am glad to see you are smiling. That must mean you are feeling better. I love your short hair. My whole family loves the syringe painting, especially my Mom. We missed Colby in the play because my brother was sick. Everyone who saw it said it was great.
I miss you-get better soon.
Ty Bugdin
Hey Hannah,I love your hair cut!! You look so cute!! How exciting for you to have gone to see a hockey game! That must have been very exciting for you.I also love your painting.We all miss you sweetheart,get better soon. Love,Mrs.Esposito and Billy.
Hi Hannie: We were so happy to get your phone call today!! You are really doing great. And by the way---your new hair cut does not make you look like a boy. A boy doesn't have your beautiful smile and sparkling big brown eyes!! And besides, it makes me remember when you were a little baby and you didn't have any hair until you were about 1 1/2 years old!!! We will have to look at old pictures and show you your little bald head!!!
Grampa is saving up his dollars to pay you for each meal you eat. Right now I think you are at $11.00 right? That was a good bet that you made.
Your painting looks really neat and you must have had fun doing that.
Take care. We miss you bunches and send you lots and lots of hugs and kisses.
Grampa & Gramma
Hi Hannah!!!!!
Leave it to daddy to find a Ranger game! I'm guessing he already knows when the first Yankees/Red Sox game is??
Sounds like you are making great progress. Keep up the great work, we are all so proud of you!
Good luck tomorrow, I'll be thinking of you.
Hugs and smooches,
Uncle Mike
Your hair cut looks fabulous!!!! It has inspired me to get my hair cut short. Do you mine if I copy you? We love reading your blog and seeing what great progress you are making. Keep up the good work. We think about you, Mommy, Daddy, and Colby everyday, wishing you all well.
Love, Aunt Paige, Lynsey, and Kate
ve been
Hello Pretty Young Lady,
My name is Jim Silvestri and my daughter is Kim McDonald and James and Sean are my Grandsons. I have been hearing about you for some time now and have been thinking about you. You don't know me but I can tell you that I am thinking of you and your family . I love the Yankees too!! YOU ARE MY HERO!!!!