Treatment #23 today, only 7 more to go. All is still going well. Hannah has been having some trouble during the night, so we're just trying to work through that so she can get a full night's sleep without the trauma that she has been having lately. I think we have been really lucky that Hannah has done this well so far. I didn't think I'd be saying lucky about this, but we're realizing how much worse it can be. Hannah still has many issues to work through, and some other issues that may not even begin to surface until years down the road, but right now we feel fortunate that she has responded so well to the treatment and the therapy she is receiving here. Thank you all for your love and support,
xoxo Kim
Hi Hannah (and Kim & Dave). I'm another FOAL (Friend of Aunt Liza) living and working for the Rainforest Alliance in Costa Rica. I want to send a big abrazo to you...your blogs make me feel lucky too...I guess because your posts are so full of victories and sunshine. I wake up a lot in the night, Hannah, so when I do, I'm going to think of you and send you a secret go-to-sleep message. Listen for it, and maybe you'll feel like sending me one too. I bet that would help me fall back asleep. Someday, I hope you come to Costa Rica. You would love the monkeys and beautiful birds and butterflies here. besos, Diane
Hi Hannah,
I hope you get this email.
I am James McDonald's grandma and his mom, Kim, just like your mom told me all about you. I just read all about you on blogger. What a champ you are. And you are soooo cute. We are happy that you were able to go swimming and that you had a nice Easter. It must have been fun to go out on Easter with your family. I don't know if your mom remembers me but I took a few of her pilates classes a few years ago. Boy, she has a lot of energy, just like you. Well, you keep up the great work you are doing. James and Sean send you hugs as we all do here back home.
Marie & Eddie McDonald
Hi Hannah,
I'm Shay from Michigan City IN. My sister Megan and your Mom have been good friends since they were both about your age. I've been reading your blogs for a few weeks now. I keep hearing about you being such a big Yankees fan. My favorite team is the Cubs. I am sooo glad baseball season has finally started again. Have you ever been to a game at Yankees stadium? That would be so cool. I've been to a lot of games at Wrigley Field in Chicago. It's a beautiful place. I'm wondering who your favorite players are...maybe A-Rod or Derek Jeter? The Yankees have so many good players. My boys Reid and Riley said to tell you hello!! Keep smiling and tell your family we send our best wishes as well!
Your friend,
Hi Hannah,
I'm a FOAL too, but I'm at the Rainforest Alliance in NYC with Aunt Liza. I'm glad to hear that you had such a great Easter. I spent Easter with my neice Abbie who is 8. She is also very into Webkinz and spent the whole weekend in the pool. It sounds like you guys have a lot in common! I'm glad to hear that you are doing well and I hope you get to go home soon. Boston's okay, but New York is the best!
Lots of love,
Hi Hannah!!
It's Miss Sarah from the gym. I'm so happy that I got the blog address so I can get daily updates, I think about you everyday and send prayers to you and your family. It has made my day to see that you haven't lost that beautiful smile of yours.
When I was little and couldn't sleep my mom used to tell me to count sheep, but that never worked really well, so I used to put all my stuffed animal friends on the pillow around my head because I knew that they would keep me safe and stay awake all night to watch over me.
This exprience will make you such a strong woman, just remember we are never given more than we can handle and you are handling this with such grace and beauty, I think you are going to turn into such a role model for others going through a similar situation.You already are for me.
Keep on smiling and don't forget to laugh everyday even if it's just a small giggle.
Hi Hannah,
This is me Colby. Just wanted to say hi.
Hi Hannah and Kim, We love the pictures. Smiling helps healing. Cant wait until you get home
Love Sue and Tom
Hi Hannah hi Kim,
I love all your pictures... everytime I see them you make me smile. You and Colby look like you had a blast in the pool. Looking forward to your return home
next week. I was visiting your Grandma and Grandpa today and Riley was a wild man. he gets soooooooooooooooo excited. Love and miss you both so much Blessings and prayers Love Diane
Hi Hannah,
I'm also a FOAL and work with Aunt Liza in New York. I love your blog and seeing the pictures of you as you get better. It looks like you had a lot of fun swimming in the pool last weekend! I went to an easter egg hunt with my friend and his 3 year old son this weekend, it was so fun to help him search for those eggs. I'll be thinking about you and reading your blog to hear about all of your new adventures. Love, Neda
Hi Hannah,
Im Gail, Abigails Grandma ( Me-Me)as she and joseph call me. We are in Sarasota Florida right now and will be home to Southold next month. We send you our prayers for you to get strong and come home next week to all your loved ones waiting for you. I went swimming too you look like you and your sister Colby had fun. Well keep up the smiles
Love MeMe and Pop Pop