Saturday, March 24
Just a quick post with a few new photos. Hannah's hair is really coming out in clumps now, I would imagine in another couple days it will all be gone. She wanted a hair cut tonight (like Colby's when she was 4 years old what she requested). She said it was falling out anyway, so she wanted it cut. So here are a few pictures with a few friends and her beautiful new prayer shrug. She doesn't seem to mind that much right now about the hair (other than she said she looks like a boy now), so we're making it fun, cutting it however she wants to!

And here is her second haircut of the day, she wanted even shorter bangs. She seemed to like this much better! Hannah and I just finished reading the new comments on the blog, thank you all so much. More from us tomorrow,
What a beautiful girl!! I love the short hair. Hannah, I met you about 5 years ago when you were just teeny, and now you're so big! And brave! Keep up the great work. You and your mom and your family are super heroes!
hi hannah its kristin,
even though i love your long hair, your short hair looks even more beautiful; i love it!! keep up the awesome job that you are doing, so i can see you sooner. i miss you like crazy! also, i went to walk riley last week, he is getting soo big, he jumped on me and almost knocked me down. ok sweetie, feel better and we all miss you..
Love You : )
Hi Hannah,
We are looking at your pictures and Charley said "Oh she looks soo good!" Maisy said "She looks so happy!" We are so glad to be able to see pictures of you. Maisy and Charley love your American Girl doll. Is that Nikki? Take care and feel good. Bernard says "Hi". We love and miss you.
Mr and Mrs Claudio, Maisy,
and of course Charley
Hey there Hannah!
Love the new Doo!! Just think, your hair will grow back soon. Uncle Mike's on the other hand....well, that's another story! Keep up the great work sweetie, you are doing fantastic.
Love, Uncle Mike
Hi Hannah Banana,
It's me Abigail and....Joseph...
We miss you. We made a new trail in our woods yesterday so we can ride bikes. we cant wait to show it to you. I had my play today and it went real well you sister was a gingerbread cookie. We had McDonalds and wished you were with us.Cant wait to see you on Saturday.
Sound like you and your mom are having fun with your new doo. Love and miss you.Abby and
The Greab family xoxo to you and mom
Hi Hannah-
You have such big beautiful eyes with a terrific smile that any hair style will look great on you. I'm glad to know you are doing better. Keep up the good work and keep smiling.
Love you-
Aunt Josephine