Wednesday, March 21
Hannah showed us all today how she can walk "on her own" with her therapist behind her and not really touching her. As she continues to get stronger, her balance will continue to improve also. She was oh so happy this morning!
Today was treatment #10. The doctors want us to come early tomorrow for a practice session. They want to practice and see if Hannah can be still with her mask on for a whole 20 mintues. If she can, she won't have to have the anesthesia when she starts her boost treatments (only to the tumor site) next Tuesday. Hannah seemed very nonchalant about the whole thing, even when they brought her mask in and had her put it on today. It's made of a thermoplastic, which is like a very thick cheesecloth. It was made especially for her head shape, they formed it to her face during her radiation planning when we first arrived. It's like a hockey mask, that's what I tell her. She doesn't mind it at all (yet).
I tried to find a couple pictures online of this whole process. The first picture below on the left is a picture of a girl in her mask on the treatment table. The middle picture is a more close up photo of the mask itself, and the last picture is the treament room where Hannah is every day. This treatment room is only part of the proton process, the room where the beam comes from is very large, over 3 stories high. The beam is then tunneled into the three treatment rooms they have here, and they can all function simultaneously. They call our room the monkey room-you can see the monkeys hanging on the right. The picture doesn't do the room justice, it's huge and very crowded when we go in every day. There are computer monitors everywhere, and usually about 6 people in the room besides Hannah and I. I put Hannah up on the table, her IV is already hooked to her port, and the anesthesiologist immediately starts the anesthetic, so she is usually asleep within about 20 seconds. The table she lies on extends out into that big circular area, so we always have to be careful not to fall in. I'm allowed to hold her hand and give her a kiss as they put her to sleep, so I always have to be conscious not to fall in or accidently bump anyone else in.
Today Hannah wore her Yankee hat to treatment. As you can imagine, it causes quite a stir in Red Sox territory, but that is why she wore it. Jim-one of the technicians told Hannah that he was going to tattoo her with "B"'s all over her body while she was sleeping. She actually does have several small dot tattoos all over her head and back, so that they can position the beam properly. When she came out Ron-another technician had drawn a "B" on her left hand. Of course we washed it off immediately and plan to replace it tomorrow with NYY drawings on both hands so they will be noticed when she is there tomorrow. She really loves all these people here.


Today was treatment #10. The doctors want us to come early tomorrow for a practice session. They want to practice and see if Hannah can be still with her mask on for a whole 20 mintues. If she can, she won't have to have the anesthesia when she starts her boost treatments (only to the tumor site) next Tuesday. Hannah seemed very nonchalant about the whole thing, even when they brought her mask in and had her put it on today. It's made of a thermoplastic, which is like a very thick cheesecloth. It was made especially for her head shape, they formed it to her face during her radiation planning when we first arrived. It's like a hockey mask, that's what I tell her. She doesn't mind it at all (yet).
I tried to find a couple pictures online of this whole process. The first picture below on the left is a picture of a girl in her mask on the treatment table. The middle picture is a more close up photo of the mask itself, and the last picture is the treament room where Hannah is every day. This treatment room is only part of the proton process, the room where the beam comes from is very large, over 3 stories high. The beam is then tunneled into the three treatment rooms they have here, and they can all function simultaneously. They call our room the monkey room-you can see the monkeys hanging on the right. The picture doesn't do the room justice, it's huge and very crowded when we go in every day. There are computer monitors everywhere, and usually about 6 people in the room besides Hannah and I. I put Hannah up on the table, her IV is already hooked to her port, and the anesthesiologist immediately starts the anesthetic, so she is usually asleep within about 20 seconds. The table she lies on extends out into that big circular area, so we always have to be careful not to fall in. I'm allowed to hold her hand and give her a kiss as they put her to sleep, so I always have to be conscious not to fall in or accidently bump anyone else in.
