Wednesday, March 28
We are halfway there, today was Hannah's treatment #15. Hannah is doing great with her new phase of treatments. The first day of no anesthesia was a bit nerve wracking, just getting used to the adjustment of the mask on her face, and exactly how it should fit. Hannah and I were just a bit nervous since we were used to the old system of going in and falling asleep. Now I get to stay while they position her on the table, adjust everything, put her mask on and strap it down. There is really no room for error, since the mask fits very tightly to ensure there is no movement during the aiming of the beam. If her head would move and the radiation accidently was off even by a slight amount, it could damage her hearing or her growth or her cognitive ability. Since she is awake for these treatments, she listens to a book on DVD, right now it's Felicity, the American Girl.
She is having a bit of a problem with nausea. I have learned not to push her to eat, otherwise she just throws everything up. She does take medicine twice a day to combat it, but the area of her radiation is at the area in your brain that controls the nausea center, so it will continue to be an issue. We also have to be careful about certain foods, even smelling them now can cause her to get sick.
She did take part in a cooking class they held on Tuesday. As part of therapy, the kids organize different events. Hannah put together a scavenger hunt last week and handed them out for people to complete. Two of the older kids put together this lunch time cooking class. Here is Hannah helping with making chocolate chip cookies. Her occupational therapist, Sophia is with her in the first picture. They made hamburgers, french fries and cookies. Eveything came out great, but Hannah got sick and didn't eat any of it.

As you can see her hair is pretty much gone now, just one small patch on top. Nicholas brought her about 12 hats and other hair bands from the Jimmy Fund yesterday. He was so excited about giving them to her. One of the knitted hats has a little purse to go with it, and even though the hat is too small, that's the one she likes the best. She doesn't wear them a whole lot, unless we are going outside usually, so she doesn't really care about the hair.
Today she made a calendar to hang up in our room. She has really been having issues with when we can go home, so I suggested she make a special calendar that she can hang up and mark off the days. She heard me tell someone we have 3 more weeks of treatment left, so she had been telling everyone she is going home in 21 days. We have 15 more treatments, which is 3 weeks, as long as all goes smoothly. We marked off day one today, and she was very happy about it. It seems to be calming her anxiety about missing home a bit. She also has any visitors marked. Colby and Dad are coming up this weekend along with special visitors Diane and Abby. Then next weekend Grandma and Grandpa are coming for a few days with Colby during spring break. She so looks forward to visits, especially from Colby. xoxx Kim
She is having a bit of a problem with nausea. I have learned not to push her to eat, otherwise she just throws everything up. She does take medicine twice a day to combat it, but the area of her radiation is at the area in your brain that controls the nausea center, so it will continue to be an issue. We also have to be careful about certain foods, even smelling them now can cause her to get sick.
She did take part in a cooking class they held on Tuesday. As part of therapy, the kids organize different events. Hannah put together a scavenger hunt last week and handed them out for people to complete. Two of the older kids put together this lunch time cooking class. Here is Hannah helping with making chocolate chip cookies. Her occupational therapist, Sophia is with her in the first picture. They made hamburgers, french fries and cookies. Eveything came out great, but Hannah got sick and didn't eat any of it.
As you can see her hair is pretty much gone now, just one small patch on top. Nicholas brought her about 12 hats and other hair bands from the Jimmy Fund yesterday. He was so excited about giving them to her. One of the knitted hats has a little purse to go with it, and even though the hat is too small, that's the one she likes the best. She doesn't wear them a whole lot, unless we are going outside usually, so she doesn't really care about the hair.
Today she made a calendar to hang up in our room. She has really been having issues with when we can go home, so I suggested she make a special calendar that she can hang up and mark off the days. She heard me tell someone we have 3 more weeks of treatment left, so she had been telling everyone she is going home in 21 days. We have 15 more treatments, which is 3 weeks, as long as all goes smoothly. We marked off day one today, and she was very happy about it. It seems to be calming her anxiety about missing home a bit. She also has any visitors marked. Colby and Dad are coming up this weekend along with special visitors Diane and Abby. Then next weekend Grandma and Grandpa are coming for a few days with Colby during spring break. She so looks forward to visits, especially from Colby. xoxx Kim
Hi Hannah love,
Go Yankee's. I too am a Yankee fan. Although, I must say one year I decided to be a met fan-- my father was not too happy about that. My oldest daughter's husband is a Boston fan I told him that my grandson will have to be a Yankee fan though. Don't let the Boston club win you over stay firm with the Yankees. You go girl.
I think you look beautiful hair or no hair. Your smile glows with those sparkling eyes.
Congratulations on your step up from taking anesthia and making the half way mark on your treatments.
Try to eat when you can to keep your strength up. Did you get to eat any of those yummy looking chocolate chip cookies I saw you making? What else have you cooked?
We will have to set you up on the Food NetWork channel!
I pray that the shrug will keep you warm and feel my love to you.
Could you please tell me what is a Webkinz??? Mrs. Baker is not up on new toys or whatever this is. Let me know.
Anyway wanted to say hi and let you know you are thought of always. '
I love you much.
Love and Blessings
Mrs. Baker
Hi Hannah! From the pictures, nobody would ever know that you didn't feel good sometimes. You look great and you are always so smiley!. We pray every night that you feel better and that the time goes speeding by for you. You'll be home faster than a rabbit!
Keep up the great work!
Mylese, Bruce, Anna, Lyle and Blaine Reyes
Hi Hannah and Kim,
It is nice to hear about all the good things you get to do while you're up there. Congratulations on all your milestones. You'll be making them in "leaps and bounds" from now on. Hannah, you do have a beautiful smile, so keep on doing that!! Just wanted to let you know you are thought of. Love, Mrs. Scheer and Kimberly
Hi Hannah and Kim,
Thank you so much for sharing your life with all of us. When I read this I feel close to you. Hannah, I love your smile. This blog is more than just a way to keep in touch with you. I wanted to share a story with you and your family. Yesterday we had a young mom who often visits the Library tell me that she has just been diagnosed with a brain tumor. I shared your blog and your journey with her. It was wonderful to see the hope in her eyes as we discussed you and your family's journey. Sometimes we all do something without ever realizing all of the lives we touch in a very special way. I just wanted you to know that you and your family are in my prayers everyday and now your story has helped another family. Keep smiling and stay brave. Love, Mrs. Letteriello
I like the new Do! I wanted to tell you about the bat that was in our house last week and forgot. I was at the neighbors and when I came home there was a bat on a paper plate on the front step. I guess it got into the house somehow and was flying around. Uncle Victor had to smash it with the cabinet it flew behind in the upstairs area. Sydney said that it was making really loud noises and flying really fast. Uncle Victor said that he didn't let her touch it because it may have had rabies. We now had a big black mark on the wall. At least no one got hurt by it. We threw it in the trash after that.
I am happy to see how well you are doing and wanted to tell you to keep up the good work. Those cookies you were making sure looked good too!
Love Aunt Susie
Also -Happy birthday to you mommie and we will call you later today.
Aunt Susie