Tuesday, April 3
Treatment #19, tomorrow will be #20, so that's exciting. Still going well. I'm almost afraid to say it out loud, but Hannah has been off of her anti-anxiety drugs now for over 24 hours, and all is well. Now she just gets anti nausea meds, and one other fiber med. We saw another of our proton family today, a little girl who is two years old, she is a twin and had a cancerous tumor in her leg. She has been unable to get treatment since last week because of a skin reaction, her mom says it is pretty severe so they are waiting a bit for it to heal. They are only 3 treatments ahead of us. So, we're saying a prayer for Gabby and another prayer each day that Hannah continues on with the success she has had so far.
Hi Hannie: I like the picture of you and your clown friends. They are really cute!!
Grampa took Riley downstairs with him. Grampa is working outside and Riley knows when Grampa is going to be outside that he wants to be there too!!
We are getting ready for our trip to Boston tomorrow and you can be sure I won't forget the lemon cupcakes!!
You are just doing amazing and we can't wait to see you tomorrow and spend some time with you. Can't wait for my BIG hug.
See you tomorrow.
Hugs and kisses
Gramma & Grampa
Hi there Hannah,
I wanted to send you a note to say how happy I am to see you are doing well with your treatments and are coming to the end of this step.
You don't know me but I am Charleys aunt and she told me all about you and how happy she was to hear from you the other day. I thought I would send you a note to let you know there are lots and lots of us all thinking good thoughts about you all the time to help you get better - some of us you don't even know yet, but we all feel like we know what a great girl you are!
In case you are looking for things to do I am sending you this link - you and your mom can download some coloring pages and some other neat things to do to learn about the rainforests - hope you enjoy them.
I hope to meet you soon in Mattituck. Keep up the good spirits.
Hi Hannah. It's me, Kristina, again. I'm the one with the twin boys and a friend of your Aunt Sue's. I just checked your blog to see how you were doing and am HAPPY to see that you only have a few weeks left before you go home. That's very exciting!! I bet it is fun to mark off the days on your calendar.
This coming weekend is Easter, so we plan to color some eggs and eat lots of chocolate easter bunnies. I hope we don't get a tummy ache! I hope you have fun this weekend, too.
Keep smiling!!
Kristina, Aleksi and Luka
Hi Hannah,
Just loved the Yankee tatoos on your face how cool is that. What a great gift. I bet you just might win over some Bostonites to the Yankee side yet.
Did you get to get a clown nose from your clown friends? That would be fun to wear around for awhile.
As usual you still look as beautiful as ever. I am so excited to hear your are going strong with your treatments. Almost done Yea Yea.
We all look forward to your arrival home and I know you cant wait too.
Keep up the good work and remember all my prayers and heart are with you everyday.
Give Mom a hug and kiss from me and then she can give you ahug and kiss from me.
Love you a bunch.
All my love & Blessings,
Mrs. Baker (Lynnis)
Hi hannah!
I like all your art work.
I'm excited that you'll be coming home soon. We can play puppies!
I think you look really pretty. My Uncle Jack lost his hair too and it grew back really fast. He feels really good now and I hope so will you. It was fun to talk to you. Thanks for calling me.
I miss you,
Mary Kate
Hi Hannah!
I am Katherine, your new friend from Santa Cruz, Bolivia. I wanted to send you a great big hug, lots of love and the best wishes so that you get well really fast. I can see in your smile and your eyes that you are a very strong girl, and I am sure everything will be fine...and you might come and visit my daughter Michelle and I??
Take care and keep smiling!!!
Hi Hannah-
I work with Charley's Aunt Liza. I wanted you to know that I'm sending you lots of love from New York City. I'm so happy to hear you will be coming home sometime soon. Your strength is an inspiration to me.
Julianne Schrader
Hannah, I'm a friend of Charley's Aunt Liza. I think your blog is great and I can see that you are working hard to get better fast! Way to go! There are a whole big bunch of people supporting you and your family, so stay brave and strong, kiddo. Right now I'm writing you from the other side of the world in Indonesia. It's a really pretty place and I recommend you plan to come visit here some day.
HI Hannah!! We just sat down toghether to read through all of the entries on your web site. We all miss you , and seeing you in the pictures and hearing all about you made us feel a lot better... We are excited that we can write to you !! We are happy that you are making such good friends in Boston.... how lucky all the folks there are to have you as a buddy!
We are thinking of you each night at bedtime.... all of us pryat together for happy moments throughout your day!
LOve, francesca mommy julia daday and mia
Hi Hannah - I work with Charley's Aunt Liza. I wanted to send you love and happy thoughts from New York City. Sure looks like you're having fun with the clowns! I'm glad to hear you're on the mend and coming home soon! You're an inspiration to us all!
Staci Pierson
Hey Hannah,
You don't know me - I am a friend of Liza Murphy's, who is Charlie's Aunt. You look absolutely great in your pictures - filled with energy. Your smile is a mile wide - makes me happy just to see it. Your friends have lots of people thinking good things for you.
I am a Chemistry Professor at Hunter College, right up 68th street from Sloan Kettering. One of my ex-students is a doctor in the Urgent Care section of Sloan, and I can tell you it is the best place in the world for you to be right now.
Looks like you have lots of friends and family for support, but I'm adding my good thoughts to theirs anyway!
You stay happy,
Bill Sweeney
Hi Hannah,
I'm a friend of Charley's Aunt Liza, and I live up in Burlington Vermont. It just snowed all day here! In April, can you believe it? But I grew up on Long Island (in Amityville) and I know you must be getting some of the best treatment in the world there. Just wanted to let you know that you have friends up in Vermont thinking about you and sending you warm wishes and hugs. You look great, and I hope we get to meet you someday in person up here! Perhaps some snowboarding in your future...? :)
All the best,
Hi Hannah,
I work with Charley's Aunt Liza, not in New York City but in Guatemala, so I wanted to let you know that also in this country we are thinking of you! I admire you and your energy a lot and your clowns are funny!
Ria Stout
Bonjour Hannah!
I am a friend of your aunt Liza up here in Canada! It's still winter here, we had snow last night. You are a very very brave girl and I know that you will be home in no time. I bet you can't wait. I like reading your part of the blog. Keep us up to date on what's happening.
You got the cutest smile, mostly with this big gap between your teeth!
Big hug
Dear Hannah,
Joey is getting a Basset Hound webkinz and I am getting a Pug and a Chihuahua. The Chihuahua is very little. When our webkinz come in the mail, we will tell you our names/codes.
I like your Yankee tattoos-they are so cool. I hope you come home really soon. I miss you!
Love, Colleen xoxoxo
Dear Hannah,
I really like your picture with the clowns.
3 more days till Easter!!! I know the Easter Bunny will find you there-he found us in our camper in Florida last year.
Your stuffed animals from Build-a-Bear look really cute.
I miss you and can't wait until you get home!
Love, Joe xoxoxo
Hello Sweetie.
My name is Sandy and my friend told me about you and how much you like to read your messages in your blog.
You look adorable and are a very pretty girl. I also have a daughter and her name is Kimberlly. She is 8 years old and she loves dogs. I hope you are feeling very, very good and that you stay as happy as you look in the pics you have posted in this blog. I will have my daughter post a message for you sometime and maybe post a picture of her also.