Today Hannah wore her Yankee hat to treatment. As you can imagine, it causes quite a stir in Red Sox territory, but that is why she wore it. Jim-one of the technicians told Hannah that he was going to tattoo her with "B"'s all over her body while she was sleeping. She actually does have several small dot tattoos all over her head and back, so that they can position the beam properly. When she came out Ron-another technician had drawn a "B" on her left hand. Of course we washed it off immediately and plan to replace it tomorrow with NYY drawings on both hands so they will be noticed when she is there tomorrow. She really loves all these people here.

Dear Hannah,
We got worms at school. Mine is named "Fireball". Colleen named hers "Nicole". Don't worry, I will teach you all about the worms when you get home. Maybe I could bring a worm to your house, if your Mom says it is o.k.
Love, Joe
Dear Hannah,
I'm glad you met some new friends there because it would probably be pretty boring if there were no other kids there. Nicholas seems very nice.
I like the Yankees, too.
Love, Colleen
Dear Hannah,
We love visiting your blog, especially now that you are writing in also!!!! You're so lucky you got a new Webkinz....we have that one also, as well as a panda bear. Ryan wants a jaguar or a lion REALLY bad but he can't find one anywhere!!!! I love how you are showing your New York Yankee spirit!!! I went to school in Massachusetts and I know how those Red Sox fans are!!!! Keep up the good work........!!!!!!
Love, The Seifert Family
hi hannah,
we know you are big yankee fans, so we were waiting to see how long it took for you let those Boston Red Sox fans know that! We are huge yankee fans too. Who is your favorite player? Mine is Melky Cabrera, and Alex Rodriguez.(i know he strikes out a lot) Best Wishes to you and your family
Love,The Mackins
Hi Hannah,
I know you love the Yankees, and guess what so do I! The Yankee season has just started, and I'm so excited! I think it is so cool of you to keep your own blog, and i love to read, and write in it. I'm glad you are making new friends, and are having a fun time with your technicians. Best Wishes*, and stay strong ;)
Love, ~Melanie Mackin~
Dear hannah,
Hi! charley and I got webkinz! I want you to be my buddy with your webkinz. Hope you feel better.And bernard says hi
Hey there Hannah Banana!!
Do I need to send you some Houston Astros gear to help fight off those Red Sox lovers?! Sounds like you are making fantastic progress, keep up the great work. We are all very proud of you. Sounds like you are a HUGE help for your friend Nicholas as well. I'm so glad you have someone so nice to play with there. Keep on eating those chips and salsa; let me know if I need to send up some Texas BBQ!!
Thinking of you always,
Uncle Mike
Dear Hannah and Kim,
Hannah we are so happy that you are in Boston getting the best possible care. Hannah, Do you remember going to gymnastics with my daughter Hannah in Riverhead? You both spell your name the same way!!! Your mom came to our house a few years ago and did a yoga birthday party for her when she was 4 or 5. My husband even tried to do the limbo! scary thought! Keep up the good work,( i'm a red sox fan i grew up in Massachusetts), but Hannah likes the yankees and the redsox. How are Miko and Nicolas? Your horse cookies look yummy. Do you have any favorite colors?
Love, Tracy Sutton & Family
Hi, Hannah. I love reading your blogs and keeping in touch with you and your mom. The photos are great! I'm so glad you've been making friends with your "neighbors" and those wonderful caring adults! I'm sure you enjoy the dog visitors. I think the black one looks like a bear! Love, Mrs. Moore
Hi Hannah,
Wow what a cool machine Mom said you did real well the other day-We are so proud of you. Abigail thinks you are very brave. We can not wait to see you. The Hansel and Gretal play was last night and Colby and Abigail as well as all the kids did a perfect play. Someone video taped it so we will get a copy to you. Abigails tooth came out during the play-I wonder what the tooth fairy will give her? She loves those Webkinz and cant wait to play with you online
What books on tape have you listened to? We miss you so very much. Everyone says hello.Keep strong and your spirit Happy. Blessings to you my bright little star.
Love you,
Diane,Tom,Kaitlin,Abigail &Joseph
Dear hannah bannana,
Hey how are you? There was a baby horse born at the barn where I ride at. We are sending you a picture of the foal! The baby's name is Duce, he is so fun to watch play with his mommy! Well I hope you are doing ok!
Love your cousin,