Wednesday, April 11
Treatment #25 today, only 5 more to go. Unbelievable and a bit scary too to think that this will be over next week and we can come home. Hannah is really amazing all of us with her ability to walk and dance and even run! She is not doing any of these things alone yet, but to see her run down the hall with her therapist is very exciting! Her doctors have all given her great reports, and we were told today that she is doing very well. Here levels aren't what they would be normally, but they are somewhat acceptable for a child receiving radiation treatment. They're trying to build her up as much as possible before she does begin her next hurdle-that's the chemotherapy.
They attribute much of her recovery to not starting the chemotherapy yet, which tends to really set most kids back during their rehab. So it's been a blessing that she hasn't received the chemo yet, and that her body has been able to get stronger. Here is Hannah with one of her many mermaid creations-thank you Nancy for hours and hours of mermaid fun (and I'm kidding about the hours and hours part)!
Hannah began a bit of preparation with the therapists today for her release and return to home and school. This is very emotional for her. It's safe here, and all of the kids are in the hospital with something. Having no hair and being in a wheelchair is normal here, but won't be once we get home. Preparing her for that is what they are working on now. We are hoping that Hannah will be able to go to school after we get home and before she starts her chemotherapy, so look for her back in school very soon. She will need to continure with her physical and occupational therapy once we get home, and she will need to begin to prepare for her chemo, so her attendance may be somewhat sporadic, but we're hoping she can start half days right away!
Tomorrow we're all set for a field trip to the Atrium Mall with the other kids and therapists. They will have a mall scavenger hunt, take a tour around and just relax out of the hospital. They do theraeputic field trips every Thursday, so this will be our last one. We're both looking forward to a little time away for some fun, and the kids do have a good time together when they go places.
They feel safe together, and they all really know each other now.
Here is a picture of Hannah with her new dog Scruffy. She loves this dog and has decided to take it with us around the hospital, outside of the hospital and even over to the proton center for treatment. You probably can't see the medical tape attached to Scruffy's feet, so that Scruffy doesn't get too dirty. It does seem to be working.
Hannah began a bit of preparation with the therapists today for her release and return to home and school. This is very emotional for her. It's safe here, and all of the kids are in the hospital with something. Having no hair and being in a wheelchair is normal here, but won't be once we get home. Preparing her for that is what they are working on now. We are hoping that Hannah will be able to go to school after we get home and before she starts her chemotherapy, so look for her back in school very soon. She will need to continure with her physical and occupational therapy once we get home, and she will need to begin to prepare for her chemo, so her attendance may be somewhat sporadic, but we're hoping she can start half days right away!
Tomorrow we're all set for a field trip to the Atrium Mall with the other kids and therapists. They will have a mall scavenger hunt, take a tour around and just relax out of the hospital. They do theraeputic field trips every Thursday, so this will be our last one. We're both looking forward to a little time away for some fun, and the kids do have a good time together when they go places.
Here is a picture of Hannah with her new dog Scruffy. She loves this dog and has decided to take it with us around the hospital, outside of the hospital and even over to the proton center for treatment. You probably can't see the medical tape attached to Scruffy's feet, so that Scruffy doesn't get too dirty. It does seem to be working.
Hey Hannah,
We are so glad to hear that you are becoming stronger and that you can come home very soon! It sounds very exciting to go on trips every Thursday i wish we could do that.
Well see you very soon!
Love The Murphy's
Hey Hannah,
I talked to mom last night and she is very excited that you are almost there. We are looking forward to soming to see you in May for your first communion. Sydney can't wait. We are both really sick and Sydney has an ear infection in both ears. We didn't get to do alot for Easter because we were in bed for most of the weekend feeling sick. We were exicted to see that you got the golden egg.
Love you,
Aunt Susie, Uncle Victor, Sydney
Hey Hannah Banana!
Looks like you are running the roost there! You are probably at your scavenger hunt right now but if you're not, be sure to look in the store that sells ice cream. Even if you don't find anything there, you can come away with a cone!!
Have a wonderful day and we can't wait for you to come hom.
Uncle Mike
Hi Hannah!
I am a friend of Charley's Aunt Liza and I work as a nurse for the animals at the Queens Zoo. You should ask your Mom if you can come visit me some day when the weather gets nicer after you are home. I will introduce you to the animals at my zoo!
Nina Palmer
Hi Hannah Dear,
I was away last week and have been very busy at school Sorry I have not written. I will be away again this weekend.
Well you beautiful girl you are coming down to the home stretch. I am so glad to know you will be coming home soon. I am sure you are very excited too. I know you will miss your new friends but will still see them from time to time.
I love the new dog scruffy. How cute is he. Well, I finally found out and actually saw a webkinz. I think scruffy is cooler.
I think your new dancing bunny is pretty neat too and love your hat. You always look so beautiful and your smile brightens my day always.
What great fun you had swimming with Colby ( hope that water was warm). Happy to hear you had a wonderful Easter with your family.
I look forward to your return home and back to school.
Your are a amazing girl. Hang in there for the last round of treatments. I pray for good health and many blessings upon you.
I love you much.
Love & Blessings
Mrs. Baker (Lynnis)
Hi Hannah,I love the mermaid in your picture,she is as pretty as you are !! I also like your dog Scruffy. We all can't wait for you and Mom to come home.Will see you very soon.Love,Mrs.Esposito
Hi Hannah,
We are SO excited that you will be coming back to school soon. We can't wait to see you. We love your new pictures-Scruffy is so adorable.
Our Aunt Gloria lives in Mssachusetts-she visited us this week-we gave her a present for you-she is going to deliver it to the hospital-Hope you get it.
Love, Colleen & Joe xoxoxoxoxo
hi Hannah !!
It's Wendy from Vermont again (Rainforest Alliance). Now I know for sure that you like horses because I saw another one in one of the great pictures.
Is it possible that you get CUTER every single time I check your blog ?? Your smile is so big it must hurt your cheeks. You are inspiring me and I wish you so many good things.
love and hugs,
Wendy in Vermont
Ursila, Falcon and Oliver :)